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  • Android 系统启动日志

    06-24 08:49:33.220 80-80/? I/installd: installd firing up
    06-24 08:49:33.310 75-75/? I/DEBUG: debuggerd: Jan 9 2017 09:01:10

    --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
    06-24 08:49:33.990 72-72/? I/Vold: Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
    06-24 08:49:34.160 72-72/? D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
    06-24 08:49:34.240 72-72/? D/Vold: Volume usb state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media)
    06-24 08:49:34.320 84-84/? I/-------RIL-----: Opening tty device /dev/ttyUSB0
    06-24 08:49:34.330 84-99/? D/-------RIL-----: --------------hardware/ril/reference-ril/reference-ril.c mainLoop --------
    06-24 08:49:34.400 72-97/? D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending)
    06-24 08:49:34.400 72-97/? D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted)
    06-24 08:49:34.560 74-74/? I/Netd: Netd 1.0 starting
    06-24 08:49:35.710 76-76/? I/SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger is starting
    06-24 08:49:35.770 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W...
    06-24 08:49:35.810 76-112/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:49:35.970 76-112/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:49:36.020 76-112/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:49:36.180 76-112/? E/SurfaceFlinger: hwcomposer module not found
    06-24 08:49:36.180 76-112/? W/SurfaceFlinger: getting VSYNC period from fb HAL: 19011407
    06-24 08:49:36.180 76-112/? W/SurfaceFlinger: no suitable EGLConfig found, trying without EGL_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET_ANDROID
    06-24 08:49:36.180 76-112/? W/SurfaceFlinger: no suitable EGLConfig found, trying without EGL_RECORDABLE_ANDROID
    06-24 08:49:36.190 76-112/? W/SurfaceFlinger: no suitable EGLConfig found, trying with 16-bit color allowed
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: EGL informations:
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: vendor : Android
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: version : 1.4 Android META-EGL
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: extensions: EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Client API: OpenGL_ES
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: EGLSurface: 5-6-5-0, config=0x8
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: OpenGL ES informations:
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: vendor : Imagination Technologies
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: renderer : PowerVR SGX 530
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: version : OpenGL ES-CM 1.1
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: extensions: GL_EXT_debug_marker GL_OES_byte_coordinates GL_OES_fixed_point GL_OES_single_precision GL_OES_matrix_get GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_query_matrix GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_texture_cube_map GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_IMG_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_egl_sync GL_IMG_vertex_array_object GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048
    06-24 08:49:36.420 76-112/? I/SurfaceFlinger: GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 2048 x 2048
    06-24 08:49:36.440 76-112/? D/SurfaceFlinger: Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x40d18318
    06-24 08:49:37.860 135-197/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:49:37.900 135-197/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:49:37.910 135-197/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:49:39.360 77-77/? D/AndroidRuntime: >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<<
    06-24 08:49:39.360 77-77/? D/AndroidRuntime: CheckJNI is ON
    06-24 08:49:39.860 79-79/? I/mediaserver: ServiceManager: 0x40b21e30
    06-24 08:49:39.910 79-79/? I/AudioFlinger: Using default 3000 mSec as standby time.
    06-24 08:49:39.950 79-79/? I/CameraService: CameraService started (pid=79)
    06-24 08:49:40.170 79-79/? I/AudioPolicyManagerBase: loadAudioPolicyConfig() loaded /system/etc/audio_policy.conf
    06-24 08:49:40.300 79-79/? E/audio_hw_primary: Unable to open the mixer, aborting.
    06-24 08:49:40.300 79-79/? I/AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded primary audio interface from Rowboat audio HW HAL (audio) handle 1
    06-24 08:49:40.330 79-79/? I/AudioFlinger: HAL output buffer size 880 frames, normal mix buffer size 1056 frames
    06-24 08:49:40.560 79-79/? I/AudioMixer: found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
    06-24 08:49:40.720 74-74/? D/MDnsDS: MDnsSdListener::Hander starting up
    06-24 08:49:40.720 74-335/? D/MDnsDS: MDnsSdListener starting to monitor
    06-24 08:49:40.720 74-335/? D/MDnsDS: Going to poll with pollCount 1
    06-24 08:49:41.520 77-77/? D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
    06-24 08:49:41.570 77-77/? D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
    06-24 08:49:42.250 77-77/? D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
    06-24 08:49:42.250 77-77/? D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
    06-24 08:49:45.080 77-77/? I/ethernet: Loading ethernet jni class
    06-24 08:49:45.700 77-77/? I/SamplingProfilerIntegration: Profiling disabled.
    06-24 08:49:45.830 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading classes...
    06-24 08:49:45.940 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.R$styleable... took 105ms.
    06-24 08:49:46.060 77-77/? D/dalvikvm: Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 157 unimplemented (abstract) methods
    06-24 08:49:46.810 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.database.CursorWindow... took 314ms.
    06-24 08:49:47.250 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection$Operation... took 423ms.
    06-24 08:49:48.130 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.graphics.Typeface... took 785ms.
    06-24 08:49:48.290 77-77/? D/TextLayoutCache: Using debug level = 0 - Debug Enabled = 0
    06-24 08:49:48.420 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.inputmethodservice.ExtractEditText... took 224ms.
    06-24 08:49:48.690 77-77/? I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
    06-24 08:49:48.690 77-77/? D/MtpDeviceJNI: register_android_mtp_MtpDevice
    06-24 08:49:48.690 77-77/? I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
    06-24 08:49:48.700 77-77/? I/dalvikvm: threadid=1: recursive native library load attempt (/system/lib/libmedia_jni.so)
    06-24 08:49:48.730 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.media.CameraProfile... took 276ms.
    06-24 08:49:49.680 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.net.SSLCertificateSocketFactory... took 880ms.
    06-24 08:49:49.860 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.net.http.AndroidHttpClient... took 92ms.
    06-24 08:49:49.940 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.net.http.AndroidHttpClient$2... took 72ms.
    06-24 08:49:50.170 77-77/? D/TelephonyManager: No /proc/cmdline exception=java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/cmdline: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
    06-24 08:49:50.170 77-77/? D/TelephonyManager: /proc/cmdline=
    06-24 08:49:50.450 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.text.Html$HtmlParser... took 183ms.
    06-24 08:49:50.540 77-77/? W/Zygote: Class not found for preloading: android.util.LocaleUtil
    06-24 08:49:51.090 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.webkit.WebViewClassic... took 54ms.
    06-24 08:49:52.370 77-77/? D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libchromium_net.so 0x0, skipping init
    06-24 08:49:52.370 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.webkit.WebViewCore... took 1279ms.
    06-24 08:49:52.430 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.widget.AbsListView... took 59ms.
    06-24 08:49:52.920 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading android.widget.SearchView... took 75ms.
    06-24 08:49:53.330 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading com.android.internal.policy.PolicyManager... took 155ms.
    06-24 08:49:54.560 77-77/? I/Zygote: ...preloaded 2538 classes in 8728ms.
    06-24 08:49:54.600 77-77/? I/Zygote: Preloading resources...
    06-24 08:49:57.370 77-77/? I/Zygote: ...preloaded 270 resources in 2766ms.
    06-24 08:49:57.450 77-77/? I/Zygote: ...preloaded 31 resources in 84ms.
    06-24 08:49:57.630 77-77/? I/dalvikvm: System server process 373 has been created
    06-24 08:49:57.640 77-77/? I/Zygote: Accepting command socket connections
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: acOnlinePath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: usbOnlinePath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: wirelessOnlinePath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryStatusPath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryHealthPath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryPresentPath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryCapacityPath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryVoltagePath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryTemperaturePath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.190 373-373/? E/BatteryService: batteryTechnologyPath not found
    06-24 08:49:58.520 373-373/? I/sysproc: Entered system_init()
    06-24 08:49:58.520 373-373/? I/sysproc: ServiceManager: 0x40ca6720
    06-24 08:49:58.520 373-373/? D/SensorService: nuSensorService starting...

