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  • 手机自动化测试:appium源码分析之bootstrap六





    package io.appium.android.bootstrap.handler;

    import com.android.uiautomator.core.UiDevice;

    import io.appium.android.bootstrap.*;

    import io.appium.android.bootstrap.exceptions.InvalidCoordinatesException;

    import io.appium.android.bootstrap.utils.Point;

    import org.json.JSONException;

    import java.util.Hashtable;


     * This handler is used to flick elements in the Android UI.


     * Based on the element Id, flick that element.



    public class Flick extends CommandHandler {

      private Point calculateEndPoint(final Point start, final Integer xSpeed,

          final Integer ySpeed) {

        final UiDevice d = UiDevice.getInstance();

        final Point end = new Point();

        final double speedRatio = (double) xSpeed / ySpeed;

        double xOff;

        double yOff;

        final double value = Math.min(d.getDisplayHeight(), d.getDisplayWidth());

        if (speedRatio < 1) {

          yOff = value / 4;

          xOff = value / 4 * speedRatio;

        } else {

          xOff = value / 4;

          yOff = value / 4 / speedRatio;


        xOff = Integer.signum(xSpeed) * xOff;

        yOff = Integer.signum(ySpeed) * yOff;

        end.x = start.x + xOff;

        end.y = start.y + yOff;

        return end;



       * @param command The {@link AndroidCommand} used for this handler.


       * @return {@link AndroidCommandResult}


       * @throws JSONException


       * @see io.appium.android.bootstrap.CommandHandler#execute(io.appium.android.

       * bootstrap.AndroidCommand)



      public AndroidCommandResult execute(final AndroidCommand command)

          throws JSONException {

        Point start = new Point(0.5, 0.5);

        Point end = new Point();

        Double steps;

        final Hashtable<String, Object> params = command.params();

        final UiDevice d = UiDevice.getInstance();

        if (command.isElementCommand()) {

          AndroidElement el;

          try {

            el = command.getElement();

            start = el.getAbsolutePosition(start);

            final Integer xoffset = (Integer) params.get("xoffset");

            final Integer yoffset = (Integer) params.get("yoffset");

            final Integer speed = (Integer) params.get("speed");

            steps = 1250.0 / speed + 1;

            end.x = start.x + xoffset;

            end.y = start.y + yoffset;

          } catch (final Exception e) {

            return getErrorResult(e.getMessage());


        } else {

          try {

            final Integer xSpeed = (Integer) params.get("xSpeed");

            final Integer ySpeed = (Integer) params.get("ySpeed");

            final Double speed = Math.min(1250.0,

                Math.sqrt(xSpeed * xSpeed + ySpeed * ySpeed));

            steps = 1250.0 / speed + 1;

            start = getDeviceAbsPos(start);

            end = calculateEndPoint(start, xSpeed, ySpeed);

          } catch (final InvalidCoordinatesException e) {

            return getErrorResult(e.getMessage());



        steps = Math.abs(steps);

        Logger.debug("Flicking from " + start.toString() + " to " + end.toString()

            + " with steps: " + steps.intValue());

        final boolean res = d.swipe(start.x.intValue(), start.y.intValue(),

            end.x.intValue(), end.y.intValue(), steps.intValue());

        if (res) {

          return getSuccessResult(res);

        } else {

          return getErrorResult("Flick did not complete successfully");







    steps = 1250.0 / speed + 1;
    end.x = start.x + xoffset;
    end.y = start.y + yoffset;



    其中它用1250和位移的平方做了一次比较,取出最小值来计算steps。起始坐标点定位屏幕的中心点坐标。然后再调用end = calculateEndPoint(start, xSpeed, ySpeed);方法获取结束点坐标。

    private Point calculateEndPoint(final Point start, final Integer xSpeed,

          final Integer ySpeed) {

        final UiDevice d = UiDevice.getInstance();

        final Point end = new Point();

        final double speedRatio = (double) xSpeed / ySpeed;

        double xOff;

        double yOff;

        final double value = Math.min(d.getDisplayHeight(), d.getDisplayWidth());

        if (speedRatio < 1) {

          yOff = value / 4;

          xOff = value / 4 * speedRatio;

        } else {

          xOff = value / 4;

          yOff = value / 4 / speedRatio;


        xOff = Integer.signum(xSpeed) * xOff;

        yOff = Integer.signum(ySpeed) * yOff;

        end.x = start.x + xOff;

        end.y = start.y + yOff;

        return end;




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