进入/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.systemd1.policy,将对应manae-units的defaults中的授权全部改为yes,然后执行systemctl restart polkit重启polkit
<action id="org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units">
defaults 选项
This element is used to specify implicit authorizations for clients. Elements that can be used inside defaults include:
allow_any: Implicit authorizations that apply to any client. Optional.
allow_inactive: Implicit authorizations that apply to clients in inactive sessions on local consoles. Optional.
allow_active: Implicit authorizations that apply to clients in active sessions on local consoles. Optional.
Each of the allow_any, allow_inactive and allow_active elements can contain the following values:
no: Not authorized.
yes: Authorized.
auth_self: Authentication by the owner of the session that the client originates from is required. Note that this is not restrictive enough for most uses on multi-user systems; auth_admin* is generally recommended.
auth_admin: Authentication by an administrative user is required.
auth_self_keep: Like auth_self but the authorization is kept for a brief period (e.g. five minutes). The warning about auth_self above applies likewise.
auth_admin_keep: Like auth_admin but the authorization is kept for a brief period (e.g. five minutes).