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  • 2020-11-25床头卡共用类逻辑(私用)

    2020-11-25 10:28
    • 1、暴露 getData 方法供安卓调用(在各自页面暴露,并且初始化回调方法)
    • 2、优先处理床位号(在各自页面处理)
    • 3、从安卓端获取病人信息(主要使用病人id)
    • 如果有病人id,根据病人id查询病人数据
    • 如果没有,使用床位+护理单元查询病人数据
    • 查出数据后保存给安卓
    • 4、获取系统配置信息(用户患者姓名保护、二维码显示等)
    • 5、查询护理标签、患者标签并处理显示,当前患者标签主要是调整过敏、饮食的字体颜色和背景色
    • 6、清空数据


    <script src="bedSideCardAssets/lib/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
    <script src="bedSideCardAssets/js/DealCard.js"></script>



    // 初始化床头卡处理实例
    var cardDealFun =  new DealCard()
    cardDealFun.dealInfoDataCallback = (data)=>renderData(data) // 初始化页面显示回调函数
    cardDealFun.showLabelCallback = ()=>renderLabel() // 护理标签显示回调函数
    cardDealFun.clearPageCallback = ()=>clearInfo() // 清除页面显示回调函数
    cardDealFun.renderQrCodeCallback = (text)=>renderQrCode(text) // 初始化二维码
    cardDealFun.GuoandYinshiCallback = (data)=>GuoandYinshi(data) // 病患标签(过敏、饮食)处理回调函数

    window.getData = function (bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData) {
        // 处理床位号的方法
        cardDealFun.init(bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData)
     * 请求病人信息、处理病人信息、请求标签、处理标签的方法统一
     * 再有床头卡,直接引入使用
     * 床头卡处理逻辑:
     * 1、暴露 getData 方法供安卓调用(在各自页面暴露,并且初始化回调方法)
     * 2、优先处理床位号(在各自页面处理)
     * 3、从安卓端获取病人信息(主要使用病人id)
     *    如果有病人id,根据病人id查询病人数据
     *    如果没有,使用床位+护理单元查询病人数据
     *    查出数据后保存给安卓
     * 4、获取系统配置信息(用户患者姓名保护、二维码显示等)
     * 5、清空数据
     * 使用方式(在各自页面书写):
     *  // 初始化床头卡处理实例
       var cardDealFun =  new DealCard()
       cardDealFun.dealInfoDataCallback = (data)=>renderData(data) // 初始化页面显示回调函数(renderData是自己页面定义的初始化页面的方法)
       cardDealFun.showLabelCallback = ()=>renderLabel() // 护理标签显示回调函数(renderLabel是自己页面定义的显示标签的方法)
       cardDealFun.clearPageCallback = ()=>clearInfo() // 清除页面显示回调函数(clearInfo是自己页面定义的清除页面显示内容的方法)
       cardDealFun.showRoomInfoCallback = (data)=>showRoomInfo(data) // 处理显示科主任、护士长、护理组长、医疗组长回调函数(showRoomInfo是各自页面定义的显示“科主任、护士长、护理组长、医疗组长”的方法)
      window.getData = function (bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData) {
            // 处理床位号的回调方法
            cardDealFun.init(bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData)
    class DealCard {
      public patientId:string = ''; //病人id
      public bedname:string = ''; //床位名
      public deptId:string = ''; //科室id
      public orgId:string = ''; //orgId
      public patientInfo:any = {
        patientIn: {},
        nurseLevelConfig: {}
      } // 病人信息
      public isFilterName:boolean = false; //是否床头卡患者姓名保护
      public labelInfo:any = []; //所有标签数据
      public cardPatientlabel:any = []; //患者标签接口查出来的数据
      public patientLabel:any = []; //该病人的标签
      public API_patidntid:string =  '/bnms/app-bn/patient-in-list/by-patient-in-and-info'; //根据病患id查询的接口
      public API_deptbedname:string =  '/bnms/app-bn/patient-in-list/by-dept-id-bed-name-one-new'; //根据床位号和护理单元查询的接口
      public API_NursingLabelInfo:string =  '/bnms/app-bn/patient-in-view-list/card-nursing-label'; // 获取护理标签数据
      public API_CardPatientLabelInfo:string =  '/bnms/app-bn/patient-in-view-list/card-patient-label'; // 获取患者标签数据
      public API_roomInfo:string =  '/hsms/app-hs/nursing-group/roomInfo'; // 获取房间科主任、护士长、护理组长、医疗组长数据
      public dealInfoDataCallback:any =  null; // 处理显示页面数据回调函数
      public showLabelCallback:any =  null; // 处理显示标签回调函数
      public showRoomInfoCallback:any =  null; // 处理显示科主任、护士长、护理组长、医疗组长回调函数
      public clearPageCallback:any =  null; // 清除页面显示回调函数
      public renderQrCodeCallback:any =  null; // 初始化二维码回调函数
      public showPatLabelCallback:any =  null; // 病患标签处理回调函数
      public GuoandYinshiCallback:any =  null; // 病患标签(过敏、饮食)处理回调函数
      public init(bedno:string, ucode:string, etnType:string, optype:string, jsonData:any){
        console.log(bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData)
        const _this:any = this
        this.bedname = bedno
        this.patientId = ''
        if (ucode)this.deptId = ucode
        let patientInfo:any = null
        try {
          // @ts-ignore
          if (window.android && window.android.getPatientInfo) patientInfo = window.android.getPatientInfo()
          if (patientInfo !== null && patientInfo !== '') patientInfo = JSON.parse(patientInfo)
          // 获取系统配置
          let Sys = ""
