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  • 我的Vue 环境配置(vue-devtools安装过程)

    E:vue-test>cnpm i axios
    √ Installed 1 packages
    √ Linked 1 latest versions
    √ Run 0 scripts
    √ All packages installed (2 packages installed from npm registry, used 352ms(network 349ms), speed 26.86kB/s, json 2(9.38kB), tarball 0B)

    E:vue-test>cnpm i bootstrap
    √ Installed 1 packages
    √ Linked 0 latest versions
    √ Run 0 scripts
    peerDependencies WARNING bootstrap@* requires a peer of @popperjs/core@^2.9.2 but none was installed
    √ All packages installed (1 packages installed from npm registry, used 238ms(network 236ms), speed 40.47kB/s, json 1(9.55kB), tarball 0B)

    E:vue-test>cnpm install vue
    √ Installed 1 packages
    √ Linked 0 latest versions
    √ Run 0 scripts
    √ All packages installed (1 packages installed from npm registry, used 305ms(network 303ms), speed 102.53kB/s, json 1(31.07kB), tarball 0B)

    E:vue-test>cnpm install
    npminstall WARN package.json not exists: E:vue-testpackage.json
    √ Installed 0 packages
    √ Linked 0 latest versions
    √ Run 0 scripts
    √ All packages installed (used 7ms(network 3ms), speed 0B/s, json 0(0B), tarball 0B)

    E:vue-test>cnpm install vue-devtools
    √ Installed 1 packages
    √ Linked 0 latest versions
    √ Run 0 scripts
    √ All packages installed (1 packages installed from npm registry, used 1s(network 1s), speed 1.2kB/s, json 1(1.26kB), tarball 0B)

    5、进入目录 node_modules
    E:vue-test>cd node_modules

    6、进入目录 vue-devtools
    E:vue-test ode_modules>cd vue-devtools

    7、输入命令 cnpm install

    E:vue-test ode_modulesvue-devtools>cnpm install
    √ Installed 2 packages
    √ Linked 264 latest versions
    [1/2] scripts.postinstall electron@8.2.0 › @electron/get@1.12.4 › global-agent@2.2.0 › core-js@^3.6.5 run "node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}"", root: "E:\vue-test\node_modules\vue-devtools\node_modules\_core-js@3.13.1@core-js"
    Thank you for using core-js ( https://github.com/zloirock/core-js ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library!

    The project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon:
    > https://opencollective.com/core-js
    > https://www.patreon.com/zloirock

    Also, the author of core-js ( https://github.com/zloirock ) is looking for a good job -)

    [1/2] scripts.postinstall electron@8.2.0 › @electron/get@1.12.4 › global-agent@2.2.0 › core-js@^3.6.5 finished in 68ms
    [2/2] scripts.postinstall electron@8.2.0 run "node install.js", root: "E:\vue-test\node_modules\vue-devtools\node_modules\_electron@8.2.0@electron"
    [2/2] scripts.postinstall electron@8.2.0 finished in 2s
    √ Run 2 scripts
    Recently updated (since 2021-05-24): 7 packages (detail see file E:vue-test ode_modulesvue-devtools ode_modules.recently_updates.txt)
    → electron@8.2.0 › @electron/get@1.12.4 › global-agent@2.2.0 › boolean@^3.0.1(3.1.0) (04:51:29)
    √ All packages installed (294 packages installed from npm registry, used 10s(network 8s), speed 84.77kB/s, json 266(704.77kB), tarball 0B)

    E:vue-test ode_modulesvue-devtoolsvendermanifest.json
    搜索:"persistent": 并修改fales 为 true,然后保存。

    10、说明:如果在Microsoft Edge 浏览器中,同样可以使用,因为两者的内核是一样的。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nxmxl/p/14835569.html
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