    [ 06-24 08:49:58.530 373: 373 E/ ]
    couldn't find 'ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer' input device

    [ 06-24 08:49:58.530 373: 373 E/ ]
    couldn't find 'lm75-temp' input device

    [ 06-24 08:49:58.530 373: 373 E/ ]
    couldn't find 'lightsensor-level' input device
    06-24 08:49:58.530 373-373/? I/SensorService: ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer
    06-24 08:49:58.530 373-373/? I/SensorService: TMP275 Temperature sensor
    06-24 08:49:58.530 373-373/? I/SensorService: TSL2550 Light sensor
    06-24 08:49:58.540 373-373/? I/sysproc: System server: starting Android runtime.
    06-24 08:49:58.540 373-373/? I/sysproc: System server: starting Android services.
    06-24 08:49:58.540 373-373/? I/SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
    06-24 08:49:58.550 373-388/? D/SensorService: nuSensorService thread starting...
    06-24 08:49:58.550 373-373/? I/sysproc: System server: entering thread pool.
    06-24 08:49:58.560 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Waiting for installd to be ready.
    06-24 08:49:58.580 80-80/? I/installd: new connection
    06-24 08:49:58.580 373-389/? I/Installer: connecting...
    06-24 08:49:58.580 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Entropy Mixer
    06-24 08:49:58.630 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Power Manager
    06-24 08:49:58.650 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Activity Manager
    06-24 08:49:58.810 373-392/? I/ActivityManager: Memory class: 48
    06-24 08:49:58.940 373-392/? I/UsageStats: Deleting usage file : usage-20201125
    06-24 08:49:59.050 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Display Manager
    06-24 08:49:59.090 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Telephony Registry
    06-24 08:49:59.100 373-391/? I/DisplayManagerService: Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": 1280 x 800, 52.6 fps, density 160, 361.24445 x 376.2963 dpi, touch INTERNAL, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, address null}
    06-24 08:49:59.100 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Scheduling Policy
    06-24 08:49:59.110 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Package Manager
    06-24 08:49:59.620 79-79/? I/AudioFlinger: Using module 1 has the primary audio interface
    06-24 08:49:59.630 79-398/? I/AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger's thread 0x40b237e8 ready to run
    06-24 08:49:59.670 79-79/? I/audio_a2dp_hw: adev_open: adev_open in A2dp_hw module
    06-24 08:49:59.670 79-79/? I/AudioFlinger: loadHwModule() Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio) handle 3
    06-24 08:49:59.670 79-79/? I/AudioPolicyService: Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
    06-24 08:49:59.770 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Running ENG build: no pre-dexopt!
    06-24 08:50:00.520 373-389/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f040018 (t=3 e=24) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:00.520 373-389/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f040018 (t=3 e=24) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:00.520 373-389/? W/PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #219
    06-24 08:50:00.520 373-389/? W/PackageParser: Unknown element under <application>: permission at /system/app/Gallery2.apk Binary XML file line #222
    06-24 08:50:00.540 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Package com.android.gallery3d desires unavailable shared library com.google.android.media.effects; ignoring!
    06-24 08:50:02.980 373-389/? W/PackageParser: No actions in intent filter at /system/app/Contacts.apk Binary XML file line #533
    06-24 08:50:06.980 373-389/? I/PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 7.212 seconds
    06-24 08:50:06.980 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.contacts
    06-24 08:50:06.980 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
    06-24 08:50:06.980 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
    06-24 08:50:06.980 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar
    06-24 08:50:06.980 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x9be45)
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package **** (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be46)
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x8be45)
    06-24 08:50:06.990 373-389/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.ti.android.apps.storage (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
    06-24 08:50:07.250 373-389/? I/SystemServer: User Service
    06-24 08:50:07.250 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Account Manager
    06-24 08:50:07.270 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Content Manager
    06-24 08:50:07.270 373-389/? I/SystemServer: System Content Providers
    06-24 08:50:07.800 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Lights Service
    06-24 08:50:07.810 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Battery Service
    06-24 08:50:07.830 373-389/? I/libsuspend: Selected early suspend
    06-24 08:50:07.830 373-389/? I/libsuspend: Starting early suspend unblocker thread
    06-24 08:50:07.830 76-134/? D/PermissionCache: checking android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER for uid=1000 => granted (626 us)
    06-24 08:50:07.830 76-112/? D/SurfaceFlinger: Screen acquired, type=0 flinger=0x40d18318
    06-24 08:50:07.830 76-112/? D/SurfaceFlinger: screen was previously acquired
    06-24 08:50:07.830 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Alarm Manager
    06-24 08:50:07.830 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Init Watchdog
    06-24 08:50:07.840 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Input Manager
    06-24 08:50:07.840 373-389/? I/InputManager: Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
    06-24 08:50:07.880 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Window Manager
    06-24 08:50:08.190 373-389/? I/InputManager-JNI: Setting show touches feature to enabled.
    06-24 08:50:08.190 373-389/? I/InputManager: Starting input manager
    06-24 08:50:08.200 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Bluetooth Manager Service
    06-24 08:50:08.210 373-426/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000008
    06-24 08:50:08.240 373-426/? I/EventHub: create tsdev
    06-24 08:50:08.240 373-426/? E/EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mice, Not a typewriter
    06-24 08:50:08.240 373-426/? D/EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'gpio-keys'.
    06-24 08:50:08.270 373-426/? I/EventHub: New device: id=1, fd=82, path='/dev/input/event2', name='gpio-keys', classes=0x1, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/gpio-keys.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=false, usingClockIoctl=false
    06-24 08:50:08.280 373-426/? I/EventHub: Device name = /dev/input/event0, fd = 83
    06-24 08:50:08.280 373-426/? I/EventHub: tslib: calling ts_config from eventhub
    06-24 08:50:08.280 373-389/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Loading stored name and address
    06-24 08:50:08.300 373-389/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Stored bluetooth Name=null,Address=null
    06-24 08:50:08.300 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Input Method Service