          // @ts-ignore
          if (window.android && window.android.getSystemConfig) Sys = window.android.getSystemConfig()
          // 中心医院定制需要显示二维码
          if (Sys !== '' && Sys !== null) {
            var J = JSON.parse(Sys);
            console.log('床头卡sys', J);
            this.isFilterName = J.isFilterNameBedHead
            // 是否初始化二维码
            if (J.QRCodeBedSide &&
              J.QRCodeBedSide.state &&
              J.QRCodeBedSide.text !== '' &&
              J.QRCodeBedSide.text !== null &&
              _this.renderQrCodeCallback &&
              _this.renderQrCodeCallback!=='' &&
              _this.renderQrCodeCallback !== null
            ) _this.renderQrCodeCallback(J.QRCodeBedHead.text)
        } catch (e) {
        if (patientInfo && patientInfo !== null)  this.patientId = patientInfo.patientId
        if (Number(optype) === 1) {
          // 页面重载:根据病人id(登陆了) 或者 护理单元+床位名(没登录) 查询
        } else if (Number(optype) === 2) {
      // 查询接口
      private getpatientInfoAPI(){
        const _this:any = this
        if (_this.patientId && _this.patientId !== null && _this.patientId !== '') {
          // 如果有病患信息,根据病患id查
          // @ts-ignore
            type: "GET",
            url: _this.API_patidntid, //MngUser/GetCardInfo
            data: {
              patientId: _this.patientId
            async: false,
            success: function (data:any) {
            error: function () {
        } else {
          // 如果没有病患id,根据 护理单元+床位名 查
          // @ts-ignore
            type: "GET",
            url: _this.API_deptbedname, //MngUser/GetCardInfo
            data: {
              deptId: _this.deptId,
              bedName: _this.bedname
            async: false,
            success: function (data:any) {
            error: function () {
       * 处理数据显示在页面上,处理方法在各自页面定义
       * @param data
      private dealInfoData(data:any) {
        const _this:any = this
        if(data.data === null){
        // @ts-ignore
        if (window.android && window.android.getAndroidData) {
          if (data.data && data.data !== null) data.data.databy = 'patientId';
          // @ts-ignore
        if (data.data) {
          _this.orgId = data.data.patientSelectDtos[0].patientIn.orgId
          _this.patientInfo = data.data.patientSelectDtos[0]
        // 回调显示页面
        if (_this.dealInfoDataCallback !== null && _this.dealInfoDataCallback)_this.dealInfoDataCallback(data)
      // 获取护理标签数据
      public getBedCardLabel() {
        const _this:any = this
        // @ts-ignore
          type: "GET",
          url: _this.API_NursingLabelInfo, //MngUser/GetCardInfo
          data: {
            deptId: _this.deptId,
            orgId: _this.orgId
          async: false,
          success: function (data:any) {
            _this.labelInfo = data.data;
          error: function () {
       * 获取患者标签
      public getCartPatientLabel(){
        const _this:any = this
        // @ts-ignore
          type: "GET",
          url: _this.API_CardPatientLabelInfo,
          data: {
            deptId: _this.deptId
          async: false,
          success: function (data:any) {
            _this.cardPatientlabel = data.data;
            if(_this.showPatLabelCallback && _this.showPatLabelCallback !==null)_this.showPatLabelCallback()
            // 处理过敏和饮食的字体颜色和背景色
            if(_this.GuoandYinshiCallback && _this.GuoandYinshiCallback !==null){
              let config:any = {
                allergy:null, // 过敏
                diet:null, // 饮食
              for(let i = 0 ; i < _this.cardPatientlabel.length ; i++){
                let v = _this.cardPatientlabel[i]
                if(!v || v.labelShowInfo === '' || v.labelShowInfo === null)continue
                if(v.labelSql === 'diet' || v.labelSql === 'allergy'){
                  let labelShowInfo = JSON.parse(v.labelShowInfo)
                  if(labelShowInfo.item.length > 0 && labelShowInfo.item[0] && labelShowInfo.item[0]['config'])
                  config[v.labelSql] = labelShowInfo.item[0]['config']
          error: function () {
       * 获取房间科主任、护士长、护理组长、医疗组长数据
      public getRoomInfo(){
        const _this:any = this
          // @ts-ignore
          let roomId:string|null = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("deviceInfo")).ROOM_ID
          // @ts-ignore
            type: "GET",
