typedef struct USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V2 { DWORDLONG UsnJournalID; USN FirstUsn; USN NextUsn; USN LowestValidUsn; USN MaxUsn; DWORDLONG MaximumSize; DWORDLONG AllocationDelta; WORD MinSupportedMajorVersion; WORD MaxSupportedMajorVersion; DWORD Flags; DWORDLONG RangeTrackChunkSize; LONGLONG RangeTrackFileSizeThreshold; } *PUSN_JOURNAL_DATA_V2;
/// <summary> /// Contains the USN Record Length(32bits), USN(64bits), File Reference Number(64bits), /// Parent File Reference Number(64bits), Reason Code(32bits), File Attributes(32bits), /// File Name Length(32bits), the File Name Offset(32bits) and the File Name. /// </summary> public class UsnRecordV2 { private const int FR_OFFSET = 8; private const int PFR_OFFSET = 16; private const int USN_OFFSET = 24; private const int DateTime_OFFSET = 32; private const int REASON_OFFSET = 40; private const int FA_OFFSET = 52; private const int FNL_OFFSET = 56; private const int FN_OFFSET = 58; private const int StructWithoutFileName_Size = 60; /// <summary> /// 记录在流中的位置,非原结构体中成员; /// </summary> public long RecordPosition { get; private set; } public UInt32 RecordLength { get; private set; } public UInt64 FileReferenceNumber { get; private set; } public UInt64 ParentFileReferenceNumber { get; private set; } public Int64 Usn { get; private set; } public DateTime? DateTime { get;private set; } public UInt32 Reason { get; private set; } public UInt32 FileAttributes { get; private set; } public Int32 FileNameLength { get; private set; } public ushort FileNameOffset { get; private set; } public string FileName { get; private set; } private UsnRecordV2() { } #if DEBUG ~UsnRecordV2() { } #endif //记录所在位置必为8的倍数; const int UnitLength = 8; const int ClusterSize = 4096; /// <summary> /// 从流的当前位置读取一个Usn记录; /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static UsnRecordV2 ReadFromStream(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } if (stream.Position >= stream.Length) { return null; } var buffer = new byte[ClusterSize]; stream.Position = stream.Position / UnitLength * UnitLength; var readLength = 0; var nonZeroIndex = -1; while ((readLength = stream.Read(buffer, 0, ClusterSize)) != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < readLength; i++) { if (buffer[i] != 0) { nonZeroIndex = i; break; } } if (nonZeroIndex != -1) { break; } } if (nonZeroIndex == -1) { return null; } stream.Position -= (readLength - nonZeroIndex); while (stream.ReadByte() == 0) ; stream.Position--; var startPosition = stream.Position; var leftCount = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (leftCount < StructWithoutFileName_Size) { return null; } var usnRecord = new UsnRecordV2(); var bts = stream.ReadExact(StructWithoutFileName_Size); usnRecord.RecordLength = bts.ToUInt32LittleEndian(0); usnRecord.FileReferenceNumber = bts.ToUInt64LittleEndian(FR_OFFSET); usnRecord.ParentFileReferenceNumber = bts.ToUInt64LittleEndian(PFR_OFFSET); usnRecord.Usn = (long)bts.ToUInt64LittleEndian(USN_OFFSET); usnRecord.DateTime = System.DateTime.FromFileTime(bts.ToInt64LittleEndian(DateTime_OFFSET)); usnRecord.Reason = bts.ToUInt32LittleEndian(REASON_OFFSET); usnRecord.FileAttributes = bts.ToUInt32LittleEndian(FA_OFFSET); usnRecord.FileNameLength = bts.ToUInt16LittleEndian(FNL_OFFSET); usnRecord.FileNameOffset = bts.ToUInt16LittleEndian(FN_OFFSET); usnRecord.RecordPosition = startPosition; leftCount = stream.Length - stream.Position; if (leftCount < usnRecord.FileNameLength) { return usnRecord; } var nameBts = stream.ReadExact(usnRecord.FileNameLength); usnRecord.FileName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(nameBts); stream.Position = startPosition + usnRecord.RecordLength; return usnRecord; } //轮询缓冲区长度; const int TraverseBufferLength = ClusterSize * 1024; /// <summary> /// 从流中读取所有可能的Usn序列,注意,此方法延迟返回; /// </summary> /// <param name="stream"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable<UsnRecordV2> ReadRecordsFromStream(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } stream.Position = 0; //To-Do,根据观察,usn存储在文件中的位置以簇大小(大多为4096,由于尚未遇见非4096的情况,所以未做其它考虑)取整 //即在上一个usn记录存储完后,所在簇的剩余空间 //不足以存入下下一个记录时,那么,下一条记录将以下一个簇的起始位置为起始被存储,本簇的余下部分将被零填充; //利用如上特性,将缓冲区的大小设置为簇大小的倍数,可以将流(文件)切分为多个块进行内存内解析,以提高处理速度; UsnRecordV2 record = null; var traverseBuffer = new byte[TraverseBufferLength]; byte[] buffer = null; while(stream.Position < stream.Length) { var bufferPosition = stream.Position; var startIndex = 0; if(stream.Length - stream.Position > TraverseBufferLength) { stream.Read(traverseBuffer, 0, TraverseBufferLength); buffer = traverseBuffer; } else { buffer = new byte[stream.Length - stream.Position]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } while((record = ReadFromBuffer(buffer,ref startIndex)) != null) { record.RecordPosition = bufferPosition + startIndex; yield return record; } } } /// <summary> /// 从缓冲区中某个起始位置读取一个记录; /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer"></param> /// <param name="startIndex">可能的起始位置</param> /// <returns></returns> private static UsnRecordV2 ReadFromBuffer(byte[] buffer,ref int startIndex) { if(buffer == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buffer)); } while(startIndex < buffer.Length && buffer[startIndex] == 0) { startIndex++; } //记录余下的长度; var leftLength = buffer.Length - startIndex; if (leftLength < StructWithoutFileName_Size) { return null; } var usnRecord = new UsnRecordV2(); usnRecord.RecordLength = buffer.ToUInt32LittleEndian(startIndex); usnRecord.FileReferenceNumber = buffer.ToUInt64LittleEndian(FR_OFFSET + startIndex); usnRecord.ParentFileReferenceNumber = buffer.ToUInt64LittleEndian(PFR_OFFSET + startIndex); usnRecord.Usn = (long)buffer.ToUInt64LittleEndian(USN_OFFSET); usnRecord.DateTime = System.DateTime.FromFileTime(buffer.ToInt64LittleEndian(DateTime_OFFSET + startIndex)); usnRecord.Reason = buffer.ToUInt32LittleEndian(REASON_OFFSET + startIndex); usnRecord.FileAttributes = buffer.ToUInt32LittleEndian(FA_OFFSET + startIndex); usnRecord.FileNameLength = buffer.ToUInt16LittleEndian(FNL_OFFSET + startIndex); usnRecord.FileNameOffset = buffer.ToUInt16LittleEndian(FN_OFFSET + startIndex); leftLength = buffer.Length - startIndex - StructWithoutFileName_Size; if(leftLength >= usnRecord.FileNameLength) { //读取名称; try { usnRecord.FileName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer, startIndex + StructWithoutFileName_Size, usnRecord.FileNameLength); } catch(Exception ex) { LoggerService.WriteException(ex); } } startIndex += (int)usnRecord.RecordLength; return usnRecord; } }