- if
- elsif
- shorter if: if+condition放在句子尾部。
use strict; use warnings; my $word = "antidisestablishmentarianism"; # get the length of a scalar my $strlen = length $word; if($strlen >= 15) { print "'", $word, "' is a very long word"; # elsif } elsif(10 <= $strlen && $strlen < 15) { print "'", $word, "' is a medium-length word"; } else { print "'", $word, "' is a short word"; } # short form of IF print "'", $word, "' is actually enormous" if $strlen >= 20;
- unless...if
my $temperature = 10; unless($temperature > 30) { # condition is false print $temperature, " degrees Celsius is not very hot"; } else { # condition is true print $temperature, " degrees Celsius is actually pretty hot"; } # condition is false, then print print "Oh no it's too cold" unless $temperature > 15;
- 允许使用三元运算符?:且可以嵌套:
my $eggs = 5; print "You have ", $eggs == 0 ? "no eggs" : $eggs == 1 ? "an egg" : "some eggs";
- while(),until(), do...while,do...until和for类似c
- 循环一个数组时不必用for循环。。用foreach
my @arr = ("hi", "my", "lady"); foreach my $str (@arr) { print $str; print " "; }
print $_ foreach @arr;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#arr ) { print $i, ": ", $arr[$i]; }
- 循环hash时:因为用keys返回hash的key是无序的,所以先用sort排序。
foreach my $key (sort keys %scientists) { print $key, ": ", $scientists{$key}; }
- 循环控制:next = continue, last = break, 可以从循环中跳转到label处,label必须全大写
CANDIDATE: for my $candidate ( 2 .. 100 ) { for my $divisor ( 2 .. sqrt $candidate ) { next CANDIDATE if $candidate % $divisor == 0; } print $candidate." is prime "; }