class Solution: # @return: The same instance of this class every time __m_Solution=None @classmethod def getInstance(self): # write your code here if self.__m_Solution == None: self.__m_Solution=Solution() return self.__m_Solution def __init__(self): pass
遍历二叉树路径,输出与给定值相同的所有路径,这里是递归调用的,本来像把递归改成循环的 但是高了好久 没搞出来····
class Solution: # @param {int} target an integer # @return {int[][]} all valid paths def binaryTreePathSum(self, root, target): # Write your code here res = [] path = [] import copy def getallpath(current, path, res): if current == None: return path.append(current.val) if current.left != None: getallpath(current.left,copy.deepcopy(path), res) if current.right != None: getallpath(current.right,copy.deepcopy(path),res) if current.left is None and current.right is None: res.append(path) getallpath(root,path,res) ps=[] for p in res: sum=0 for v in p: sum=sum+v if sum==target:ps.append(p) return ps
三角形计数 给定一个整数数组,在该数组中,寻找三个数,分别代表三角形三条边的长度,问,可以寻找到多少组这样的三个数来组成三角形
选择排序加二分查找的方法来提高效率,python默认的递归有上线,需要设置, 还有二分查找的方法是先确认最大最小边然后找第三边,这样条件就变成一个
class Solution: # @param S: a list of integers # @return: a integer def triangleCount(self, S): # write your code here def quicksort(a): # 快速排序 if len(a) < 2: return a else: pivot = a[0] less = [i for i in a[1:] if i <= pivot] greator = [i for i in a[1:] if i > pivot] return quicksort(less) + [pivot] + quicksort(greator) n = len(S) if n < 3: return import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000) S = quicksort(S) sum = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): l = i + 1 r = j target = S[j] - S[i] while l < r: mid = (l + r) // 2 if S[mid] > target: r = mid else: l = mid + 1 sum = sum + j - l return sum
""" Definition of TreeNode: class TreeNode: def __init__(self, val): this.val = val this.left, this.right = None, None Definition of Doubly-ListNode class DoublyListNode(object): def __init__(self, val, next=None): self.val = val self.next = self.prev = next """ class Solution: """ @param root, the root of tree @return: a doubly list node """ def bstToDoublyList(self, root): # Write your code here l=[] if root is None:return stack=[] current=root dlist=None cur=None last=None while len(stack)> 0 or current is not None: while current is not None: stack.append(current) current=current.left current=stack.pop() l.append(current.val) cur=DoublyListNode(current.val) cur.prev=last if last is not None: last.next=cur last=cur if dlist is None :dlist=cur current=current.right return dlist