    06-24 08:50:08.350 373-426/? I/EventHub: New device: id=2, fd=83, path='/dev/input/event0', name='ti-tsc', classes=0x4, configuration='/system/usr/idc/ti-tsc.idc', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=false, usingClockIoctl=false
    06-24 08:50:08.350 373-426/? E/EventHub: could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, Not a typewriter
    06-24 08:50:08.360 373-426/? D/EventHub: No input device configuration file found for device 'Silicon Integrated Systems Co. SiS HID Touch Controller'.
    06-24 08:50:08.360 373-426/? I/EventHub: New device: id=3, fd=84, path='/dev/input/event1', name='Silicon Integrated Systems Co. SiS HID Touch Controller', classes=0x80000014, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=false, usingClockIoctl=false
    06-24 08:50:08.390 373-426/? I/InputReader: Device added: id=-1, name='Virtual', sources=0x00000301
    06-24 08:50:08.410 373-426/? I/InputReader: Touch device 'Silicon Integrated Systems Co. SiS HID Touch Controller' could not query the properties of its associated display. The device will be inoperable until the display size becomes available.
    06-24 08:50:08.410 373-426/? I/InputReader: Device added: id=3, name='Silicon Integrated Systems Co. SiS HID Touch Controller', sources=0x00001002
    06-24 08:50:08.410 373-426/? I/InputReader: Touch device 'ti-tsc' could not query the properties of its associated display. The device will be inoperable until the display size becomes available.
    06-24 08:50:08.410 373-426/? I/InputReader: Device added: id=2, name='ti-tsc', sources=0x00001002
    06-24 08:50:08.410 373-426/? I/InputReader: Device added: id=1, name='gpio-keys', sources=0x00000101
    06-24 08:50:08.430 373-389/? W/InputMethodManagerService: Couldn't create dir.: /data/system/inputmethod
    06-24 08:50:08.540 373-389/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:08.570 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Accessibility Manager
    06-24 08:50:08.640 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: Config changes=15f8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w1280dp h727dp 160dpi xlrg land ?uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.2}
    06-24 08:50:08.680 373-426/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004
    06-24 08:50:08.760 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Mount Service
    06-24 08:50:08.770 373-426/? I/InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=2, name='ti-tsc', size 1280x800, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
    06-24 08:50:08.770 373-426/? I/InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=3, name='Silicon Integrated Systems Co. SiS HID Touch Controller', size 1280x800, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
    06-24 08:50:08.770 79-399/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:08.810 373-389/? D/MountService: got storage path: /storage/sdcard0 description: Internal storage primary: true removable: false emulated: true mtpReserve: 100 allowMassStorage: false maxFileSize: 0
    06-24 08:50:08.810 373-389/? D/MountService: addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume [mStorageId=65537 mPath=/storage/emulated/0 mDescriptionId=17040613 mPrimary=true mRemovable=false mEmulated=true mMtpReserveSpace=100 mAllowMassStorage=false mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=UserHandle{0}]
    06-24 08:50:08.810 373-389/? D/MountService: got storage path: /storage/sdcard1 description: SD card primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: false maxFileSize: 0
    06-24 08:50:08.810 373-389/? D/MountService: addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume [mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/sdcard1 mDescriptionId=17040614 mPrimary=false mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=false mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null]
    06-24 08:50:08.810 373-389/? D/MountService: got storage path: /storage/usb1 description: USB storage primary: false removable: true emulated: false mtpReserve: 0 allowMassStorage: false maxFileSize: 0
    06-24 08:50:08.810 373-389/? D/MountService: addVolumeLocked() StorageVolume [mStorageId=0 mPath=/storage/usb1 mDescriptionId=17040615 mPrimary=false mRemovable=true mEmulated=false mMtpReserveSpace=0 mAllowMassStorage=false mMaxFileSize=0 mOwner=null]
    06-24 08:50:08.840 373-389/? I/SystemServer: LockSettingsService
    06-24 08:50:08.840 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Device Policy
    06-24 08:50:08.890 373-433/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 201
    06-24 08:50:08.900 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Status Bar
    06-24 08:50:08.930 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Clipboard Service
    06-24 08:50:08.940 373-433/? D/MountService: volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (null -> unmounted)
    06-24 08:50:08.940 373-433/? D/MountService: volume state changed for /storage/usb1 (null -> removed)
    06-24 08:50:08.940 373-389/? I/SystemServer: NetworkManagement Service
    06-24 08:50:08.960 373-433/? I/PackageManager: No secure containers on sdcard
    06-24 08:50:08.960 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.contacts
    06-24 08:50:08.960 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.providers.calendar
    06-24 08:50:08.960 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.cl in package com.android.providers.calendar
    06-24 08:50:08.960 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.mail in package com.android.calendar
    06-24 08:50:08.960 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS to package com.android.browser (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x89be45)
    06-24 08:50:08.990 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Text Service Manager Service
    06-24 08:50:09.000 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package **** (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x88be46)
    06-24 08:50:09.000 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.gallery3d.permission.PICASA_STORE in package com.android.dreams.phototable
    06-24 08:50:09.000 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.settings
    06-24 08:50:09.020 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.ACCESS_GOOGLE_PASSWORD in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:09.020 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:09.020 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.ALL_SERVICES in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:09.020 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Unknown permission com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH.YouTubeUser in package com.android.development
    06-24 08:50:09.020 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.DEVICE_POWER to package com.android.deskclock (protectionLevel=2 flags=0x88be45)
    06-24 08:50:09.020 373-433/? W/PackageManager: Not granting permission android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS to package com.ti.android.apps.storage (protectionLevel=18 flags=0x8be44)
    06-24 08:50:09.110 79-79/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:09.300 373-389/? I/SystemServer: NetworkStats Service
    06-24 08:50:09.320 373-389/? I/SystemServer: NetworkPolicy Service
    06-24 08:50:09.360 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Wi-Fi P2pService
    06-24 08:50:09.440 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Wi-Fi Service
