1.Mediator Pattern
- Mediator模式将对象间的交互和通讯封装在一个类中,各个对象间的通信不必显示去声明和引用,将多对多的通信转化为一对多的通信,大大降低了系统的复杂性能。
- 通过Mediator,各个Colleage就不必维护各自通信的对象和通信协议,降低了系统的耦合性。
- Mediator模式还有一个很显著额特点就是将控制集中,集中的优点就是便于管理,也正符合了OO设计中的每个类的职责要单一和集中的原则

1 #ifndef _COLLEAGE_H_ 2 #define _COLLEAGE_H_ 3 4 #include <string> 5 using namespace std; 6 class Mediator; 7 8 class Colleage 9 { 10 public: 11 virtual ~Colleage(); 12 virtual void Aciton() = 0; 13 virtual void SetState(const string& sdt) = 0; 14 virtual string GetState() = 0; 15 protected: 16 Colleage(); 17 Colleage(Mediator* mdt); 18 Mediator* _mdt; 19 private: 20 }; 21 22 class ConcreteColleageA:public Colleage 23 { 24 public: 25 ConcreteColleageA(); 26 ConcreteColleageA(Mediator* mdt); 27 ~ConcreteColleageA(); 28 void Aciton(); 29 void SetState(const string& sdt); 30 string GetState(); 31 protected: 32 private: 33 string _sdt; 34 }; 35 36 class ConcreteColleageB:public Colleage 37 { 38 public: 39 ConcreteColleageB(); 40 ConcreteColleageB(Mediator* mdt); 41 ~ConcreteColleageB(); 42 void Aciton(); 43 void SetState(const string& sdt); 44 string GetState(); 45 protected: 46 private: 47 string _sdt; 48 }; 49 50 #endif

1 #include "Mediator.h" 2 #include "Colleage.h" 3 #include <iostream> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 Colleage::Colleage() 7 { 8 //_sdt = " "; 9 } 10 Colleage::Colleage(Mediator* mdt) 11 { 12 this->_mdt = mdt; 13 //_sdt = " "; 14 } 15 Colleage::~Colleage() 16 { 17 18 } 19 ConcreteColleageA::ConcreteColleageA() 20 { 21 22 } 23 ConcreteColleageA::~ConcreteColleageA() 24 { 25 26 } 27 ConcreteColleageA::ConcreteColleageA(Mediator* mdt):Colleage(mdt) 28 { 29 30 } 31 string ConcreteColleageA::GetState() 32 { 33 return _sdt; 34 } 35 void ConcreteColleageA::SetState(const string& sdt) 36 { 37 _sdt = sdt; 38 } 39 void ConcreteColleageA::Aciton() 40 { 41 _mdt->DoActionFromAtoB(); 42 cout<<"State of ConcreteColleageB:"<<" "<<this->GetState()<<endl; 43 } 44 ConcreteColleageB::ConcreteColleageB() 45 { 46 47 } 48 ConcreteColleageB::~ConcreteColleageB() 49 { 50 51 } 52 ConcreteColleageB::ConcreteColleageB(Mediator* mdt):Colleage(mdt) 53 { 54 55 } 56 void ConcreteColleageB::Aciton() 57 { 58 _mdt->DoActionFromBtoA(); 59 cout<<"State of ConcreteColleageB:"<<" "<<this->GetState()<<endl; 60 } 61 string ConcreteColleageB::GetState() 62 { 63 return _sdt; 64 } 65 void ConcreteColleageB::SetState(const string& sdt) 66 { 67 _sdt = sdt; 68 }

1 #ifndef _MEDIATOR_H_ 2 #define _MEDIATOR_H_ 3 4 class Colleage; 5 6 class Mediator 7 { 8 public: 9 virtual ~Mediator(); 10 virtual void DoActionFromAtoB() = 0; 11 virtual void DoActionFromBtoA() = 0; 12 protected: 13 Mediator(); 14 private: 15 }; 16 17 class ConcreteMediator:public Mediator 18 { 19 public: 20 ConcreteMediator(); 21 ConcreteMediator(Colleage* clgA,Colleage* clgB); 22 ~ConcreteMediator(); 23 void SetConcreteColleageA(Colleage* clgA); 24 void SetConcreteColleageB(Colleage* clgB); 25 Colleage* GetConcreteColleageA(); 26 Colleage* GetConcreteColleageB(); 27 void IntroColleage(Colleage* clgA,Colleage* clgB); 28 void DoActionFromAtoB(); 29 void DoActionFromBtoA(); 30 31 protected: 32 private: 33 Colleage* _clgA; 34 Colleage* _clgB; 35 }; 36 37 #endif

1 #include "Mediator.h" 2 #include "Colleage.h" 3 4 Mediator::Mediator() 5 { 6 7 } 8 Mediator::~Mediator() 9 { 10 11 } 12 ConcreteMediator::ConcreteMediator() 13 { 14 15 } 16 ConcreteMediator::~ConcreteMediator() 17 { 18 19 } 20 ConcreteMediator::ConcreteMediator(Colleage* clgA,Colleage* clgB) 21 { 22 this->_clgA = clgA; 23 this->_clgB = clgB; 24 } 25 void ConcreteMediator::DoActionFromAtoB() 26 { 27 _clgB->SetState(_clgA->GetState()); 28 } 29 void ConcreteMediator::SetConcreteColleageA(Colleage* clgA) 30 { 31 this->_clgA = clgA; 32 } 33 void ConcreteMediator::SetConcreteColleageB(Colleage* clgB) 34 { 35 this->_clgB = clgB; 36 } 37 Colleage* ConcreteMediator::GetConcreteColleageA() 38 { 39 return _clgA; 40 } 41 Colleage* ConcreteMediator::GetConcreteColleageB() 42 { 43 return _clgB; 44 } 45 void ConcreteMediator::IntroColleage(Colleage* clgA,Colleage* clgB) 46 { 47 this->_clgA = clgA; 48 this->_clgB = clgB; 49 } 50 void ConcreteMediator::DoActionFromBtoA() 51 { 52 _clgA->SetState(_clgB->GetState()); 53 }

1 #include "Mediator.h" 2 #include "Colleage.h" 3 4 #include <iostream> 5 using namespace std; 6 7 int main(int argc,char* argv[]) 8 { 9 ConcreteMediator* m = new ConcreteMediator(); 10 11 ConcreteColleageA* c1 = new ConcreteColleageA(m); 12 ConcreteColleageB* c2 = new ConcreteColleageB(m); 13 14 m->IntroColleage(c1,c2); 15 16 c1->SetState("old"); 17 c2->SetState("old"); 18 c1->Aciton(); 19 c2->Aciton(); 20 cout<<endl; 21 22 c1->SetState("new"); 23 c1->Aciton(); 24 c2->Aciton(); 25 cout<<endl; 26 27 c2->SetState("old"); 28 c2->Aciton(); 29 c1->Aciton(); 30 31 return 0; 32 }