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  • $P2872 [USACO07DEC]道路建设Building Roads$


    错的原因是(RE)(大雾 , 时刻谨记 (N) 个地方的话 保守开 (frac{N^2}{2}) 大小。 因为是边。
    边最多的情况即完全图 : $1+2+3+4...+n = frac{N*(N-1)}{2} $



    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    inline LL read () { LL res = 0 ;int f (1) ;char ch = getchar ();
        while (!isdigit(ch)) { if (ch == '-') f = -1 ;ch = getchar();}
        while (isdigit(ch)) res = (res << 1) + (res << 3) + (ch ^ 48) ,ch = getchar(); return res * f ;
    const int Maxn = 1<<20 ;
    int n , m ;
    int x[Maxn];
    int y[Maxn];
    int f[Maxn];
    int cnt = 0 ;
    int top = 0 ;
    double ans = 0.0 ;
    struct P{ int x,y; double val;};
    P a[Maxn] ;
    inline bool cmp_(P a,P b) {
        if(a.val==b.val) return a.x<b.x;
        return a.val<b.val;
    inline int find ( int x ) { return x == f[x] ? f[x] : f[x] = find(f[x]) ; }
    inline void merge( int x , int  y) {
        f[ find(x) ] = find (y) ;
    inline void kruskal() {
        int count = 0 ;
        sort(a+1,a+cnt+1,cmp_) ;
        for(register int i=1;i<=cnt;i++) {
            count ++ ;
            if(find(a[count].x) != find(a[count].y)) ans += a[i].val , merge(a[i].x,a[i].y) ;
            //if(count == n-1) break ;
        return ;
    signed main () {
        n=read(); m=read();
        for(register int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
        for(register int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
        for(register int i=1; i<=n; i++)
            for(register int j=i+1; j<=n; j++) {
            	cnt ++ ;
                a[cnt].x=i; a[cnt].y=j;
        for(register int i=1;i<=m;i++) {
            int A=read(),B=read();
            cnt ++ ;
            a[cnt].x = A ; a[cnt].y = B ; a[cnt].val = 0.0 ;
        kruskal() ;
    ",ans) ;
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qf-breeze/p/10742436.html
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