    06-24 08:50:09.560 74-337/? E/CommandListener: Failed to open /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/wlan0/disable_ipv6: No such file or directory
    06-24 08:50:09.560 373-448/? E/WifiStateMachine: Failed to disable IPv6: java.lang.IllegalStateException: command '1 interface ipv6 wlan0 disable' failed with '400 1 Failed to change IPv6 state (No such file or directory)'
    06-24 08:50:09.570 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Connectivity Service
    06-24 08:50:09.580 373-389/? D/ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting up
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? I/ethernet: ==>android_net_ethernet_initEthernetNative
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? E/ethernet: android_net_ethernet_initEthernetNative exited with success
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? E/ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 10
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? E/ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 11
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? E/ConnectivityService: Ignoring protectedNetwork 12
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? I/EthernetStateTracker: Starts...
    06-24 08:50:09.610 373-389/? I/EthernetStateTracker: Success
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/ethernet: User ask for device name on 0, list:56E25E88, total:2
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/ethernet: Found :eth0
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/ethernet: User ask for device name on 1, list:56E25E88, total:2
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/ethernet: Found :can0
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/EthernetService: total found 2 net devices
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/EthernetService: device 0 name eth0
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/EthernetService: device 1 name can0
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/EthernetService: setEthState from 0 to 1
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? D/ConnectivityService: *******targetNetworkType=9
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/EthernetStateTracker: start to monitor the Ethernet devices
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? I/EthernetManager: Init Ethernet Manager
    06-24 08:50:09.620 373-389/? D/ConnectivityService: *******targetNetworkType=1
    06-24 08:50:09.640 373-389/? D/BluetoothTethering: startMonitoring: target: Handler (com.android.server.ConnectivityService$NetworkStateTrackerHandler) {412580f0}
    06-24 08:50:09.640 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
    06-24 08:50:09.640 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter$1@4123a5e0:true
    06-24 08:50:09.640 373-389/? D/ConnectivityService: *******targetNetworkType=13
    06-24 08:50:09.640 373-389/? D/ConnectivityService: *******targetNetworkType=7
    06-24 08:50:09.650 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
    06-24 08:50:09.650 373-389/? D/BluetoothPan: BluetoothPan() call bindService
    06-24 08:50:09.680 373-389/? E/BluetoothPan: Could not bind to Bluetooth HID Service
    06-24 08:50:09.680 373-389/? D/BluetoothPan: BluetoothPan(), bindService called
    06-24 08:50:09.680 373-389/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1416 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1164 android.bluetooth.BluetoothTetheringDataTracker.startMonitoring:110 com.android.server.ConnectivityService.<init>:530
    06-24 08:50:09.680 373-389/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:09.680 373-389/? D/ConnectivityService: *******targetNetworkType=0
    06-24 08:50:09.690 373-389/? E/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Ignoring feature request because could not acquire PhoneService
    06-24 08:50:09.690 373-389/? E/MobileDataStateTracker: default: Could not enable APN type "default"
    06-24 08:50:09.720 373-389/? I/WifiService: WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi disabled
    06-24 08:50:09.740 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Network Service Discovery Service
    06-24 08:50:09.770 373-389/? D/NsdService: Network service discovery enabled true
    06-24 08:50:09.770 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Throttle Service
    06-24 08:50:09.780 373-389/? I/SystemServer: UpdateLock Service
    06-24 08:50:09.850 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Notification Manager
    06-24 08:50:09.860 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Device Storage Monitor
    06-24 08:50:09.870 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Location Manager
    06-24 08:50:09.880 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Country Detector
    06-24 08:50:09.880 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Search Service
    06-24 08:50:09.890 373-389/? I/SystemServer: DropBox Service
    06-24 08:50:09.890 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Wallpaper Service
    06-24 08:50:09.910 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Audio Service
    06-24 08:50:10.160 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Dock Observer
    06-24 08:50:10.160 373-389/? W/DockObserver: This kernel does not have dock station support
    06-24 08:50:10.160 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Wired Accessory Manager
    06-24 08:50:10.170 373-389/? W/WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have wired headset support
    06-24 08:50:10.170 373-389/? W/WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have usb audio support
    06-24 08:50:10.170 373-389/? W/WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have HDMI audio support
    06-24 08:50:10.170 373-389/? I/SystemServer: USB Service
    06-24 08:50:10.230 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Serial Service
    06-24 08:50:10.230 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Twilight Service
    06-24 08:50:10.230 373-389/? I/SystemServer: UI Mode Manager Service
    06-24 08:50:10.240 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Backup Service
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: Found stale backup journal, scheduling
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: android
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: com.android.browser
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: com.android.calendar
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: com.android.inputmethod.latin
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: com.android.providers.settings
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: com.android.providers.userdictionary
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: com.android.sharedstoragebackup
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/BackupManagerService: Backup enabled => false
    06-24 08:50:10.350 373-389/? I/SystemServer: AppWidget Service
    06-24 08:50:10.360 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Recognition Service
    06-24 08:50:10.370 373-389/? I/SystemServer: DiskStats Service
    06-24 08:50:10.370 373-389/? I/SystemServer: SamplingProfiler Service
    06-24 08:50:10.370 373-389/? I/SystemServer: NetworkTimeUpdateService
    06-24 08:50:10.370 373-389/? I/SystemServer: CommonTimeManagementService
    06-24 08:50:10.370 373-389/? I/SystemServer: CertBlacklister
    06-24 08:50:10.370 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Dreams Service
