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  • 水晶报表

    Function GetParamName(byval Str)
     if Str="" then Exit Function
     if Instr(1,Str,"?Pm-") then exit Function
     Dim TempValue
    End Function
    'on error resume next
    If Not IsObject (session("oApp")) Then
     Set session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application")
    End If

    If IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
     Set session("oRpt") = nothing
    End if
    Set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(Server.MapPath("Orders.RPT"), 1)
    if Err.number<>0 then
     Response.Write err.number & "<BR>"
     Response.Write Err.Description
    end if
    session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
    session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False
    'on error goto 0

    set oConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set oADORecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    set xmldoc=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    set xmldoc2=Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    oConn.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=;uid=sa;pwd=;database=Northwind"
    strSQL="SELECT * FROM Orders"
    oADORecordset.Open strSQL,oConn
    oADORecordset.Save xmldoc,1
    rs.Open xmldoc

    strSQL="SELECT * FROM [Order Details]"
    oADORecordset.Open strSQL,oConn
    oADORecordset.Save xmldoc2,1
    rs2.Open xmldoc2
    'xmldoc.loadXML ReportData
    'oADORecordset.Open xmldoc
    Set oRptTable = session("oRpt").Database.Tables.Item(1)

    oRptTable.SetDataSource rs, 3

    'set Params = Session("oRpt").Parameterfields 
    'For each Param in Params
     'Select Case Param.Name
      'Case "{?UNIT_NAME}" Param.SetCurrentValue CStr(unit_name), 7
      'Case "{?DATE_FROM}" Param.SetCurrentValue CDate(date_from), 10
      'Case "{?DATE_TO}" Param.SetCurrentValue CDate(date_to), 10
     'End Select
    'set Params=nothing

    set Params = Session("oRpt").Parameterfields 
    For each Param in Params
     Select Case ParamType
      Case 7 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (dfVntToInt(ParamValue), 7)     'Number
      Case 8 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (Cdbl(ParamValue), 8)           'Currency
      Case 10 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (CDate(ParamValue), 10)        'Date
      Case 12 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (CStr(ParamValue), 12)         'String
     End Select
    set Params=nothing

    Set CRXSections = Session("oRpt").Sections
    For Each CRXSection In CRXSections
     'In each section, you get all the objects in the section.
     Set CRXReportObjects = CRXSection.ReportObjects
     'You cycle through the objects.
     For Each CRXReportObject In CRXReportObjects
      '1---Text Object 2---Fields Object 3---Line 4---Box 5---Sub Report
      If CRXReportObject.Kind = 5 Then
       Set CRXSubreportObj = CRXReportObject
       Set CRXSubreport = CRXSubreportObj.OpenSubreport
       'Set The Sub Reports Parameters'Value
       Set Params=CRXSubreport.Parameterfields
       For each Param in Params
        if Instr(1,ParamName,"?Pm-")=0 then
         Select Case ParamType
          Case 7 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (CInt(ParamValue), 7)  'Number
          Case 8 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (CDbl(ParamValue), 8)  'Currency
          Case 10 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (CDate(ParamValue), 10) 'Date
          Case 12 Call Param.SetCurrentValue (CStr(ParamValue), 12) 'String
         End Select
        end if
       set Params=nothing
       Set subReportOneTablesCollection = CRXSubreport.Database.Tables
       For Each Table in subReportOneTablesCollection
        Table.SetDataSource rs2, 3
        Response.Write DatabaseName
      End If

    'on error resume next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
     Response.Write "An Error has occured on the server in attempting to access the data source" & "<BR>"
     Response.Write Err.number & "<BR>"
     Response.Write Err.Description
     If IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) Then
      set session("oPageEngine") = nothing
     End If
     set session("oPageEngine") = session("oRpt").PageEngine
    End If
    'on error goto 0
    %> <html>

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

    <body onunload="CallDestroy();" bottommargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" leftmargin="0">

    <object id="CRViewer" classid="CLSID:2DEF4530-8CE6-41c9-84B6-A54536C90213" width="100%" height="100%" codebase="activexviewer.cab#Version=9,2,0,442&quot;" viewastext>
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    <script language="VBScript">
    Sub Window_Onload
     On Error Resume Next
     Dim webBroker
     Set webBroker = CreateObject("WebReportBroker9.WebReportBroker")
     if ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 2 then
      window.alert "IE 3.02 users on NT4 need to get the latest version of VBScript or install IE 4.01 SP1. IE 3.02 users on Win95 need DCOM95 and latest version of VBScript, or install IE 4.01 SP1. These files are available at Microsoft's web site."
      Dim webSource
      Set webSource = CreateObject("WebReportSource9.WebReportSource")
      webSource.ReportSource = webBroker
      webSource.URL = "rptserver.asp"
      webSource.PromptOnRefresh = True
      CRViewer.ReportSource = webSource
     end if
    End Sub
    <script language="javascript">
    function CallDestroy()



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiao198/p/4512.html
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