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  • 动作识别和检测数据集Action Recognition and Detection Dataset (持续更新中)

    1. Breakfast Dataset

    The breakfast video dataset consists of 10 cooking activities performed by 52 different actors in multiple kitchen locations Cooking activities included the preparation of coffee, orange juice , chocolate milk, tea, a bowl of cereals, fried eggs, pancakes, a fruit salad, a sandwich and scrambled eggs. All videos were manually labeled based on 48 different action units with 11,267 samples.

    2. PKUMMD

    PKU-MMD is a large-scale dataset focusing on long continuous sequences action detection and multi-modality action analysis. The dataset is captured via the Kinect v2 sensor. There are 364x3(view) long action sequences, each of which lasts about 3∼4 minutes (recording ratio set to 30FPS) and contains approximately 20 action instances. The total scale of the dataset is 5,312,580 frames of 3,000 minutes with 21,545 temporally localized actions.


    3. something-something Dataset

    The 20BN-SOMETHING-SOMETHING dataset is a large collection of densely-labeled video clips that show humans performing pre-defined basic actions with everyday objects. The dataset was created by a large number of crowd workers. It allows machine learning models to develop fine-grained understanding of basic actions that occur in the physical world. 

    4. UCF101

    The UCF101 is an action recognition data set of realistic action videos, collected from YouTube. The UCF-101 dataset contains 13,320 videos with an average length of 6.2 seconds belonging to 101 different action categories. The dataset has 3 standard train/test splits with the training set containing around 9,500 videos in each split (the rest are test).

    5. HDMB-51

    The HMDB was collected from various sources, mostly from movies, and a small proportion from public databases such as the Prelinger archive, YouTube and Google videos. The dataset contains 6849 clips divided into 51 action categories, each containing a minimum of 101 clips. Mean length of the clips is 3.2 s. The actions categories can be grouped in five types:
    1. General facial actions smile, laugh, chew, talk.
    2. Facial actions with object manipulation: smoke, eat, drink.
    3. General body movements: cartwheel, clap hands, climb, climb stairs, dive, fall on the floor, backhand flip, handstand, jump, pull up, push up, run, sit down, sit up, somersault, stand up, turn, walk, wave.
    4. Body movements with object interaction: brush hair, catch, draw sword, dribble, golf, hit something, kick ball, pick, pour, push something, ride bike, ride horse, shoot ball, shoot bow, shoot gun, swing baseball bat, sword exercise, throw.
    5. Body movements for human interaction: fencing, hug, kick someone, kiss, punch, shake hands, sword fight.

    6. SBU Kinect Interaction dataset

    The SBU Kinect Interaction dataset is a Kinect captured human activity recognition dataset depicting two person interaction. It contains 282 skeleton sequences and 6822 frames of 8 classes. There are 15 joints for each skeleton.

    7. NTU RGB+D


    "NTU RGB+D" contains 60 action classes and 56,880 video samples.
    "NTU RGB+D 120" extends "NTU RGB+D" by adding another 60 classes and another 57,600 video samples, i.e., "NTU RGB+D 120" has 120 classes and 114,480 samples in total.
    These two datasets both contain RGB videos, depth map sequences, 3D skeletal data, and infrared (IR) videos for each sample. Each dataset is captured by three Kinect V2 cameras concurrently.
    The resolutions of RGB videos are 1920x1080, depth maps and IR videos are all in 512x424, and 3D skeletal data contains the 3D coordinates of 25 body joints at each frame.

    可视化程序:NTU RGB+D数据集,骨架数据可视化


    8. CMU Mocap

    This dataset contains 2,235 sequences.These sequences are performed by 144 non-professional actors. 31 body joints at each frame. There are only one person in each video.

    9. N-UCLA

    This dataset include 10 action categories: pick up with one hand, pick up with two hands, drop trash, walk around, sit down, stand up, donning, doffing, throw, carry. Each action is performed by 10 actors. This dataset contains data taken from a variety of viewpoints. This dataset is captured by Kinect v1 and contains 1494 videos of 10 actions. These actions are performed by 10 subjects repeated 1 to 6 times. There are three views of each action and for each subject 20 joints are being recorded.
    2020CVPR-PREDICT & CLUSTER: Unsupervised Skeleton Based Action Recognition:
    2019CVPR-An Attention Enhanced Graph Convolutional LSTM Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition:

    2017PR-Enhanced skeleton visualization for view invariant human action recognition:

    10. UWA3D

    It consists of 30 different actions performed by 10 subjects. It provides actions samples from 4 different views: front (V1), left side (V2), right side (V3), and top view (V4). The total number of action sequences is 1075. The High inter-class similarity of actions (e.g., drinking and making phone call) and diversity of views points make the action recognition very challenging.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/picassooo/p/13451082.html
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