    06-24 08:50:10.390 373-389/? I/WindowManager: SAFE MODE not enabled
    06-24 08:50:10.390 373-380/? D/dalvikvm: JIT started for system_server
    06-24 08:50:10.650 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: System now ready
    06-24 08:50:10.680 373-389/? I/SystemServer: Making services ready
    06-24 08:50:10.700 373-389/? I/Zygote: Process: zygote socket opened
    06-24 08:50:10.750 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.systemui for service com.android.systemui/.SystemUIService: pid=470 uid=10022 gids={50022, 1028, 1015, 1023, 3002, 3001}
    06-24 08:50:10.750 373-389/? D/NetworkManagementService: enabling bandwidth control
    06-24 08:50:10.760 72-100/? I/Vold: /dev/block/vold/179:1 being considered for volume sdcard
    06-24 08:50:10.760 72-100/? D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 1 (Idle-Unmounted) -> 3 (Checking)
    06-24 08:50:10.770 373-432/? D/MountService: volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (unmounted -> checking)
    06-24 08:50:10.770 373-432/? D/MountService: sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_CHECKING dat=file:///storage/sdcard1 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
    06-24 08:50:10.920 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: ** /dev/block/vold/179:1
    06-24 08:50:10.920 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 1 - Read and Compare FATs
    06-24 08:50:10.930 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: Attempting to allocate 1898 KB for FAT
    06-24 08:50:11.840 373-389/? E/NetdConnector: NDC Command {2 bandwidth enable} took too long (1085ms)
    06-24 08:50:11.850 82-82/? I/keystore: uid: 1000 action: e -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4
    06-24 08:50:11.880 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: Attempting to allocate 1898 KB for FAT
    06-24 08:50:12.380 82-82/? I/keystore: uid: 1000 action: e -> 7 state: 3 -> 3 retry: 4
    06-24 08:50:12.670 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w1280dp h727dp 160dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.3}
    06-24 08:50:12.810 373-389/? W/RecognitionManagerService: no available voice recognition services found for user 0
    06-24 08:50:12.910 373-533/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1042 com.android.server.usb.UsbSettingsManager.deviceAttached:619 com.android.server.usb.UsbHostManager.usbDeviceAdded:156 com.android.server.usb.UsbHostManager.monitorUsbHostBus:-2 com.android.server.usb.UsbHostManager.access$000:38
    06-24 08:50:13.230 373-392/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc android.process.media for broadcast com.android.providers.media/.MtpReceiver: pid=537 uid=10012 gids={50012, 1015, 1023, 1024, 1028, 2001, 3003, 3007}
    06-24 08:50:13.270 373-389/? W/InputMethodManagerService: Ignoring setImeWindowStatus of uid 1000 token: null
    06-24 08:50:13.410 373-389/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:13.430 373-389/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:13.430 373-389/? W/InputMethodManagerService: Found no subtypes in a system IME: com.android.inputmethod.pinyin
    06-24 08:50:13.460 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 2 - Check Cluster Chains
    06-24 08:50:13.490 373-390/? I/Choreographer: Skipped 154 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
    06-24 08:50:13.490 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.inputmethod.latin for service com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME: pid=550 uid=10003 gids={50003, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:13.700 373-554/? I/LocationBlacklist: whitelist: []
    06-24 08:50:13.700 373-554/? I/LocationBlacklist: blacklist: []
    06-24 08:50:13.790 373-389/? I/CommonTimeManagementService: No common time service detected on this platform. Common time services will be unavailable.
    06-24 08:50:13.860 373-426/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000020
    06-24 08:50:13.910 373-426/? I/InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
    06-24 08:50:13.950 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher} from pid 0
    06-24 08:50:14.050 74-567/? W/SocketClient: write error (Broken pipe)
    06-24 08:50:14.090 373-565/? W/ThrottleService: unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
    06-24 08:50:14.170 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.launcher for activity com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher: pid=568 uid=10021 gids={50021, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:14.340 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 3 - Checking Directories
    06-24 08:50:14.600 373-390/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:14.660 373-390/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:14.720 373-390/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:14.830 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: ** Phase 4 - Checking for Lost Files
    06-24 08:50:15.060 373-554/? W/LocationManagerService: no network location provider found
    06-24 08:50:15.170 373-565/? E/NetdConnector: NDC Command {6 interface setthrottle rmnet0 -1 -1} took too long (586ms)
    06-24 08:50:15.300 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: Next free cluster in FSInfo block (26955) not free
    06-24 08:50:15.310 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: FIXED
    06-24 08:50:15.310 72-100/? I//system/bin/fsck_msdos: 2721 files, 2104544 free (458983 clusters)
    06-24 08:50:15.460 72-100/? I/Vold: Filesystem check completed OK
    06-24 08:50:15.480 72-100/? I/Vold: Device /dev/block/vold/179:1, target /storage/sdcard1 mounted @ /mnt/secure/staging
    06-24 08:50:15.480 72-100/? D/Vold: Volume sdcard state changing 3 (Checking) -> 4 (Mounted)
    06-24 08:50:15.490 373-432/? D/MountService: volume state changed for /storage/sdcard1 (checking -> mounted)
    06-24 08:50:15.490 373-432/? D/MountService: sendStorageIntent Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/sdcard1 (has extras) } to UserHandle{-1}
    06-24 08:50:15.490 373-430/? E/VoldConnector: NDC Command {3 volume mount /storage/sdcard1} took too long (4740ms)
    06-24 08:50:15.490 373-430/? W/MountService: Duplicate state transition (mounted -> mounted) for /storage/emulated/0
    06-24 08:50:15.560 373-390/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
    06-24 08:50:15.560 373-394/? W/ProcessStats: Skipping unknown process pid 481
    06-24 08:50:15.630 373-394/? W/ProcessStats: Skipping unknown process pid 598
    06-24 08:50:15.660 373-554/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.location.fused for service com.android.location.fused/.FusedLocationService: pid=599 uid=10016 gids={50016, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:15.760 373-554/? E/LocationManagerService: no geocoder provider found
    06-24 08:50:15.870 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 300
    06-24 08:50:15.870 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_USER_SWITCHED
    06-24 08:50:16.120 373-391/? W/WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired.
    06-24 08:50:16.120 373-391/? W/WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{413060a8 u0 Keyguard}
    06-24 08:50:17.290 537-544/? W/dalvikvm: threadid=5: spin on suspend #1 threadid=1 (pcf=0)
    06-24 08:50:17.360 537-544/? W/dalvikvm: threadid=5: spin on suspend resolved in 1069 msec
    06-24 08:50:17.700 599-599/? I/FusedLocation: engine started (com.android.location.fused)
