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  • n98-magerun2.phar


    1,cd /usr/local/bin && curl -O https://files.magerun.net/n98-magerun2.phar

    2,chmod +x ./n98-magerun2.phar && ./n98-magerun2.phar --version && alias n98='php /usr/local/bin/n98-magerun2.phar' ;

    (Notice: Need install Zsh Package.)


    Usage / Commands

      n98 list 
    • n98 open-browser


    command [options] [arguments]

    -h, --help Display this help message
    -q, --quiet Do not output any message
    -V, --version Display this application version
    --ansi Force ANSI output
    --no-ansi Disable ANSI output
    -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
    --root-dir[=ROOT-DIR] Force magento root dir. No auto detection
    --skip-config Do not load any custom config.
    --skip-root-check Do not check if n98-magerun runs as root
    --skip-core-commands[=SKIP-CORE-COMMANDS] Do not include Magento 2 core commands
    -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

    Available commands:
    help Displays help for a command
    install Install magento
    list Lists commands
    mysql-client Opens mysql client by database config from env.php
    open-browser Open current project in browser (experimental)
    script Runs multiple n98-magerun commands
    self-update Updates n98-magerun2.phar to the latest version.
    selfupdate Updates n98-magerun2.phar to the latest version.
    shell Runs n98-magerun as shell
    admin:notifications Toggles admin notifications
    admin:user:change-password Changes the password of a adminhtml user.
    admin:user:delete Delete the account of a adminhtml user.
    admin:user:list List admin users.
    cache:clean Clean magento cache
    cache:disable Disables Magento caches
    cache:enable Enables Magento caches
    cache:flush Flush magento cache storage
    cache:list Lists all magento caches
    cache:report View inside the cache
    cache:view Prints a cache entry
    config:data:acl Prints acl.xml data as table
    config:data:di Dump dependency injection config
    config:store:delete Deletes a store config item
    config:store:get Get a store config item
    config:store:set Set a store config item
    customer:change-password Changes the password of a customer.
    customer:create Creates a new customer/user for shop frontend.
    customer:info Loads basic customer info by email address.
    customer:list Lists all magento customers
    db:console Opens mysql client by database config from env.php
    db:create Create currently configured database
    db:drop Drop current database
    db:dump Dumps database with mysqldump cli client
    db:import Imports database with mysql cli client according to database defined in env.php
    db:info Dumps database informations
    db:maintain:check-tables Check database tables
    db:query Executes an SQL query on the database defined in env.php
    db:status Shows important server status information or custom selected status values
    db:variables Shows important variables or custom selected
    design:demo-notice Toggles demo store notice for a store view
    dev:asset:clear Clear static assets
    dev:console Opens PHP interactive shell with initialized Mage::app() (Experimental)
    dev:module:create Create and register a new magento module.
    dev:module:list List all installed modules
    dev:module:observer:list Lists all registered observers
    dev:report:count Get count of report files
    dev:symlinks Toggle allow symlinks setting
    dev:template-hints Toggles template hints
    dev:template-hints-blocks Toggles template hints block names
    dev:theme:list Lists all available themes
    eav:attribute:list List EAV attributes
    eav:attribute:remove Remove attribute for a given attribute code
    eav:attribute:view View information about an EAV attribute
    generation:flush Flushs generated code like factories and proxies
    index:list Lists all magento indexes
    index:trigger:recreate ReCreate all triggers
    media:dump Creates an archive with content of media folder.
    script:repo:list Lists all scripts in repository
    script:repo:run Run script from repository
    search:engine:list Lists all registered search engines
    sys:check Checks Magento System
    sys:cron:history Last executed cronjobs with status.
    sys:cron:list Lists all cronjobs
    sys:cron:run Runs a cronjob by job code
    sys:cron:schedule Schedule a cronjob for execution right now, by job code
    sys:info Prints infos about the current magento system.
    sys:maintenance Toggles maintenance mode if --on or --off preferences are not set
    sys:setup:change-version Change module resource version
    sys:setup:compare-versions Compare module version with setup_module table.
    sys:setup:downgrade-versions Automatically downgrade schema and module versions
    sys:store:config:base-url:list Lists all base urls
    sys:store:list Lists all installed store-views
    sys:url:list Get all urls.
    sys:website:list Lists all websites

  • 相关阅读:
    C/C++ 知识点---LIB和DLL的区别与使用(网摘)
    Inno Setup
    C/C++ 知识点---字符串函数
    es5 JSON对象
    promise 获取文件内容
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/q1104460935/p/9612573.html
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