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  • vim 代码注释插件





    The following key mappings are provided by default (there is also a menu
    provided that contains menu items corresponding to all the below mappings):

    Most of the following mappings are for normal/visual mode only. The
    |NERDComInsertComment| mapping is for insert mode only.

    [count]<leader>cc |NERDComComment|
    Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode.

    [count]<leader>cn |NERDComNestedComment|
    Same as <leader>cc but forces nesting.

    [count]<leader>c<space> |NERDComToggleComment|
    Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s). If the topmost selected
    line is commented, all selected lines are uncommented and vice versa.

    [count]<leader>cm |NERDComMinimalComment|
    Comments the given lines using only one set of multipart delimiters.

    [count]<leader>ci |NERDComInvertComment|
    Toggles the comment state of the selected line(s) individually.

    [count]<leader>cs |NERDComSexyComment|
    Comments out the selected lines ``sexily''

    [count]<leader>cy |NERDComYankComment|
    Same as <leader>cc except that the commented line(s) are yanked first.

    <leader>c$ |NERDComEOLComment|
    Comments the current line from the cursor to the end of line.

    <leader>cA |NERDComAppendComment|
    Adds comment delimiters to the end of line and goes into insert mode between

    Adds comment delimiters at the current cursor position and inserts between.
    Disabled by default.

    <leader>ca |NERDComAltDelim|
    Switches to the alternative set of delimiters.

    [count]<leader>cb    |NERDComAlignedComment|
    Same as |NERDComComment| except that the delimiters are aligned down the
    left side (<leader>cl) or both sides (<leader>cb).

    [count]<leader>cu |NERDComUncommentLine|
    Uncomments the selected line(s).
    install details
    The NERD Commenter requires Vim 7 or higher.

    Extract the plugin files in your ~/.vim (*nix) or ~/vimfiles (Windows). You
    should have 2 files:

    Next, to finish installing the help file run:
        :helptags ~/.vim/doc

    See |add-local-help| for more details.

    Make sure that you have filetype plugins enabled, as the script makes use of
    |'commentstring'| where possible (which is usually set in a filetype plugin).
    See |filetype-plugin-on| for details, but basically, stick this in your vimrc
        filetype plugin on


    这是一款供Vim使用的插件,看名字可以知道,它和The NERD Tree同属一个作者。使用这款插件,你可以对多种文件类型的文件进行不同方式地、快速地注释。这对使用Vim来写代码或者修改配置文件的同学来说,无疑是提升效率和快感的一件利器。你可以到这里来下载这个插件,将压缩包里面的doc/和plugin/文件夹丢到~/.vim/下面就是安装了。为了可以使用其帮助文档,你还需要在Vim中执行:helptags ~/.vim/doc/来注册。
      简单介绍下NERD Commenter的常用键绑定,以C/C++文件为例,详析的使用方法,请:h NERDCommenter。在Normal或者Visual 模式下:

        ,ca,在可选的注释方式之间切换,比如C/C++ 的块注释/* */和行注释//


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