+ Chapter10: Code Reading Tools
223. Use lexical tools to efficiently search for patterns in a large source code file or across many files.(P.340)
运用词典工具来有效的查找大型源代码文件或者跨许多文件的模式 。
224. Use a program editor and regular expression search commands to browse large source
code files.(p.340)
225. Browse source files with your editor in read—only mode.(P.341)
226. You Can locate a function definition by using a regular expression search of the
type ^ function name.(P.341)
你可以通过使用^函数名类型的正则表达式搜索 ,去定位一个函数的定义。
227. Use regular expression character classes to look for variables with names that follow a
specific pattern.(P.342)
228. Use regular expression character classes with negation to avoid false-positive matches.p.342)
229. Search for symbols appearing together on the same line by using the regular expression
symbol1* symbol2(P.343)
查找在同一行中一起出现的符号话,就使用正则表达式 symbol1* symbol2。
230. Use your editor’s tags facility to quickly locate entity definitions.(P.343)
231. You can enhance the browsing functionality of your editor with specialized tag creation tools.(P.344)
232. You can obtain a bird’s-eye view of the source code structure by using an editor’s outline view.(p.345)
你可以通过使用编辑器的轮廓视图来获取鸟瞰源代码结构这样的能力。(译注,类似ECLIPSE 中 CTRL+0打开的类的概览)
233. Use your editor to detect matching parentheses,brackets,and braces.(P.345)
234. Search for code patterns across multiple files by using grep.(P.346)
235. Locate symbol declarations,definitions, and uses by using grep.(p.7)
236. When you are not sure what exactly you are looking for,search the program source code for
the stems of key words.(p.347)
237. Pipe the output of other tools through grep to isolate the items you are looking for.(p.347)
238. Pipe the output of grep to other tools to automate sophisticated processing tasks。(P347)
将grep 的输出管道化到其它工具,从而自动化的以精致的方式去执行任务。
239. Reuse the results of a code search by stream—editing the grep output.(P.348)
通过流编辑grep 的输出,从而去重用一次代码查询的结果 。
240. Filter spurious grep output by selecting output lines that do not match the noise
pattern(g rep-v).(p.350)
通过选择不匹配噪音模式(grep -v),去过滤伪造的grep输出。
241. Match source code against lists of strings by using fgrep.(P.353)
242. Search through all comments and through the code of languages with case— insensitive
identifiers(for example,Basic)using case—insensitive pattern matching(grep-i).(P.354)
在所有注释上的搜索,以及在大小写不敏感的标识符上的搜索(比如, Basic),就要使用大小写不敏感
的匹配模式(grep -i)。
243. Create checklists of files and line numbers that match a given regular expression by using
the grep—n command-line switch.(P.354)
生成文件检查列表,以及通过使用grep -n 命令行转换去匹配一给定的表达式的行号。
244. Compare different versions of a file or program by using diff.(P.355)
245. When running the diff command,you Can use diff -b to make the file comparison algorithm ignore
trailing blanks,一w to ignore all whitespace differences,and -i to make the file comparison case
当运行一个diff 命令时, 你可以使用diff -b使文件比较算法忽略掉尾空格, 使用diff -w 去忽略掉所有空格键差异,
使用-i 使文件比较对大小写是敏感的。
246. Do not be afraid to create your own code—reading tools.(P.357)
247. When developing your own code—reading tool:exploit the capabilities of modern rapid—prototyping
languages,start with a simple design and gradually improve it, use heuristics based on the
lexical structure of the code,be prepared to tolerate some output noise or silence,and use other
tools to preprocess your input or postprocess your output.(P.359)
当开发你自己的代码阅读工具时:利用现代快速原型语言的能力,以简单的设计始,慢慢的发展, 使用基于词典结构的
代码之启发式方式 ,抱有准备忍受一定程度的输出噪音以及杳无音讯的心,并使用去其它工具来预处理你的输入
248. When reading code,make the compiler your friend:specify the appropriate level of compiler
warnings and carefully evaluate the results.(P.360)
当阅读代码的时候, 让编译器成为你的朋友:确定编译器警告的合适级别,以及小心翼翼的评估其结果。
249. Use the C preprocessor to untangle programs that abuse it.(P.361)
250. To definitely understand how the compiler treats a particular piece of code,look at the generated
symbolic(assembly) code.(P.362)
为了完全理解一个编译器是如何对待特定片段的代码的, 需要去看一下生成的符号代码(汇编)。
251. You can obtain a clear picture of a source file’s imports and exports by examining the
corresponding object file symbols.(P.364)
252. Use source code browsers to navigate through large code collections and object classes.(p.365)
253. Resist the temptation to beautify foreign code to your coding standards;gratuitous formatting
changes create divergent code bases and hinder organized maintenance.(P.367)
254. Program pretty—printers and editor syntax coloring can make source code more readable.(p.368)
程序的格式优美以及 编辑器语法高亮可以使得源代码更可读。
255. The program cdecl will translate inscrutable C and C++ type declarations into
plain English(and vice versa).(p.368)
cdecl程序会转换 难以理解的 C 与 C++类型声明到无格式的英语(反之亦然)。
256. You can gain valuable insight on how the program operates by actually executing (p.370)
257. System call,event,and packet tracing tools can improve your understanding of
a program’s operation.(P.371)
系统调用, 事件, 包追踪工具可以提升你关于一个程序操作的理解。
258. Execution profilers let you target your optimization efforts,verify your input data coverage,
and analyze the operation of algorithms.(p.372)
259. Look for lines that are never executed to find weaknesses in your test coverage
and amend your test data(P.372)
260. Tb explore every detail of the dynamic operation of a program you are examining,
run it under a debugger.(P.3 73)
为了探索到一个你所检查的程序的动态执行之所有细节, 就需要在一个调试器下运行它。
261. Print on paper code you find hard to understand.(p.3 75)
262. Draw diagrams to depict the code’s operation.(p.375)
263. You can always get a better understanding of a piece of code by explaining it to
someone else.(P.3 75)
264. To understand complicated algorithms or subtle data structures,select a peaceful and quiet
environment and concentrate deeply without drawing any help from computerized or
mechanical aids.(p.376)
为了理解复杂的算法或者是微妙而敏感的数据结构, 选择一个安静的环境以及集中注意力,不要试图
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