            url: _this.API_roomInfo,
            data: {
              deptId: _this.deptId,
              roomId: roomId
            async: false,
            success: function (data:any) {
              if(_this.showRoomInfoCallback && _this.showRoomInfoCallback!==null)_this.showRoomInfoCallback(data)
            error: function () {
        }catch (e) {
          console.log('获取房间科主任、护士长、护理组长、医疗组长数据中报错了', e)
       * 处理护理标签数据
       * 根据患者信息返回的患者标签数据 (patientInfo.patientInfoDtos = patientInListData) 和 查询的护理标签数据(labelInfo)进行匹配病患标签
       * 匹配规则:
       * 1、labelInfo[i]['labelShowInfo'] !==null ,非空
       * 2、labelInfo[i]['dataSources'] === 3
       需要用labelInfo[i]['labelSql']去比对患者基本信息接口中的 patientInListData[i]['labelSql'] 数据,匹配到之后,
       再匹配patientInListData[i]['infoValue']不为空 AND patientInListData[i]['labelType'] === 201
       * 3、labelInfo[i]['dataSources'] === 1 || labelInfo[i]['dataSources'] === 2 || labelInfo[i]['dataSources'] === 4
       需要匹配 labelInfo[i]['labelValue'] 是否包含这个病患的床位(bedName)
       * */
      private dealLabelNurs() {
        const _this:any = this
        _this.patientLabel = []
        for(let i = 0 ; i < _this.labelInfo.length ;i++){
          const v = _this.labelInfo[i]
          if (v.labelShowInfo !== null && v.labelShowInfo !== "") {
            if (Number(v.dataSources) === 3) {
              for(let ii = 0 ; ii < _this.patientInfo.patientInfoDtos.length ; ii++){
                let v2 = _this.patientInfo.patientInfoDtos[ii]
                if (v2.labelSql === v.labelSql && v2.infoValue !== '' && v2.labelType === "201") {
                  // 过滤掉可能重复的数据
                  const j = {
                    labelId: v.labelId,
                    labelName: v.labelName,
                    type: v.labelShowType,
                    img: (!v.labelShowInfo || v.labelShowInfo === '' || v.labelShowInfo === null || v.labelShowInfo.indexOf('|') > -1) ? './bedSideCardAssets/car2.png' : v.labelShowInfo,
                    labelShowInfo: v.labelShowInfo
            } else if (
              Number(v.dataSources) === 1 ||
              Number(v.dataSources) === 2 ||
              Number(v.dataSources) === 4
            ) {
              if (v.labelValue.indexOf(_this.bedName) > -1) {
                const j = {
                  labelId: v.labelId,
                  labelName: v.labelName,
                  type: v.labelShowType,
                  img: (!v.labelShowInfo || v.labelShowInfo === '' || v.labelShowInfo === null || v.labelShowInfo.indexOf('|') > -1) ? './bedSideCardAssets/car2.png' : v.labelShowInfo,
                  labelShowInfo: v.labelShowInfo
        if (_this.showLabelCallback && _this.showLabelCallback !== null)_this.showLabelCallback()
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                    <div class="top-left" id="bedName">..</div>
                    <div class="top-right">
                        <div class="top-right-view">
                            <div class="top-right-name" id="patientName">..</div>
                            <div class="top-right-info-view">
                                <div class="top-right-level" id="nurseLevel">..</div>
                                <div class="top-right-other">
                                    <div class="top-right-sex" id="sex">..</div>
                                    <div class="top-right-time" id="patientAge">..</div>
                        <div class="top-right-view2">
                            <div class="top-right-text">住院号:<span id="inpNo">..</span></div>
                            <div class="top-right-text2"><span id="inTime">..</span>入院</div>
                        <div class="top-right-view3">
                            <div class="top-right-view3-card">
                                <div class="top-right-view3-card-text top-right-doct">
                                    <div class="top-right-view3-card-text-key">主管医生</div>
                                    <div class="top-right-view3-card-text-value" id="doctorName">..</div>
                                <div class="top-right-view3-card-text left-auto">
                                    <div class="top-right-view3-card-text-key">责任护士</div>
                                    <div class="top-right-view3-card-text-value" id="nurseName">..</div>
