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  • hive 函数

    collect_set(x)   列转行函数---没有重复, 组装多列的数据的结构体
    collect_list(x) 列转行函数---可以有重复,组装多列的数据的结构体
    concat_ws 拼接函数, 用于多列转成同一行字段后,间隔符

    UDF(User-Defined-Function) 用户定义(普通)函数,只对单行数值产生作用;

    UDAF(User- Defined Aggregation Funcation)用户定义聚合函数,可对多行数据产生作用;等同与SQL中常用的SUM(),AVG(),也是聚合函数;

    UDTF(User-Defined Table-Generating Functions)  用来解决 输入一行输出多行(On-to-many maping) 的需求。

    lateral view用于和split、explode等UDTF一起使用的,能将一行数据拆分成多行数据,在此基础上可以对拆分的数据进行聚合,lateral view首先为原始表的每行调用UDTF,UDTF会把一行拆分成一行或者多行,lateral view把结果组合,产生一个支持别名表的虚拟表。下例中的 lateral view explode(subdinates) adTable  as aa; 虚拟表adTable的别名为aa

    explode(ARRAY)  列表中的每个元素生成一行

    explode(MAP) map中每个key-value对,生成一行,key为一列,value为一列

    | CREATE TABLE `employees`(                                            |
    |   `name` string,                                                     |
    |   `salary` float,                                                    |
    |   `subdinates` array<string>,                                        |
    |   `deducation` map<string,float>,                                    |
    |   `address` struct<street:string,city:string,state:string,zip:int>)  |
    | ROW FORMAT SERDE                                                     |
    |   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'               |
    | STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                                                |
    |   'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'                         |
    | OUTPUTFORMAT                                                         |
    |   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat'       |
    | LOCATION                                                             |
    |   'hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hive/warehouse/gamedw.db/employees'    |
    | TBLPROPERTIES (                                                      |
    |   'creator'='tianyongtao',                                           |
    |   'last_modified_by'='root',                                         |
    |   'last_modified_time'='1521447397',                                 |
    |   'numFiles'='0',                                                    |
    |   'numRows'='0',                                                     |
    |   'rawDataSize'='0',                                                 |
    |   'totalSize'='0',                                                   |
    |   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1521447397')                              |



    0: jdbc:hive2://> select name,subdinates  from employees;
    |     name      |       subdinates        |
    | tianyongtao   | ["wang","ZHANG","LIU"]  |
    | wangyangming  | ["ma","zhong"]          |
    2 rows selected (0.301 seconds)

    0: jdbc:hive2://> select name,aa  from employees lateral view explode(subdinates) adTable  as aa;
    |     name      |   aa   |
    | tianyongtao   | wang   |
    | tianyongtao   | ZHANG  |
    | tianyongtao   | LIU    |
    | wangyangming  | ma     |
    | wangyangming  | zhong  |
    5 rows selected (0.312 seconds)


    0: jdbc:hive2://> select deducation  from employees;
    |           deducation            |
    | {"aaa":10.0,"bb":5.0,"CC":8.0}  |
    | {"aaa":6.0,"bb":12.0}           |
    2 rows selected (0.315 seconds)
    0: jdbc:hive2://> select explode(deducation) as (aa,bb)  from employees;
    |  aa  |  bb   |
    | aaa  | 10.0  |
    | bb   | 5.0   |
    | CC   | 8.0   |
    | aaa  | 6.0   |
    | bb   | 12.0  |
    5 rows selected (0.314 seconds)
    0: jdbc:hive2://> select name,aa,bb  from employees lateral view explode(deducation) mtable as aa,bb;
    |     name      |  aa  |  bb   |
    | tianyongtao   | aaa  | 10.0  |
    | tianyongtao   | bb   | 5.0   |
    | tianyongtao   | CC   | 8.0   |
    | wangyangming  | aaa  | 6.0   |
    | wangyangming  | bb   | 12.0  |
    5 rows selected (0.347 seconds)

