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  • C#调用PMAC运动控制卡的pcomm32动态链接库的数据类型转换



    public class PMAC


            /// <summary>

            /// This function opens a channel for the program to use the PMAC driver

            /// BOOL OpenPmacDevice(DWORD dwDevice);

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dwDevice">Device number to open</param>

            /// <returns>True if successful</returns>


            public static extern bool OpenPmacDevice(uint dwDevice);


            /// <summary>

            /// This function closes the channel from your program to the PMAC driver

            /// BOOL ClosePmacDevice(DWORD dwDevice);

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dwDevice">Device number to close</param>

            /// <returns>True if successful</returns>


            public static extern bool ClosePmacDevice(uint dwDevice);


            /// <summary>

            /// Provides a way to select and configure currently installed PMAC Devices

            /// long PmacSelect( HWND hwnd );

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="hWnd">Handle to parent window for device configuration dialog</param>

            /// <returns>

            /// >= 0 and <= 7 : Device selected

            /// -1 or FFFFFFFF : User aborted with Cancel button.

            /// </returns>


            public static extern int PmacSelect(uint hWnd);


            /// <summary>

            /// Sends a string buffer to PMAC and flushes out any response from PMAC

            /// void PmacSendCommandA(DWORD dwDevice,PCHAR command)

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dwDevice">Device number</param>

            /// <param name="command">Pointer to NULL terminated string sent to PMAC</param>


            public static extern void PmacSendCommandA(uint dwDevice, string command);


            /// <summary>

            /// Most if not all of the communication with the PMAC can be handled

            /// long PmacGetResponseA(DWORD dwDevice,PCHAR response,UINT maxchar,PCHAR command);

            /// </summary>

            /// <param name="dwDevice">Device number</param>

            /// <param name="reponse">Pointer to string buffer to copy the PMACs response into</param>

            /// <param name="maxchar">Maximum characters to copy</param>

            /// <param name="command">Pointer to NULL terminated string to be sent to the PMAC as a question/command</param>

            /// <returns>

            /// The upper byte contains the status of the call, whereas all lower bytes contain the number of characters

            /// received from PMAC. If no characters were received from PMAC, check the upper bytes status code for

            /// a potential error code. See the Error Handling - ASCII Communication section for a detailed explanation.


            /// If successful, this function returns the number of characters received, including handshake characters.

            /// Otherwise FALSE (0) which implies of course that an error occurred, or no characters were received

            /// since PMAC was not required to respond.

            /// </returns>


            public static extern int PmacGetResponseA(uint dwDevice, byte[] reponse, uint maxchar, string command);



            public static extern int PmacGetBufferA(uint dwDevice, byte[] reponse, uint maxchar);



            public static extern int PmacSendLineA(uint dwDevice, string command);


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