    06-24 08:50:17.920 537-620/? I/DownloadManager: in removeSpuriousFiles
    06-24 08:50:18.780 470-470/? D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar
    06-24 08:50:18.850 537-537/? D/MtpService: updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
    06-24 08:50:18.870 537-537/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 65537 /storage/emulated/0
    06-24 08:50:18.870 537-537/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 131073 /storage/sdcard1
    06-24 08:50:18.900 537-537/? D/MtpService: updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
    06-24 08:50:18.930 470-470/? D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar@41150518
    06-24 08:50:19.020 537-537/? D/MtpService: starting MTP server in MTP mode
    06-24 08:50:19.060 373-373/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 301
    06-24 08:50:19.070 537-537/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 65537 /storage/emulated/0
    06-24 08:50:19.130 537-537/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 131073 /storage/sdcard1
    06-24 08:50:19.130 373-384/? I/StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar bar=com.android.internal.statusbar.IStatusBar$Stub$Proxy@413bd988
    06-24 08:50:19.210 537-537/? D/MediaScannerReceiver: action: android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /storage/sdcard1
    06-24 08:50:19.310 373-385/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=627 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1015, 1023, 1028, 3002, 3001, 3003}
    06-24 08:50:19.980 550-550/? I/LatinIME: Hardware accelerated drawing: true
    06-24 08:50:21.570 550-550/? W/InputAttributes: No editor info for this field. Bug?
    06-24 08:50:21.800 373-390/? I/Choreographer: Skipped 308 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
    06-24 08:50:22.130 550-658/? E/ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.inputmethod.latin.dictionarypack
    06-24 08:50:22.170 550-658/? E/BinaryDictionaryGetter: Could not find a dictionary pack
    06-24 08:50:22.300 373-385/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc android.process.acore for content provider com.android.providers.userdictionary/.UserDictionaryProvider: pid=660 uid=10001 gids={50001, 3003, 1015, 1023, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:22.470 373-384/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:22.500 373-384/? W/ResourceType: Failure getting entry for 0x7f060000 (t=5 e=0) in package 0 (error -75)
    06-24 08:50:22.500 373-384/? W/InputMethodManagerService: Found no subtypes in a system IME: com.android.inputmethod.pinyin
    06-24 08:50:22.910 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
    06-24 08:50:22.910 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@413e3e68:true
    06-24 08:50:23.280 627-627/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1091934816: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:23.370 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
    06-24 08:50:23.600 627-627/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1416 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:473 android.bluetooth.BluetoothInputDevice.<init>:240 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1161 com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:94
    06-24 08:50:23.610 373-661/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothInputDevice } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:23.620 627-627/? E/BluetoothInputDevice: Could not bind to Bluetooth HID Service
    06-24 08:50:23.640 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
    06-24 08:50:23.680 627-627/? D/BluetoothPan: BluetoothPan() call bindService
    06-24 08:50:23.690 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
    06-24 08:50:23.690 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@413e8608:true
    06-24 08:50:23.690 470-470/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1092018624: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:23.700 470-470/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1092018624: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:23.700 470-470/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1092018624: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:23.700 627-627/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1416 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:473 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPan.<init>:141 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1164 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PanProfile.<init>:73
    06-24 08:50:23.710 627-627/? E/BluetoothPan: Could not bind to Bluetooth HID Service
    06-24 08:50:23.710 627-627/? D/BluetoothPan: BluetoothPan(), bindService called
    06-24 08:50:23.710 373-384/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPan } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:23.740 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
    06-24 08:50:23.790 627-627/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1416 android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:473 android.bluetooth.BluetoothPbap.<init>:161 com.android.settings.bluetooth.PbapServerProfile.<init>:68 com.android.settings.bluetooth.LocalBluetoothProfileManager.<init>:124
    06-24 08:50:23.800 627-627/? E/BluetoothPbap: Could not bind to Bluetooth Pbap Service
    06-24 08:50:23.800 373-662/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothPbap } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:23.810 627-627/? D/LocalBluetoothProfileManager: LocalBluetoothProfileManager construction complete
    06-24 08:50:23.840 627-627/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1091934816: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:23.840 627-627/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1091934816: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:24.800 373-389/? W/ActivityManager: Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{413a82b0 u0 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher}
    06-24 08:50:24.810 627-634/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 373-379/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 470-479/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 550-558/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 599-606/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 568-575/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 537-543/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.810 660-668/? D/dalvikvm: Debugger has detached; object registry had 1 entries
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-389/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Retrieving Bluetooth Adapter name and address...
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-389/? D/BluetoothManagerService: getNameAndAddress(): mBluetooth = null mBinding = false
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 200
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_GET_NAME_AND_ADDRESS
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Binding to service to get name and address
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-427/? E/BluetoothManagerService: fail to bind to: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth
    06-24 08:50:24.850 373-427/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetooth } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:24.890 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
