一致性哈希算法在1997年由麻省理工学院提出的一种分布式哈希(DHT)实现算法,设计目标是为了解决因特网中的热点(Hot spot)问题,初衷和CARP十分类似。一致性哈希修正了CARP使用的简单哈希算法带来的问题,使得分布式哈希(DHT)可以在P2P环境中真正得到应用。在了解一致性哈希算法之前,最好先了解一下缓存中的一个应用场景,了解了这个应用场景之后,再来理解一致性哈希算法,就容易多了,也更能体现出一致性哈希算法的优点,那么,我们先来描述一下这个经典的分布式缓存的应用场景。
hash(图片名称)% N
因为图片的名称是不重复的,所以,当我们对同一个图片名称做相同的哈希计算时,得出的结果应该是不变的,如果我们有3台服务器,使用哈希后的结果对3求余,那么余数一定是0、1或者2,没错,正好与我们之前的服务器编号相同,如果求余的结果为0, 我们就把当前图片名称对应的图片缓存在0号服务器上,如果余数为1,就把当前图片名对应的图片缓存在1号服务器上,如果余数为2,同理,那么,当我们访问任意一个图片的时候,只要再次对图片名称进行上述运算,即可得出对应的图片应该存放在哪一台缓存服务器上,我们只要在这一台服务器上查找图片即可,如果图片在对应的服务器上不存在,则证明对应的图片没有被缓存,也不用再去遍历其他缓存服务器了,通过这样的方法,即可将3万张图片随机的分布到3台缓存服务器上了,而且下次访问某张图片时,直接能够判断出该图片应该存在于哪台缓存服务器上,这样就能满足我们的需求了,我们暂时称上述算法为HASH算法或者取模算法,取模算法的过程可以用下图表示。
hash(服务器A的IP地址) % 2^32
hash(服务器B的IP地址) % 2^32
hash(服务器C的IP地址) % 2^32
hash(图片名称) % 2^32
1 <?php 2 /** 3 * Flexihash - A simple consistent hashing implementation for PHP. 4 * 5 * The MIT License 6 * 7 * Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Annesley 8 * 9 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy 10 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal 11 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights 12 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell 13 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is 14 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: 15 * 16 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in 17 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. 18 * 19 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 20 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, 21 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 22 * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER 23 * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, 24 * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN 25 * THE SOFTWARE. 26 * 27 * @author Paul Annesley 28 * @link http://paul.annesley.cc/ 29 * @copyright Paul Annesley, 2008 30 * @comment by MyZ (http://blog.csdn.net/mayongzhan) 31 */ 32 33 /** 34 * A simple consistent hashing implementation with pluggable hash algorithms. 35 * 36 * @author Paul Annesley 37 * @package Flexihash 38 * @licence http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 39 */ 40 class Flexihash 41 { 42 /** 43 * The number of positions to hash each target to. 44 * 45 * @var int 46 * @comment 虚拟节点数,解决节点分布不均的问题 47 */ 48 private $_replicas = 64; 49 50 /** 51 * The hash algorithm, encapsulated in a Flexihash_Hasher implementation. 52 * @var object Flexihash_Hasher 53 * @comment 使用的hash方法 : md5,crc32 54 */ 55 private $_hasher; 56 57 /** 58 * Internal counter for current number of targets. 59 * @var int 60 * @comment 节点记数器 61 */ 62 private $_targetCount = 0; 63 64 /** 65 * Internal map of positions (hash outputs) to targets 66 * @var array { position => target, ... } 67 * @comment 位置对应节点,用于lookup中根据位置确定要访问的节点 68 */ 69 private $_positionToTarget = array(); 70 71 /** 72 * Internal map of targets to lists of positions that target is hashed to. 73 * @var array { target => [ position, position, ... ], ... } 74 * @comment 节点对应位置,用于删除节点 75 */ 76 private $_targetToPositions = array(); 77 78 /** 79 * Whether the internal map of positions to targets is already sorted. 80 * @var boolean 81 * @comment 是否已排序 82 */ 83 private $_positionToTargetSorted = false; 84 85 /** 86 * Constructor 87 * @param object $hasher Flexihash_Hasher 88 * @param int $replicas Amount of positions to hash each target to. 89 * @comment 构造函数,确定要使用的hash方法和需拟节点数,虚拟节点数越多,分布越均匀,但程序的分布式运算越慢 90 */ 91 public function __construct(Flexihash_Hasher $hasher = null, $replicas = null) 92 { 93 $this->_hasher = $hasher ? $hasher : new Flexihash_Crc32Hasher(); 94 if (!empty($replicas)) $this->_replicas = $replicas; 95 } 96 97 /** 98 * Add a target. 99 * @param string $target 100 * @chainable 101 * @comment 添加节点,根据虚拟节点数,将节点分布到多个虚拟位置上 102 */ 103 public function addTarget($target) 104 { 105 if (isset($this->_targetToPositions[$target])) 106 { 107 throw new Flexihash_Exception("Target '$target' already exists."); 108 } 109 110 $this->_targetToPositions[$target] = array(); 111 112 // hash the target into multiple positions 113 for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_replicas; $i++) 114 { 115 $position = $this->_hasher->hash($target . $i); 116 $this->_positionToTarget[$position] = $target; // lookup 117 $this->_targetToPositions[$target] []= $position; // target removal 118 } 119 120 $this->_positionToTargetSorted = false; 121 $this->_targetCount++; 122 123 return $this; 124 } 125 126 /** 127 * Add a list of targets. 128 * @param array $targets 129 * @chainable 130 */ 131 public function addTargets($targets) 132 { 133 foreach ($targets as $target) 134 { 135 $this->addTarget($target); 136 } 137 138 return $this; 139 } 140 141 /** 142 * Remove a target. 