派生表(derived table)、公用表表达式(CTE,common table expression)、视图,以及内联表值函数(inline TVF,inline table-valued function)
use TSQLFundamentals2008; select * from (select custid, companyname from Sales.Customers where country=N'USA') as USACusts;
-- 分配列别名 select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from (select YEAR(orderdate) as orderyear, custid from Sales.Orders) as d group by orderyear; -- 或 select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from (select YEAR(orderdate), custid from Sales.Orders) as d(orderyear, custid) group by orderyear; -- 使用参数 declare @empid as int = 3; select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from (select year(orderdate) as orderyear, custid from Sales.Orders where empid = @empid) as d group by orderyear;
select orderyear, numcusts from (select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from (select YEAR(orderdate) as orderyear, custid from sales.orders) as d1 group by orderyear) as d2 where numcusts > 70;
select cur.orderyear , cur.numcusts as curnumcusts , prv.numcusts as prvnumcusts , cur.numcusts - prv.numcusts as growth from (select year(orderdate) as orderyear , count(distinct custid) as numcusts from sales.Orders group by year(orderdate)) as cur left outer join (select year(orderdate) as orderyear , count(distinct custid) as numcusts from sales.orders group by year(orderdate)) as prv on cur.orderyear = prv.orderyear + 1;
with USACusts as ( select custid, companyname from sales.Customers where country = N'USA' ) select * from USACusts;
CTE也支持两种格式的列别名命名方式--内联格式和外部格式。对于内联格式,要指定<expression> AS <column_alias>;对于外部格式,在CTE名称后面的一对圆括号中目标列的列表。
with C as ( select year(orderdate) as orderyear, custid from Sales.Orders ) select orderyear, COUNT(distinct custid) as numcusts from c group by orderyear; with C(orderyear, custid) as ( select year(orderdate), custid from Sales.Orders ) select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from c group by orderyear;
declare @empid as int = 3; with c as ( select year(orderdate) as orderyear, custid from Sales.Orders where empid = @empid ) select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from c group by orderyear;
with c1 as ( select year(orderdate) as orderyear, custid from Sales.Orders ), c2 as ( select orderyear, count(distinct custid) as numcusts from c1 group by orderyear ) select orderyear, numcusts from c2 where numcusts > 70;
with yearlycount as ( select year(orderdate) as orderyear , COUNT(distinct custid) as numcusts from sales.orders group by YEAR(orderdate) ) select cur.orderyear , cur.numcusts as curnumcusts , prv.numcusts as prvnumcusts , cur.numcusts - prv.numcusts as growth from yearlycount as cur left outer join yearlycount as prv on cur.orderyear = prv.orderyear;
查询:第一个查询称为定位点成员(anchor member),第二个查询称为递归成员(recursive member)。
with <CTE_NAME>[(<target_column_list>)]
union all
with empsCte as ( select empid, mgrid, firstname, lastname from hr.Employees where empid = 2 union all select c.empid, c.mgrid, c.firstname, c.lastname from empsCte as p join hr.Employees as c on c.mgrid = p.empid ) select empid, mgrid, firstname, lastname from empsCte;