    06-24 08:50:24.920 79-399/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:25.000 373-389/? E/BluetoothHeadset: Could not bind to Bluetooth Headset Service
    06-24 08:50:25.000 373-389/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1416 android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.<init>:273 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1155 android.media.AudioService.getBluetoothHeadset:2111 android.media.AudioService.access$2700:100
    06-24 08:50:25.000 373-389/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothHeadset } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:25.010 373-427/? D/BluetoothManagerService: Message: 30
    06-24 08:50:25.010 470-470/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1092018624: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:25.050 373-389/? E/BluetoothA2dp: Could not bind to Bluetooth A2DP Service
    06-24 08:50:25.050 373-389/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1416 android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>:160 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy:1158 android.media.AudioService$AudioServiceBroadcastReceiver.onReceive:3935 android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.run:758
    06-24 08:50:25.050 373-389/? W/ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetoothA2dp } U=0: not found
    06-24 08:50:25.140 79-399/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:25.300 373-700/? I/RecoverySystem: No recovery log file
    06-24 08:50:25.370 373-389/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc touchscreen.test for broadcast touchscreen.test/.StartupIntentReceiver: pid=703 uid=1000 gids={41000, 1015, 1023, 1028, 3002, 3001, 3003}
    06-24 08:50:25.460 79-440/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:25.940 79-440/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:26.080 470-470/? D/PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK* HOME* RECENT* CLOCK* SEARCH* >
    06-24 08:50:26.090 703-703/? I/Calibration height :: 752
    06-24 08:50:26.090 703-703/? I/Calibration width :: 1280
    06-24 08:50:26.160 703-703/? I/Calibration Start Up Receiver: Calibration File Exists Skipping Launch Of TS Cal
    06-24 08:50:26.370 79-440/? E/WVMExtractor: Failed to open libwvm.so
    06-24 08:50:26.400 373-662/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.providers.calendar for broadcast com.android.providers.calendar/.CalendarReceiver: pid=731 uid=10004 gids={50004, 3003, 1015, 1023, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:27.350 373-662/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 401
    06-24 08:50:27.430 550-755/? E/UserHistoryDictionary: when loading: file not foundjava.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/com.android.inputmethod.latin/files/UserHistoryDictionary.en_US.dict: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
    06-24 08:50:28.240 470-470/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1092018624: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:28.240 470-470/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1092018624: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:28.280 470-470/? D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI
    06-24 08:50:28.280 470-470/? D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.power.PowerUI@411dde70
    06-24 08:50:28.290 470-470/? D/SystemUIService: loading: class com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer
    06-24 08:50:28.290 470-470/? D/SystemUIService: running: com.android.systemui.media.RingtonePlayer@411d2e58
    06-24 08:50:28.390 470-470/? I/Choreographer: Skipped 261 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
    06-24 08:50:29.190 470-470/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:29.190 470-470/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:29.300 470-470/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:29.410 568-568/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:29.510 568-568/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:29.570 537-537/? D/MtpService: updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
    06-24 08:50:29.610 568-568/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:29.910 470-470/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
    06-24 08:50:30.060 568-568/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
    06-24 08:50:30.680 470-470/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 201
    06-24 08:50:31.060 568-568/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 201
    06-24 08:50:31.060 568-568/? I/Choreographer: Skipped 31 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
    06-24 08:50:31.130 373-391/? W/WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired.
    06-24 08:50:31.130 373-391/? W/WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{4138a298 u0 NavigationBar}
    06-24 08:50:31.130 373-391/? W/WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{413ddac8 u0 StatusBar}
    06-24 08:50:31.130 373-391/? W/WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change: Window{41401120 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
    06-24 08:50:31.380 470-470/? I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 14.383MB for 9830416-byte allocation
    06-24 08:50:31.540 731-731/? I/CalendarProvider2: Sending notification intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar }
    06-24 08:50:31.540 731-731/? W/ContentResolver: Failed to get type for: content://com.android.calendar (Unknown URL content://com.android.calendar)
    06-24 08:50:31.650 373-391/? I/ActivityManager: Displayed com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher: +17s627ms
    06-24 08:50:33.570 470-470/? I/dalvikvm-heap: Grow heap (frag case) to 24.062MB for 10152976-byte allocation
    06-24 08:50:34.800 470-470/? I/Choreographer: Skipped 336 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
    06-24 08:50:35.050 373-661/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.deskclock for broadcast com.android.deskclock/.AlarmInitReceiver: pid=779 uid=10029 gids={50029, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:35.310 76-766/? I/SurfaceFlinger: Boot is finished (59603 ms)
    06-24 08:50:35.330 373-391/? I/ActivityManager: Config changes=1400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc en_US ldltr sw800dp w1280dp h727dp 160dpi xlrg land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.4}
    06-24 08:50:35.770 373-420/? I/PowerManagerService: Boot animation finished.
    06-24 08:50:36.620 800-800/? D/dalvikvm: Not late-enabling CheckJNI (already on)
    06-24 08:50:36.620 373-384/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc **** for broadcast ****/.BootBroadcastReceiver: pid=800 uid=10044 gids={50044, 1015, 1023, 1028}
    06-24 08:50:37.070 76-765/? D/PermissionCache: checking android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFER for uid=1000 => granted (3230 us)
    06-24 08:50:37.350 627-627/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1091934816: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:37.410 800-800/? E/MainActivity: 程序onCreate
    06-24 08:50:37.580 537-537/? D/MtpService: updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
    06-24 08:50:37.620 373-749/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc com.android.calendar for broadcast com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver: pid=815 uid=10025 gids={50025, 3003, 1028}