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                    <div class="bottom-view1">
                        <div class="bottom-view1-icon-view">
                            <div class="bottom-view1-icon-left">敏</div>
                        <div class="bottom-view1-text-view" id="allergy">..</div>
                        <div class="bottom-view1-line-view">
                        <div class="bottom-view1-text-view" id="diet">..</div>
                        <div class="bottom-view1-icon-view">
                            <div class="bottom-view1-icon-right">食</div>
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                                    <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                                    <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                                    <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                                    <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                                    <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                                    </div> -->
                        <div class="bottom-scroll-view" id="bottom-scroll-view">
                            <!-- <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                            <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                            <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                            <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                            <div class="bottom-item"><img src="./bedSideCardAssets/car2.png" alt="">
                            </div> -->
        document.querySelectorAll('.top-left')[0].addEventListener('click', function () {
        // 初始化床头卡处理实例
        var cardDealFun =  new DealCard()
        cardDealFun.dealInfoDataCallback = (data)=>renderData(data) // 初始化页面显示回调函数
        cardDealFun.showLabelCallback = ()=>renderLabel() // 护理标签显示回调函数
        cardDealFun.clearPageCallback = ()=>clearInfo() // 清除页面显示回调函数
        cardDealFun.GuoandYinshiCallback = (data)=>GuoandYinshi(data) // 病患标签(过敏、饮食)处理回调函数
        window.getData = function (bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData) {
            // 处理床位号的回调方法
            if (bedno) {
                renderBedName(bedno); //床号
            cardDealFun.init(bedno, ucode, etnType, optype, jsonData)
        function renderData(resData) {
            if (resData.data) {
                var data = resData.data.patientSelectDtos[0].patientIn;
                renderPatientName(data.patientName); //病人姓名
                document.getElementById('sex').innerText = data.sex; //性别
                document.getElementById('patientAge').innerText = data.patientAge;    //年龄
                document.getElementById('inpNo').innerText = data.inpNo; //住院号
                var _inTime = new Date(data.inTime); //入院日期
                document.getElementById('inTime').innerText = _inTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (_inTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + _inTime.getDate();
                document.getElementById('doctorName').innerText = data.doctorName || '暂无'; //主管医生
                document.getElementById('nurseName').innerText = data.nurseName || '暂无'; //责任护士
                renderAllergy(data.allergy); //过敏
                renderDiet(data.diet); //饮食
                var levelConfig = resData.data.patientSelectDtos[0].nurseLevelConfig;
                var levelDom = document.getElementById('nurseLevel');
                if (levelConfig) {
                    levelDom.style.visibility = "";
                    levelDom.style.color = levelConfig.fontColor;
                    levelDom.style.backgroundColor = levelConfig.backgroundColor;
                    levelDom.innerText = levelConfig.nurseLevelName;
                } else levelDom.style.visibility = "hidden";
                // 获取护理标签
                // 获取患者标签
            } else {
        function clearInfo() {
            document.getElementById('bottom-scroll-view').innerHTML = ""; //护理标签
            document.getElementById('patientName').innerHTML = "暂无"; //病人姓名
            document.getElementById('sex').innerText = ''; //性别
            document.getElementById('patientAge').innerText = '';    //年龄