如果递归成员的联接谓词中存在逻辑错误,或是循环中的数据结果出了问题,都可能导致递归成员被调用无限多次。为了安全起见,SQLServer默认把递归成员最多可以调用的次数限制为100次,递归成员的调用次数达到101次时,代码将会因递归失败而终止运行。为了修改默认的最大递归次数,可以在外部查询的最后指定option(maxrecursion n)。这里的n是一个范围在0到32767之间的整数,代表想要设定的最大递归调用次数限制。如果想去掉对递归调用次数的限制,可以将maxrecursion设为0。注意,SQLServer把定位点成员和递归成员返回的临时结果集先保存在tempdb数据库的工作表中。如果去掉对递归次数的限制,万一查询失控,工作表的体积将很快变得非常大。当tempdb数据库的体积不能再继续增长时,查询便会失败。
视图和内联表值函数(inline TVF)是两种可重用的表表达式,它们的定义存储在一个数据库对象中。一旦创建,这些对象就是数据库的永久部分:只有用删除语句显式删除,他们才会从数据库中移除。在其他很多方面,视图和内联表值函数的处理方式都类似于派生表和CTE。例如,当查询视图和内联TVF时,SQLServer会先扩展表表达式的定义,再直接查询底层对象,这与派生表和cte的处理方式是一样的。
use TSQLFundamentals2008; if OBJECT_ID('sales.usacusts') is not null drop view Sales.usacusts; go create view sales.usacusts as select custid, companyname, contactname, contacttitle, address, city, region, postalcode, country, phone, fax from Sales.Customers where country = N'USA'; go select custid, companyname from Sales.usacusts;
注意,一般推荐在和视图有关的应用上下文应该避免使用select * 语句。列是在编译视图时进行枚举的,新加的列可能不会自动加到视图中。
用一个名为sp_refreshview的存储过程可以刷新视图的元数据,但为避免混淆,最好的开发实践就是在视图的定义中显式的列出需要的列名。如果在底层表中添加了列,而且在视图中需要这些新加的列,则可以使用alter view语句对视图定义进行相应的修改。
视图和order by子句
记住,在定义表表达式的查询语句中不允许出现order by子句,因为关系表的行之间没有顺序。视图创建一个有序视图的想法也不合理,因为这违反了关系模型定义的关系的基本属性。如果为了数据展示的目的,确实需要从视图中返回有序的数据行,这时也不应该让视图做违反规则的事情。相反,应该在使用视图的外部查询中指定一个数据展示用的order by子句。
select custid, companyname, region from sales.usacusts order by region;
输出中行的任何顺序都可以认为是有效的,不会保证有什么特定的顺序。因此,当对表表达式进行查询时,除非在外部查询中指定了order by子句,否则不应该假定输出具有任何顺序。
不要把用于定义表表达式的查询和其他用途的查询混为一谈。对于包含top和order by的查询,只有在表表达式的上下文中,它才不保证输出具有特定的顺序。而对于不是用于定义表表达式的查询,order by子句即用于为top选项提供逻辑筛选服务,也用于控制输出结果的排列顺序。
当创建或修改视图时,可以在视图定义中指定视图的属性和选项。在视图定义的头部,可以用with子句来指定诸如encryption和schemabinding这样的属性;在视图查询的末尾,还可以指定with check option。
alter view sales.usacusts as select custid, companyname, contactname, contacttitle, address , city, region, postalcode, country, phone, fax from sales.Customers where country = N'USA'; go -- 得到视图定义 select OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id('sales.usacusts')); -- 修改视图定义,这一次要包含encryption选项 alter view sales.usacusts with encryption as select custid, companyname, contactname, contacttitle, Address ,city, region, postalcode, country, phone, fax from sales.Customers where country = N'USA'; -- 再一次获取视图定义的文本,得到结果为NULL select OBJECT_DEFINITION(object_id('sales.usacusts')); -- 除了object_definition函数,还可以使用存储过程sp_helptext来获取对象的定义。 exec sp_helptext 'sales.usacusts';
alter view sales.usacusts with schemabinding as select custid, companyname, contactname, contacttitle, address, city, region, postalcode, country, phone, fax from sales.Customers where country = N'USA'; -- 试图删除customers表中的address列时会提示错误信息 alter table sales.customers drop column address;
对象定义必须满足两个技术要求,才能支持SCHEMABINDING选项。不允许在查询的select子句中使用星号*, 必须显式的列出列名。此外,在引用对象时,必须使用带有架构名称修饰的完整对象名称。这两个要求都是平常值得遵守的最佳实践原则。可以想象,在创建对象时指定SCHEMABINDING选项,也是一种好的实践方法。
check option选项的目的是为了防止通过视图执行的数据修改与视图中设置的过滤条件发生冲突。
