function onRequestSuccess() { if (currentRequestUrl) { inRequestState = true; var currentMenuName = $(".submenu li.current").text().trim(); currentRequestUrl = currentRequestUrl.replace("&X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest", ""); History.pushState({ activeMenu: currentMenuName, title: "@ViewBag.Title", url: currentRequestUrl }, $("#wrap").find("title").text(), currentRequestUrl); } } History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function () { // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate if (inRequestState) { inRequestState = false; return; } var state = History.getState(); // Note: We are using History.getState() instead of event.state if (state) { document.title = state.title; var mn = state.data.activeMenu; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: state.url, success: function (data) { $("#wrap").html(data); switchMenu(mn); }, failure: function (errMsg) { $("#wrap").html("<p>服务器繁忙,请稍后再试.</p>"); console.log(errMsg); } }); } });