Problem Description
There are many people's name and birth in a list.Your task is to print the name from young to old.(There is no pair of two has the same age.)
First line contains a single integer T leq 100T≤100 which denotes the number of test cases.
For each test case, there is an positive integer n (1 leq n leq 100)n(1≤n≤100) which denotes the number of people,and next nn lines,each line has a name and a birth's year(1900-2015) separated by one space.
The length of name is positive and not larger than 100100.Notice name only contain letter(s),digit(s) and space(s).
For each case, output nn lines.
Sample Input
2 1 FancyCoder 1996 2 FancyCoder 1996 xyz111 1997
Sample Output
FancyCoder xyz111 FancyCoder
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cstring> 3 #include<algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 struct p 6 { 7 int eag; 8 char name[105]; 9 };p s[105]; 10 bool com(p A,p B) 11 { 12 return A.eag>B.eag; 13 } 14 int pow(int x,int y) 15 { 16 int n=1,i; 17 for (i=0;i<y;i++) n*=x; 18 return n; 19 } 20 int main() 21 { 22 int t,n,n2,i,l,j,k; 23 char ss[205]; 24 scanf("%d",&t); 25 while (t--) 26 { 27 k=0; 28 scanf("%d",&n); 29 n2=n; 30 getchar(); 31 while (n--) 32 { 33 j=0; 34 s[k].eag=0; 35 gets(ss); 36 l=strlen(ss); 37 for (i=l-1;i>=0;i--) 38 { 39 if (ss[i]==' ') break; 40 s[k].eag+=(ss[i]-'0')*pow(10,j); 41 j++; 42 } 43 // printf("%d ",s[k].eag); 44 for (j=0;j<i;j++) s[k].name[j]=ss[j]; 45 s[k].name[j]=''; 46 k++; 47 } 48 sort(s,s+n2,com); 49 for (i=0;i<n2;i++) printf("%s ",s[i].name); 50 } 51 }