My error message was something like this:
error: src refspec master does not match any.
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github ... .git'
and it solved by executing the following commands:
touch README
git add README
git add (all other files)
git commit -m 'reinitialized files'
git push origin master --force
git branch -a
git status
git pull origin develop
git reset --hard
git checkout release
git checkout -b feature-dev release # 方法3,从release分支创建feature-dev分支,并切换到feature-dev分支
modify code....
git add .
git commit -m ""
git pull origin release #从release更新代码到本地 ==fetch,merge
git push origin feature-dev #提交本地代码feature-dev
git stash 将本地修改放到缓存。
git stash pop
git checkout release
git pull release
git checkout feature-xx
git rebase release