例如 输入整数22和如下二元树
/ \
5 12
/ \
4 7
则打印出两条路径:10, 12和10, 5, 7。
struct BinaryTreeNode // a node in the binary tree
int m_nValue; // value of node
BinaryTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node
BinaryTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node
/* * SearchOneValue.h * * Created on: 2011-3-29 * Author: zq */ #ifndef SEARCHONEVALUE_H_ #define SEARCHONEVALUE_H_ class SearchOneValue{ private: int* PathArr; int arrSize; int index; struct BinaryNode{ int element; BinaryNode* left; BinaryNode* right; BinaryNode(const int& theElem,BinaryNode* lt,BinaryNode* rt): element(theElem),left(lt),right(rt){} }; void PrintOneValuePath(BinaryNode* rt,int OneValue,int *PathArr,int index); public: BinaryNode* root; SearchOneValue(int size = 20,int ind = 0,BinaryNode* rt = NULL): arrSize(size),index(ind),root(rt){ PathArr = new int[arrSize]; } ~SearchOneValue(){ delete []PathArr; makeEmpty(root); } void insert(const int &x,BinaryNode* &rt); void PrintPath(int OneValue); void makeEmpty(BinaryNode* &rt); }; #endif /* SEARCHONEVALUE_H_ */
/* * SearchOneValue.cpp * * Created on: 2011-3-29 * Author: zq */ #include <iostream> #include "SearchOneValue.h" using namespace std; void SearchOneValue::insert(const int &x,BinaryNode* &rt){ if(NULL == rt) rt = new BinaryNode(x,NULL,NULL); else if(x < rt->element) insert(x,rt->left); else if(x > rt->element) insert(x,rt->right); else ; } void SearchOneValue::PrintOneValuePath(BinaryNode* rt,int OneValue,int *PathArr,int index){ if(NULL == rt) return; //当前节点是叶子节点 if(rt->left == NULL && rt->right == NULL){ if(OneValue == rt->element){ cout << "\nFind the Path:" << endl; for(int i = 0;i < index;++i) cout << PathArr[i] << " "; cout << rt->element; } return; } int tmpIndex = index; if(PathArr != NULL && index < arrSize){ PathArr[tmpIndex] = rt->element; tmpIndex++; } int value = OneValue - rt->element; if(value >= 0){ PrintOneValuePath(rt->left,value,PathArr,tmpIndex); PrintOneValuePath(rt->right,value,PathArr,tmpIndex); } } void SearchOneValue::PrintPath(int OneValue){ PrintOneValuePath(root,OneValue,PathArr,index); } void SearchOneValue::makeEmpty(BinaryNode* &rt){ if(NULL == rt) return; makeEmpty(rt->left); makeEmpty(rt->right); delete rt; rt = NULL; } int main(){ SearchOneValue SOV; int data; int choice; while(true){ cout << "\n\n\n ---主界面---\n\n\n"; cout << " 1. 插入操作 2. 查询操作\n"; cout << " 0. 退出\n"; cout << " 请选择操作: "; cin >> choice; switch(choice){ case 0: return 0; case 1: cout << "请输入要插入的元素: " ; cin >> data; SOV.insert(data,SOV.root); break; case 2: cout << "请输入要查询的值: "; cin >> data; SOV.PrintPath(data); break; } } return 0; }