var angular = function(){}; Object.defineProperty(angular,"module",{ value:function(modulename,args){ var module = function(){ this.args = args; this.factoryObject = {}; this.controllerObject = {}; } module.prototype.factory = function(name,service){ //if service is not a function ... //if service() the result is not a object ... and so on this.factoryObject[name] = service(); } module.prototype.controller = function(name,args){ var _self = this; //init var content = { $scope:{}, scope:function(){ return content.$scope; } // $someOther:{...} } var ctrl = args.pop(); console.log(typeof ctrl); var factorys = []; while(service = args.shift()){ if(service in content){ factorys.push(content[service]) }else{ factorys.push(_self.factoryObject[service]) } } ctrl.apply(null,factorys); _self.controllerObject[name] = function(){ return content; }; } var m = new module(); window[modulename] = m; return m; } })
var hello = angular.module('Test'); hello.factory("actionService",function(){ var say = function(){ console.log("hello") } return { "say":say } }) hello.controller("doCtrl",['$scope',"actionService",function($scope,actionService){ $scope.do = function(){ actionService.say(); } }]); //调用 hello.controllerObject.doCtrl().scope().do()