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  • 微信小程序支付前端源码

     1 //index.js
     2 Page({
     3   data: {
     5   },
     6   //点击支付按钮进行支付
     7   payclick: function () {
     8     var t = this;
     9     wx.login({
    10       //获取code换取openID
    11       success: function (res) {
    12         //code = res.code //返回code
    13         console.log("获取code");
    14         console.log(res.code);
    15         var opid = t.getOpenId(res.code);
    16       }
    17     })
    18   },
    19   //获取openID
    20   getOpenId: function (code) {
    21     var that = this;
    22     wx.request({
    23       url: "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/jscode2session?appid=你的appid&secret=AppSecret(小程序密钥)&js_code=" + code + "&grant_type=authorization_code",
    24       data: {},
    25       method: 'GET',
    26       success: function (res) {
    27         console.log("获取openid")
    28         console.log(res)
    29         that.setData({
    30           openid: res.data.openid,
    31           session_key: res.data.session_key
    32         })
    33         that.generateOrder(res.data.openid)
    34       },
    35       fail: function () {
    36         // fail
    37       },
    38       complete: function () {
    39         // complete
    40       }
    41     })
    42   },
    43   //生成商户订单
    44   generateOrder: function (openid) {
    45     var that = this
    46     wx.request({
    47       url: 'http://localhost:25492/wx/getda',//后台请求地址
    48       method: 'GET',
    49       data: {
    50         gfee: '商品价钱',
    51         gname: '商品名称',
    52         openId: openid
    53         //(商品价钱和商品名称根据自身需要是否传值, openid为必传)
    54       },
    55       success: function (res) {
    56         console.log("后台获取数据成功");
    57         console.log(res);
    58         var param = { "timeStamp": res.data.timeStamp, "package": res.data.package, "paySign": res.data.paySign, "signType": "MD5", "nonceStr": res.data.nonceStr };
    59          //发起支付
    60         that.pay(param);
    61       },
    62       fail: function (res) {
    63         console.log("向后台发送数据失败")
    64       }
    65     })
    66   },
    67   //支付
    68   pay: function (param) {
    69     var that = this;
    70     console.log("发起支付")
    71     console.log(param)
    72     wx.requestPayment({
    73       timeStamp: param.timeStamp,
    74       nonceStr: param.nonceStr,
    75       package: param.package,
    76       signType: param.signType,
    77       paySign: param.paySign,
    78       success: function (res) {
    79         console.log("success");
    80         console.log(res);
    81       },
    82       fail: function (res) {
    83         console.log("fail")
    84         console.log(res);
    85       },
    86       complete: function (res) {
    87         console.log("complete");
    88         console.log(res)
    89       }
    90     })
    91   }
    92 })

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    微信支付小程序  C#后端

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oneall/p/9548448.html
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