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  • 对libpq进行简单的c++封装


     1 #ifndef _DBCONN_HPP_
    2 #define _DBCONN_HPP_
    4 #include <iostream>
    5 #include <string>
    6 #include <libpq-fe.h>
    7 #include <map>
    8 using namespace std;
    10 typedef map<int,map<string,string> > map_result;
    12 class Conn
    13 {
    14 public:
    15 Conn(char *connstring);
    16 ~Conn();
    17 map_result Fetch(char *SQL);
    18 int Exec(char *SQL);
    19 private:
    20 void FinishConnection(PGconn *conn);
    21 void Reset();
    22 private:
    23 PGconn *_conn;
    24 const char *_conninfo;
    25 PGresult *_res;
    26 };
    29 #endif // _DBCONN_HPP_


      1 #include "DBConn.h"
    3 Conn::Conn(char *connstring)
    4 {
    5 _conninfo = connstring;
    6 _conn = PQconnectdb(_conninfo);
    7 if (PQstatus(_conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
    8 {
    9 fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to db/n%s", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    10 FinishConnection(_conn);
    11 }
    12 }
    13 Conn::~Conn()
    14 {
    15 _conninfo = NULL;
    16 FinishConnection(_conn);
    17 }
    18 void Conn::Reset()
    19 {
    20 PQfinish(_conn);
    21 _conn = PQconnectdb(_conninfo);
    22 }
    24 void Conn::FinishConnection(PGconn *conn)
    25 {
    26 PQfinish(_conn);
    27 }
    29 map_result Conn::Fetch(char *SQL)
    30 {
    31 int row, col;
    32 map_result results;
    33 map<string,string> pairs;
    34 // 检查连接
    35 if (PQstatus(_conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
    36 {
    37 this->Reset();
    38 }
    39 // 开始一个事物
    40 _res = PQexec(_conn, "BEGIN");
    41 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    42 {
    43 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to BEGIN transaction /n%s", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    44 PQclear(_res);
    45 FinishConnection(_conn);
    46 }
    47 // 建立游标
    48 string FinalSQL = string("DECLARE myportal CURSOR FOR ") +
    49 string(SQL);
    50 _res = PQexec(_conn,FinalSQL.c_str());
    51 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    52 {
    53 fprintf(stderr, "QUERY FAILED/n%s/n", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    54 PQclear(_res);
    55 FinishConnection(_conn);
    56 }
    57 PQclear(_res);
    59 _res = PQexec(_conn, "FETCH ALL in myportal");
    60 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
    61 {
    62 fprintf(stderr, "FETCH ALL failed/n%s/n", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    63 PQclear(_res);
    64 FinishConnection(_conn);
    65 }
    66 else
    67 {
    68 for (row=0;row<PQntuples(_res);row++)
    69 {
    70 for(col=0;col<PQnfields(_res);col++)
    71 {
    72 pairs[PQfname(_res,col)] = PQgetvalue(_res, row, col);
    73 }
    74 results[row] = pairs;
    75 }
    76 }
    77 // 结束一个事物
    78 _res = PQexec(_conn, "END");
    79 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    80 {
    81 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to END transaction /n%s", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    82 PQclear(_res);
    83 FinishConnection(_conn);
    84 }
    85 return results;
    86 }
    87 int Conn::Exec(char *sql)
    88 {
    89 // 检查连接
    90 if (PQstatus(_conn) != CONNECTION_OK)
    91 {
    92 this->Reset();
    93 }
    94 // 开始一个事物
    95 _res = PQexec(_conn, "BEGIN");
    96 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    97 {
    98 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to BEGIN transaction /n%s/n", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    99 PQclear(_res);
    100 FinishConnection(_conn);
    101 }
    102 // 执行插入
    103 _res = PQexec(_conn, sql);
    104 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    105 {
    106 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to execute INSERT /n%s/n", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    107 PQclear(_res);
    108 FinishConnection(_conn);
    109 }
    110 // 提交事物
    111 _res = PQexec(_conn, "COMMIT");
    112 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    113 {
    114 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to COMMIT transaction/n%s/n", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    115 PQclear(_res);
    116 FinishConnection(_conn);
    117 }
    118 // 结束一个事物
    119 _res = PQexec(_conn, "END");
    120 if (PQresultStatus(_res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
    121 {
    122 fprintf(stderr, "Failed to END transaction /n%s", PQerrorMessage(_conn));
    123 PQclear(_res);
    124 FinishConnection(_conn);
    125 }
    126 return 0;
    127 }


     1 #include <iostream>    
    2 #include "DBConn.h"
    3 using namespace std;
    5 int main()
    6 {
    7 map_result res;
    8 Conn *postgres = new Conn("host= dbname=postgres user=enterprisedb password=mayong port=5432 connect_timeout=5");
    9 for( int i=0; i<4; ++i )
    10 {
    11 postgres->Exec("insert into test (select nextval('s_id'), 'dog', 3)");
    12 }
    13 res = postgres->Fetch("SELECT * FROM test where name = 'dog'");
    14 map_result::iterator it = res.begin();
    15 for( ; it!=res.end(); ++it )
    16 {
    17 cout << "ROW:" << it->first << endl;
    18 map<string,string>::iterator itField = it->second.begin();
    19 for( ; itField!=it->second.end(); ++itField )
    20 {
    21 cout << "Field:" << itField->first << " Value:" << itField->second << endl;
    22 }
    23 }
    25 postgres->Exec("update test set name = 'cat' where name = 'dog'");
    26 cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
    27 res = postgres->Fetch("SELECT * FROM test where name = 'cat'");
    28 it = res.begin();
    29 for( ; it!=res.end(); ++it )
    30 {
    31 cout << "ROW:" << it->first << endl;
    32 map<string,string>::iterator itField = it->second.begin();
    33 for( ; itField!=it->second.end(); ++itField )
    34 {
    35 cout << "Field:" << itField->first << " Value:" << itField->second << endl;
    36 }
    37 }
    39 postgres->Exec("delete from test where name = 'cat'");
    41 delete postgres;
    42 return 0;
    43 }



    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:243

    Field:name  Value:dog


    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:244

    Field:name  Value:dog


    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:245

    Field:name  Value:dog


    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:246

    Field:name  Value:dog



    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:243

    Field:name  Value:cat


    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:244

    Field:name  Value:cat


    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:245

    Field:name  Value:cat


    Field:age  Value:3

    Field:id  Value:246

    Field:name  Value:cat

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/osyun/p/2118616.html
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