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  • ThreadLocal 解决多线程程序的并发问题+事务处理

    ThreadLocal 本地线程变量:

    private static ThreadLocal<Connection> tl = new ThreadLocal<Connection>();


     1 import java.sql.Connection;
     2 import java.sql.SQLException;
     4 public class TranManager {
     5     private static ThreadLocal<Connection> tl=
     6                     new ThreadLocal<Connection>(){
     7         /**
     8          * 内部方法 
     9          * 返回回该线程局部变量的初始值
    10          * 初始化线程,每次get()或者set(object)的时候会被调用。
    11          */
    12         protected Connection initialValue() {
    13             try {
    14                 return DaoUtils.getConn();
    15             } catch (Exception e) {
    16                 e.printStackTrace();
    17                 return null;
    18             }
    19         }
    20     };
    21     private TranManager(){}
    22     public static  Connection getConn(){
    23         return tl.get();
    24     }
    25     /**
    26      * @return 开启手动提交事务,
    27      * @false: 将sql命令交给应用程序管理 
    28      */
    29     public static void startTran(){
    30         try {
    31             tl.get().setAutoCommit(false);
    32         } catch (SQLException e) {
    33             e.printStackTrace();
    34         }
    35     }
    36     /**
    37      * @return 回滚
    38      */
    39     public static void rollbackTran(){
    40         try {
    41             tl.get().rollback();
    42         } catch (SQLException e) {
    43             e.printStackTrace();
    44         }
    45     }
    46     /**
    47      * @return 执行
    48      */
    49     public static void commitTran(){
    50         try {
    51             tl.get().commit();
    52         } catch (SQLException e) {
    53             e.printStackTrace();
    54         }
    55     }
    56     /**
    57      * @return 关闭
    58      */
    59     public static void release(){
    60         try {
    61             tl.get().close();
    62             tl.remove();//map{tl:conn}
    63         } catch (SQLException e) {
    64             e.printStackTrace();
    65         }
    66     }
    67     /*public void rollbackTran(Savepoint sp){
    68         try {
    69             conn.rollback(sp);
    70             conn.commit();
    71         } catch (SQLException e) {
    72             e.printStackTrace();
    73         }
    74     }*/
    75 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pxffly/p/7622216.html
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