    06-24 08:50:38.360 800-800/? E/MainActivity: 程序onStart
    06-24 08:50:38.370 800-800/? E/MainActivity: 程序onResume

    06-24 08:50:38.740 373-661/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 501

    06-24 08:50:38.750 550-563/? E/ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.android.inputmethod.latin.dictionarypack
    06-24 08:50:38.780 550-563/? E/BinaryDictionaryGetter: Could not find a dictionary pack
    06-24 08:50:39.300 815-815/? D/AlertReceiver: onReceive: a=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED Intent { act=android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED dat=content://com.android.calendar flg=0x10 cmp=com.android.calendar/.alerts.AlertReceiver }
    06-24 08:50:39.420 815-815/? D/AlertUtils: Flushing old alerts from shared prefs table
    06-24 08:50:39.420 815-844/? D/AlertService: 0 Action = android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED
    06-24 08:50:39.420 815-844/? D/AlertService: Beginning updateAlertNotification
    06-24 08:50:39.810 800-800/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:39.820 800-800/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:39.850 627-627/? D/BluetoothAdapter: 1091934816: getState() : mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
    06-24 08:50:39.890 800-800/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 08:50:40.020 815-844/? D/AlertService: No fired or scheduled alerts
    06-24 08:50:40.060 800-800/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0
    06-24 08:50:40.170 800-800/? I/Choreographer: Skipped 64 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
    06-24 08:50:40.670 373-391/? I/ActivityManager: Displayed ****/.MainActivity: +3s519ms
    06-24 08:50:47.730 537-632/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 201
    06-24 08:50:47.980 373-373/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 601
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:09.900 537-632/? E/MtpServerJNI: server is null in send_object_added
    06-24 08:51:10.950 537-632/? D/dalvikvm: GREF has increased to 301
    06-24 08:51:44.000 373-565/? W/ThrottleService: unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
    06-24 08:51:44.000 74-989/? W/SocketClient: write error (Broken pipe)

    06-24 09:11:44.020 373-565/? W/ThrottleService: unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
    06-24 09:11:44.020 74-3356/? W/SocketClient: write error (Broken pipe)
    06-24 09:16:51.790 79-322/? I/AudioMixer: found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
    06-24 09:16:51.790 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory
    06-24 09:16:51.790 470-470/? D/PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info BACK HOME recent* CLOCK search* >
    06-24 09:16:51.810 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory
    06-24 09:16:51.830 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory
    06-24 09:16:51.850 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory
    06-24 09:16:51.880 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory
    06-24 09:16:51.900 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory

    06-24 09:16:52.350 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory
    06-24 09:16:52.360 470-470/? D/PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts ticker system_info back* home* recent clock* search >
    06-24 09:16:52.370 79-322/? E/audio_hw_primary: pcm_open(out) failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC0D0p': No such file or directory

    06-24 09:21:00.000 373-392/? I/ActivityManager: No longer want com.android.deskclock (pid 779): empty for 1820s
    06-24 09:21:00.000 373-392/? I/ActivityManager: No longer want android.process.media (pid 537): empty for 1822s
    06-24 09:21:00.000 373-392/? I/ActivityManager: No longer want touchscreen.test (pid 703): empty for 1834s
    06-24 09:21:00.040 373-384/? W/ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.providers.media/.MtpService in 5000ms
    06-24 09:21:05.060 373-392/? I/ActivityManager: Start proc android.process.media for service com.android.providers.media/.MtpService: pid=4463 uid=10012 gids={50012, 1015, 1023, 1024, 1028, 2001, 3003, 3007}
    06-24 09:21:05.260 4463-4478/? I/DownloadManager: in removeSpuriousFiles
    06-24 09:21:05.290 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
    06-24 09:21:05.300 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 65537 /storage/emulated/0
    06-24 09:21:05.300 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 131073 /storage/sdcard1
    06-24 09:21:05.310 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: updating state; isCurrentUser=true, mMtpLocked=false
    06-24 09:21:05.330 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: starting MTP server in MTP mode
    06-24 09:21:05.330 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 65537 /storage/emulated/0
    06-24 09:21:05.340 4463-4463/? D/MtpService: addStorageLocked 131073 /storage/sdcard1
    06-24 09:21:44.020 373-565/? W/ThrottleService: unable to find stats for iface rmnet0
    06-24 09:21:44.020 74-4558/? W/SocketClient: write error (Broken pipe)
    06-24 09:22:18.200 373-380/? I/dalvikvm: Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192
    06-24 09:22:18.300 550-550/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 09:22:18.310 550-550/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 09:22:18.320 550-550/? D/libEGL: loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
    06-24 09:22:18.390 550-550/? D/OpenGLRenderer: Enabling debug mode 0

    06-24 09:22:26.250 800-4649/? D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in /system/lib/libserial_port.so 0x4114d168, skipping init
    06-24 09:22:26.250 800-4649/? D/serial_port: Opening serial port /dev/**with flags 0x2
    06-24 09:22:26.250 800-4649/? D/serial_port: open() fd = ?
    06-24 09:22:26.250 800-4649/? D/serial_port: Configuring serial port

    06-24 09:22:26.260 800-800/? D/dalvikvm: Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/****-1/lib?.so 0x4114d168
    06-24 09:22:26.260 800-800/? D/dalvikvm: Added shared lib /data/app-lib/****-1/lib?.so 0x4114d168
    06-24 09:22:26.260 800-800/? D/dalvikvm: No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/****-1/lib?.so 0x4114d168, skipping init

    06-24 09:22:26.770 373-662/? W/InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@413862c8 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@413c6590

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pandola/p/14925330.html
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