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  • Codeforces Round #211 (Div. 2)B. Fence

    B. Fence
    time limit per test
    1 second
    memory limit per test
    256 megabytes
    standard input
    standard output

    There is a fence in front of Polycarpus's home. The fence consists of n planks of the same width which go one after another from left to right. The height of the i-th plank is hi meters, distinct planks can have distinct heights.

    Fence for n = 7 and h = [1, 2, 6, 1, 1, 7, 1]

    Polycarpus has bought a posh piano and is thinking about how to get it into the house. In order to carry out his plan, he needs to take exactly k consecutive planks from the fence. Higher planks are harder to tear off the fence, so Polycarpus wants to find such kconsecutive planks that the sum of their heights is minimal possible.

    Write the program that finds the indexes of k consecutive planks with minimal total height. Pay attention, the fence is not around Polycarpus's home, it is in front of home (in other words, the fence isn't cyclic).


    The first line of the input contains integers n and k (1 ≤ n ≤ 1.5·105, 1 ≤ k ≤ n) — the number of planks in the fence and the width of the hole for the piano. The second line contains the sequence of integers h1, h2, ..., hn (1 ≤ hi ≤ 100), where hi is the height of the i-th plank of the fence.


    Print such integer j that the sum of the heights of planks jj + 1, ..., j + k - 1 is the minimum possible. If there are multiple such j's, print any of them.

    7 3
    1 2 6 1 1 7 1

    In the sample, your task is to find three consecutive planks with the minimum sum of heights. In the given case three planks with indexes 3, 4 and 5 have the required attribute, their total height is 8.


    前缀和瞎搞  O(n)

    /* ***********************************************
    Author        :guanjun
    Created Time  :2016/10/7 16:24:54
    File Name     :cf211b.cpp
    ************************************************ */
    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    #define ull unsigned long long
    #define ll long long
    #define mod 90001
    #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
    #define maxn 10010
    #define cle(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))
    const ull inf = 1LL << 61;
    const double eps=1e-5;
    using namespace std;
    priority_queue<int,vector<int>,greater<int> >pq;
    struct Node{
        int x,y;
    struct cmp{
        bool operator()(Node a,Node b){
            if(a.x==b.x) return a.y> b.y;
            return a.x>b.x;
    bool cmp(int a,int b){
        return a>b;
    int dp[200010];
    int a[200010];
    int main()
        #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
        int n,k,ans;
            for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)cin>>a[i];
            for(int i=1;i<=k;i++)dp[i]=dp[i-1]+a[i];
            int Min=dp[k];
            for(int i=1+k;i<=n;i++){
                int tmp=dp[i]-dp[i-k];
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pk28/p/5936249.html
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