    0: jdbc:hive2://> select name,aa,bb,cc  from employees lateral view explode(deducation) mtable as aa,bb lateral view explode(subdinates) adTable  as cc;
    |     name      |  aa  |  bb   |   cc   |
    | tianyongtao   | aaa  | 10.0  | wang   |
    | tianyongtao   | aaa  | 10.0  | ZHANG  |
    | tianyongtao   | aaa  | 10.0  | LIU    |
    | tianyongtao   | bb   | 5.0   | wang   |
    | tianyongtao   | bb   | 5.0   | ZHANG  |
    | tianyongtao   | bb   | 5.0   | LIU    |
    | tianyongtao   | CC   | 8.0   | wang   |
    | tianyongtao   | CC   | 8.0   | ZHANG  |
    | tianyongtao   | CC   | 8.0   | LIU    |
    | wangyangming  | aaa  | 6.0   | ma     |
    | wangyangming  | aaa  | 6.0   | zhong  |
    | wangyangming  | bb   | 12.0  | ma     |
    | wangyangming  | bb   | 12.0  | zhong  |
    13 rows selected (0.305 seconds)


    0: jdbc:hive2://> select name,address.street,address.city,address.state  from employees;
    |     name      | street  |   city    |  state   |
    | tianyongtao   | HENAN   | LUOHE     | LINYING  |
    | wangyangming  | hunan   | changsha  | NULL     |
    2 rows selected (0.309 seconds)


    0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from cust;
    |  cust.custname   | cust.sex  | cust.nianling  |
    | tianyt_touch100  | 1         | 50             |
    | wangwu           | 1         | 85             |
    | zhangsan         | 1         | 20             |
    | liuqin           | 0         | 56             |
    | wangwu           | 0         | 47             |
    | liuyang          | 1         | 32             |
    | hello            | 0         | 100            |
    | mahuateng        | 1         | 1001           |
    | tianyt_touch100  | 1         | 50             |
    | wangwu           | 1         | 85             |
    | zhangsan         | 1         | 20             |
    | liuqin           | 0         | 56             |
    | wangwu           | 0         | 47             |
    | nihao            | 1         | 5              |
    | liuyang          | 1         | 32             |
    | hello            | 0         | 100            |
    | mahuateng        | 1         | 1001           |
    | nihao            | 1         | 5              |

    scala> hcon.sql("select sex,collect_set(nianling) from gamedw.cust group by sex").show
    |  1| [85, 5, 20, 50, 3...|
    |  0|        [100, 56, 47]|

    0: jdbc:hive2://> select * from cityinfo;
    | cityinfo.city  |                      cityinfo.districts                       |
    | shenzhen       | longhua,futian,baoan,longgang,dapeng,guangming,nanshan,luohu  |
    | qingdao        | shinan,lichang,jimo,jiaozhou,huangdao,laoshan                 |

    0: jdbc:hive2://> select city,area from cityinfo lateral view explode(split(districts,",")) areatable as area;
    |   city    |    area    |
    | shenzhen  | longhua    |
    | shenzhen  | futian     |
    | shenzhen  | baoan      |
    | shenzhen  | longgang   |
    | shenzhen  | dapeng     |
    | shenzhen  | guangming  |
    | shenzhen  | nanshan    |
    | shenzhen  | luohu      |
    | qingdao   | shinan     |
    | qingdao   | lichang    |
    | qingdao   | jimo       |
    | qingdao   | jiaozhou   |
    | qingdao   | huangdao   |
    | qingdao   | laoshan    |
    14 rows selected (0.479 seconds)


    scala> hcon.sql("select * from gamedw.visists order by custid,monthid").show
    |     1| 201801|   25|
    |     1| 201801|   10|
    |     1| 201802|   35|
    |     1| 201802|    7|
    |     1| 201803|   52|
    |     1| 201805|    6|
    |     2| 201801|   32|
    |     2| 201801|    1|
    |     2| 201802|   10|
    |     2| 201802|   18|
    |     2| 201803|   91|
    |     2| 201804|    6|
    |     2| 201804|    4|
    |     2| 201805|   31|

    scala> hcon.sql("select custid,b.monthid,sum(times),max(times) from gamedw.visists a inner join (select distinct monthid from gamedw.visists) b on a.monthid<=b.monthid group by custid,b.monthid order by custid,b.monthid").show
    |     1| 201801|        35|        25|
    |     1| 201802|        77|        35|
    |     1| 201803|       129|        52|
    |     1| 201804|       129|        52|
    |     1| 201805|       135|        52|
    |     2| 201801|        33|        32|
    |     2| 201802|        61|        32|
    |     2| 201803|       152|        91|
    |     2| 201804|       162|        91|
    |     2| 201805|       193|        91|


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/playforever/p/9605229.html
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