android list packages
创建 Android Virtual Device ---- AVD
anroid create avd -n JerryTest -t 1 --skin WVGA800 -sdcard 1000M
删除 AVD
android delete avd -n JerryTest
emulator -avd JerryTest -scale 96dpi -dpi-device 217 -no-boot-anim -wipe-data
-avd JerryTest : e.g. specify the AVD you want to load and run.
-scale 96dpi: e.g. the resolution of the fonts being used on your screen (this is the default on gnome)
-dpi-device 217: the dpi for the device you are emulating (you can go to www.gsmarena.com and lookup the device you are trying to emulate... and most likely gawk (no, not GNU awk) a bit at all the pretty devices)
-no-boot-anim: get rid of the boot animation although even with this, I noticed the start up time is quite slow... perhaps reducing that SD card size would help!! -wipe-data: wipe the previous emulation's stored data - you may not want this option if you want your testing and debugging session to pick up where you left off last time
telnet连接AVD telnet localhost 5554 安装APK至AVD adb -s emulator-5554 install apk_name.apk 从AVD卸载APK adb -s emulator-5554 uninstall package_name