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  • Every Tom,Dick and Harry. 不管张三李四。

    1 every  adj   每个,最大的,所有的,一切的

       Every other girl except me is wearing jeans.   除了我之外的每个女孩都穿着牛仔裤。

       I have had to work for every single penny I earned.   我赚的每一个便士都是我辛苦工作赚的。

       He has read every book on the shelves.  他把书架上的每一本书都读完了。

       I  enjoyed every minute of the party.  我很享受这个聚会的每一分钟。

    2 Tom  n  1)雄性动物,雄火鸡 2)(名)汤姆

       Tom and I are rivals for the job.  我和汤姆是这次求职的竞争对手。

       Tom was swimming in bliss.  汤姆处于极乐中。

       Tom was proud of his new car.   汤姆为他的新车感到骄傲。

       Tom is going to buy either a gituar or a piano.  汤姆不是买个吉他就是买个钢琴。

       Tom felt a tug at his sleeve.   汤姆觉得有人拉了拉他的衣袖。

      Tom is one of the seers in the sisteenth century.   汤姆是十六世纪的先知之一。

     I know many of them such as Tom ,John and Tom.  我认识他们当中的很多人,例如约翰,彼得和汤姆。

    3 Dick  n 1)家伙,侦探,阴茎 2)Dick 3)迪克

      His name is Richord but we call him Dick.   他的名字是理查,但是我们叫他迪克。

      We don't want any (old) Tom,Dick and Harry using the club bar.  我们不想随便任何人使用酒吧。

      She's  such a clever Dick.  这部电影深受年轻人的喜爱。

      Dick and I are to be married at Christ Church at noon on Thursday the tenth.  我和迪克于本月10日星期四在教堂举行婚礼。

    4 and  conj  和,那么,加

       Work hard and you will be successful.  努力工作,你就会成功。

       My father and mother went for a walk.   我爸爸妈妈去散步了。

    5  harry  v 侵扰,侵袭,打扰,侵略

       Harold's nickname was Harry.    哈罗德的昵称是哈里。

       Tom went off in one direction,Harry in another.  汤姆超一个方向走,哈里则朝另一个方向。

       I was still getting over Perter,when I met and fell in love with Harry.   我与皮特情丝未断之际,又遇上并且和哈里谈起了恋爱。

       Harry is flattered  to have been given the manager's job,but if he makes one mistake they will throw him to the wolves.  哈里被任命经理职位他很高兴,但是如果他犯错误,他们会使他深陷困难中。

      Harry was hurt by an allusion to his failure.  有人暗讽哈里的失败,使他受到伤害。

      The army harried the enemy's border.  军队不断侵扰敌方边境。 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/onroad2016/p/6940079.html
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