            document.getElementById('inpNo').innerText = '暂无'; //住院号
            document.getElementById('inTime').innerText = ''; //入院日期
            document.getElementById('doctorName').innerText = '暂无'; //主管医生
            document.getElementById('nurseName').innerText = '暂无'; //责任护士
            document.getElementById('allergy').innerText = "暂无"; //过敏
            document.getElementById('diet').innerText = "暂无"; //饮食
            document.getElementById('nurseLevel').style.visibility = "hidden"; //护理等级
        function renderBedName(_bedName) {
            var _dom = document.getElementById('bedName');
            _dom.innerText = _bedName;
            if (_bedName.length == 3) _dom.style.fontSize = "170rem";
            else if (_bedName.length == 4) _dom.style.fontSize = "120rem";
            else if (_bedName.length == 5) _dom.style.fontSize = "100rem";
            else if (_bedName.length == 6) _dom.style.fontSize = "80rem";
            else if (_bedName.length == 7) _dom.style.fontSize = "70rem";
            else if (_bedName.length > 7) {
                _dom.style.fontSize = "70rem";
                _dom.style.wordBreak = "break-all";
                _dom.style.textAlign = "center";
        function renderPatientName(name) {
            if (cardDealFun.isFilterName) {
                if (name.length <= 1) return;
                else if (name.length == 2) name = name.substr(0, 1) + '*';
                else {
                    var _n = name.substr(0, 1);
                    var _count = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < name.length - 2; i++) {
                        if (_count > 2) break;
                        _n += '*';
                    _n += name.substr(name.length - 1, 1);
                    name = _n;
            var _dom = document.getElementById('patientName');
            _dom.innerText = name;
            if (cardDealFun.isFilterName) {
            } else {
                if (name.length > 4) {
                    _dom.innerHTML = '<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="4" scrolldelay="60">' + name + '</marquee>';
                } else {
        function renderAllergy(data) {
            if (data) {
                if (data.length <= 26) document.getElementById('allergy').innerText = data || "暂无";
                else document.getElementById('allergy').innerHTML = '<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" scrollamount="2">' + data + '</marquee>';
            } else {
                document.getElementById('allergy').innerText = data || "暂无";
        function renderDiet(data) {
            if (data) {
                if (data.length <= 26) document.getElementById('diet').innerText = data || "暂无";
                else document.getElementById('diet').innerHTML = '<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" scrollamount="2">' + data + '</marquee>';
            } else {
                document.getElementById('diet').innerText = data || "暂无";
         * 病患标签处理(过敏、饮食)
        function GuoandYinshi(data){
            if(data.allergy !== null){ //过敏
            if(data.diet !== null){ // 饮食
        function renderLabel() {
            const labelList = cardDealFun.patientLabel
            var domView = document.getElementById('bottom-scroll-view');
            var _marq = document.getElementById('bottom-scroll-view-marquee');
            var _sv = _marq.getElementsByClassName('bottom-scroll-view')[0];
            _sv.innerHTML = '';
            domView.innerHTML = '';
            if (labelList.length > 6) {
                domView.style.display = "none";
                _marq.style.display = "block";
                for (var i = 0; i < labelList.length; i++) {
                    _sv.innerHTML += '<div class="bottom-item"><img src="' + labelList[i].img + '" alt=""><div>' + labelList[i].labelName + '</div></div>';
            } else {
                _marq.style.display = "none";
                domView.style.display = 'flex';
                for (var i = 0; i < labelList.length; i++) {
                    domView.innerHTML += '<div class="bottom-item"><img src="' + labelList[i].img + '" alt=""><div>' + labelList[i].labelName + '</div></div>';

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pangchunlei/p/14034518.html
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