1. 求出原图像img的累积直方图img_accu;
2. 求出参考图像ref的累积直方图ref_accu;
3. 灰度级g在img_accu中对应的值记为img_accu_g,找出ref_accu中与ref_accu_g最接近的值,记为ref_accu_G,记该值对应的灰度级为G;
4. 根据g和G的对应关系,得到img经过匹配之后的直方图。
(a) 原图像img的直方图 (b) 参考图像ref的直方图
(c) 原图像img的累积直方图 (d) 参考图像ref的累积直方图
灰度级 | ref直方图 | ref累积直方图 | img直方图 |
img累积直方图 | 匹配之后的灰度级 |
匹配之后的img累积直方图 |
匹配之后的img直方图 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 927 | 927(匹配第三列第七行的1137) | 7 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0 | 0 | 690 | 1617(匹配第三列第八行的1672) | 8 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 20 | 20 | 535 | 2152(匹配第三列第九行的2362) | 9 | 0 | 0 |
4 | 112 | 132 | 450 | 2602(匹配第三列第九行的2362) | 9 | 0 | 0 |
5 | 221 | 353 | 334 | 2936(匹配第三列第十行的3289) | 10 | 0 | 0 |
6 | 334 | 687 | 221 | 3157(匹配第三列第十行的3289) | 10 | 0 | 0 |
7 | 450 | 1137 | 112 | 3269(匹配第三列第十行的3289) | 10 | 927 | 927 |
8 | 535 | 1672 | 20 | 3289(匹配第三列第十行的3289) | 10 | 1617 | 690 |
9 | 690 | 2362 | 0 | 3289(匹配第三列第十行的3289) | 10 | 2152 | 985 |
10 | 927 | 3289 | 0 | 3289(匹配第三列第十行的3289) | 10 | 3289 | 687 |
(a) img的经过匹配之后的累积直方图 (b) img的经过匹配之后的直方图
1. OpenCV-Python实现直方图匹配
import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt img = cv2.imread('C:\Users\admin\Desktop\original_img3\testimg\lena_300_500.jpg') ref = cv2.imread('C:\Users\admin\Desktop\original_img3\testimg\messi_300_500.jpg') out = np.zeros_like(img) _, _, colorChannel = img.shape for i in range(colorChannel): print(i) hist_img, _ = np.histogram(img[:, :, i], 256) # get the histogram hist_ref, _ = np.histogram(ref[:, :, i], 256) cdf_img = np.cumsum(hist_img) # get the accumulative histogram cdf_ref = np.cumsum(hist_ref) for j in range(256): tmp = abs(cdf_img[j] - cdf_ref) tmp = tmp.tolist() idx = tmp.index(min(tmp)) # find the smallest number in tmp, get the index of this number out[:, :, i][img[:, :, i] == j] = idx cv2.imwrite('C:\Users\admin\Desktop\lena.jpg', out) print('Done')
2. matlab实现直方图匹配
clear; % matching img's histogram to ref's histogram. path = 'C:\Users\admin\Desktop\original_img3\yijia0923_9\'; ref = imread([path, '18.jpg']); img = imread([path, '21.jpg']); [H, W, colorChannel] = size(ref); out = zeros(H, W, colorChannel); for k = 1:colorChannel disp(k); hist_ref = imhist(ref(:, :, k)); % ref的直方图 cumHist_ref = []; %ref的累积直方图 for i=1:256 cumHist_ref = [cumHist_ref sum(hist_ref(1:i))]; end img1 = img(:, :, k); hist_img = imhist(img1); %img的直方图 cumHist_img = []; %img的累积直方图 for i=1:256 cumHist_img = [cumHist_img sum(hist_img(1:i))]; end for i=1:256 tmp{i} = cumHist_ref - cumHist_img(i); tmp{i} = abs(tmp{i}); % 找到两个累积直方图距离最近的点 [a, index(i)] = min(tmp{i}); % a是tmp{i}中最小的值,index是该值对应的下标 end imgn = zeros(H,W); for i = 1:H for j = 1:W imgn(i,j) = index(img1(i,j)+1)-1; % 由原图的灰度通过索引映射到新的灰度 end end out(:, :, k) = imgn; end out=uint8(out); % imwrite(out, [path, 'new3.jpg']); figure; imshow(out); title('out') disp('Done');