-- 例如,插入一个英国客户 insert into sales.usacusts(companyname, contactname, contacttitle, address, city, region, postalcode, country, phone, fax) values(N'Customers ABCDE', N'Contact ABCDE', N'Title ABCDE', N'Address ABCDE', N'London', Null, N'12345', N'UK', N'012-3456789', N'012-3456789'); -- 查找这个客户将的到一个空的结果集 select custid, companyname, country from sales.usacusts where companyname=N'customers ABCDE'; -- 为了查找这个新客户,可以直接查询customers表 select custid, companyname, country from sales.Customers where companyname = N'Customers ABCDE'; -- 如果想防止这种与视图的查询过滤条件相冲突的修改,只需要在定义视图的查询语句末尾加上 -- with check option即可 alter view sales.usacusts with schemabinding as select custid, companyname, contactname, contacttitle, address, city, region, postalcode, country, phone, fax from sales.Customers where country = N'USA' with check option; go -- 这样,在试图插入数据时会报错
use tsqlfundamentals2008; if OBJECT_ID('dbo.fn_getcustorders') is not null drop function dbo.fun_getcustorders; go create function dbo.fn_getcustorders (@cid as int) returns table as return select orderid, custid, empid, orderdate, requireddate, shippeddate, shipperid, freight, shipname, shipaddress, shipcity, shipregion, shippostalcode, shipcountry from Sales.Orders where custid = @cid; go
select orderid, custid from dbo.fn_getcustorders(1) as co; select co.orderid, co.custid, od.productid, od.qty from dbo.fn_getcustorders(1) as co join sales.OrderDetails as od on co.orderid = od.orderid;
APPLY运算符也是在SQLServer2005中引入的一个非标准表运算符。和其他表运算符一样,这个运算符也是在查询的FROM子句中使用。APPLY运算符支持两种形式:CROSS APPLY和OUTER APPLY。
CROSS APPLY只实现了一个逻辑查询步骤,而OUTER APPLY实现了两个步骤。APPLY 运算符对两个输入表进行操作,其中第二个可以是一个表表达式,而我们将它们分别称为左表和右表。右表通常是一个派生表或内联表值函数。CROSS APPLY运算符实现了一个逻辑查询处理逻辑:把右表表达式应用到左表中的每一行,再把结果集组合起来,生成一个统一的结果表。就目前来看,CROSS APPLY运算符与交叉连接非常类似,从某种意义上讲也确实如此。
select s.shipperid, e.empid from sales.shippers as s cross join hr.Employees as e; select s.shipperid, e.empid from sales.Shippers as s cross apply hr.Employees as e;
与联接不同的是,当使用cross apply操作符时, 右表表达式可能代表不同的数据行集合。为此,可以在右边使用一个派生表,在派生表的查询中去引用左表列;也可以使用内联表值函数,把左表中的列作为输入参数进行传递。
select c.custid, a.orderid, a.orderdate from Sales.Customers as c cross apply (select top (3) orderid, orderdate, requireddate from Sales.Orders as o where o.custid = c.custid order by orderdate desc, orderid desc) as a;
可以把上面查询中的表表达式A看作是一个相关子查询。就逻辑查询处理来说,右表表达式要应用于customers表的每一行。如果右表表达式返回的是一个空集,cross apply运算符则不会返回相应左边的数据行。如果要右表表达式返回空集时也照样返回相应左表中的行,则可以用outer apply运算符代替cross apply。outer apply运算符增加了另一个逻辑处理阶段:标识出让右表表达式返回空集的坐标中的数据行,并把这些行作为外部行添加到结果集中,来自右表表达式的列用null作为占位符。从某种意义上讲,这个处理步骤类似于左外联接中增加外部行的那一步。
select c.custid, a.orderid, a.orderdate from Sales.Customers as c outer apply (select top(3) orderid, empid, orderdate, requireddate from sales.Orders as o where o.custid = c.custid order by orderdate desc, orderid desc) as a;
if OBJECT_ID('dbo.fn_toporders') is not null drop function dbo.fn_toporders; go create function dbo.fu_toporders (@custid as int, @n as int) returns table as return select top(@n) orderid, empid, orderdate, requireddate from sales.Orders where custid = @custid order by orderdate desc, orderid desc; go select c.custid, c.companyname, a.orderid, a.empid, a.orderdate, a.requireddate from sales.Customers as c cross apply dbo.fu_toporders(c.custid, 3) as a;