143 * @param string $target 144 * @chainable 145 */ 146 public function removeTarget($target) 147 { 148 if (!isset($this->_targetToPositions[$target])) 149 { 150 throw new Flexihash_Exception("Target '$target' does not exist."); 151 } 152 153 foreach ($this->_targetToPositions[$target] as $position) 154 { 155 unset($this->_positionToTarget[$position]); 156 } 157 158 unset($this->_targetToPositions[$target]); 159 160 $this->_targetCount--; 161 162 return $this; 163 } 164 165 /** 166 * A list of all potential targets 167 * @return array 168 */ 169 public function getAllTargets() 170 { 171 return array_keys($this->_targetToPositions); 172 } 173 174 /** 175 * A list of all potential targets 176 * @return array 177 */ 178 public function getAll() 179 { 180 return array( 181 "targers"=>$this->_positionToTarget, 182 "positions"=>$this->_targetToPositions); 183 } 184 185 /** 186 * Looks up the target for the given resource. 187 * @param string $resource 188 * @return string 189 */ 190 public function lookup($resource) 191 { 192 $targets = $this->lookupList($resource, 1); 193 if (empty($targets)) throw new Flexihash_Exception('No targets exist'); 194 return $targets[0]; //0表示返回离资源位置最近的机器节点 195 } 196 197 /** 198 * Get a list of targets for the resource, in order of precedence. 199 * Up to $requestedCount targets are returned, less if there are fewer in total. 200 * 201 * @param string $resource 202 * @param int $requestedCount The length of the list to return 203 * @return array List of targets 204 * @comment 查找当前的资源对应的节点, 205 * 节点为空则返回空,节点只有一个则返回该节点, 206 * 对当前资源进行hash,对所有的位置进行排序,在有序的位置列上寻找当前资源的位置 207 * 当全部没有找到的时候,将资源的位置确定为有序位置的第一个(形成一个环) 208 * 返回所找到的节点 209 */ 210 public function lookupList($resource, $requestedCount) 211 { 212 if (!$requestedCount) 213 throw new Flexihash_Exception('Invalid count requested'); 214 215 // handle no targets 216 if (empty($this->_positionToTarget)) 217 return array(); 218 219 // optimize single target 220 if ($this->_targetCount == 1) 221 return array_unique(array_values($this->_positionToTarget)); 222 223 // hash resource to a position 224 $resourcePosition = $this->_hasher->hash($resource); 225 226 $results = array(); 227 $collect = false; 228 229 $this->_sortPositionTargets(); 230 231 // search values above the resourcePosition 232 foreach ($this->_positionToTarget as $key => $value) 233 { 234 // start collecting targets after passing resource position 235 if (!$collect && $key > $resourcePosition) 236 { 237 $collect = true; 238 } 239 240 // only collect the first instance of any target 241 if ($collect && !in_array($value, $results)) 242 { 243 $results []= $value; 244 //var_dump($results); 245 } 246 // return when enough results, or list exhausted 247 //var_dump(count($results)); 248 //var_dump($requestedCount); 249 if (count($results) == $requestedCount || count($results) == $this->_targetCount) 250 { 251 return $results; 252 } 253 } 254 255 // loop to start - search values below the resourcePosition 256 foreach ($this->_positionToTarget as $key => $value) 257 { 258 if (!in_array($value, $results)) 259 { 260 $results []= $value; 261 } 262 263 // return when enough results, or list exhausted 264 if (count($results) == $requestedCount || count($results) == $this->_targetCount) 265 { 266 return $results; 267 } 268 } 269 270 // return results after iterating through both "parts" 271 return $results; 272 } 273 274 public function __toString() 275 { 276 return sprintf( 277 '%s{targets:[%s]}', 278 get_class($this), 279 implode(',', $this->getAllTargets()) 280 ); 281 } 282 283 // ---------------------------------------- 284 // private methods 285 286 /** 287 * Sorts the internal mapping (positions to targets) by position 288 */ 289 private function _sortPositionTargets() 290 { 291 // sort by key (position) if not already 292 if (!$this->_positionToTargetSorted) 293 { 294 ksort($this->_positionToTarget, SORT_REGULAR); 295 $this->_positionToTargetSorted = true; 296 } 297 } 298 299 } 300 301 /** 302 * Hashes given values into a sortable fixed size address space. 303 * 304 * @author Paul Annesley 305 * @package Flexihash 306 * @licence http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 307 */ 308 interface Flexihash_Hasher 309 { 310 311 /** 312 * Hashes the given string into a 32bit address space. 313 * 314 * Note that the output may be more than 32bits of raw data, for example 315 * hexidecimal characters representing a 32bit value. 316 * 317 * The data must have 0xFFFFFFFF possible values, and be sortable by 318 * PHP sort functions using SORT_REGULAR. 319 * 320 * @param string 321 * @return mixed A sortable format with 0xFFFFFFFF possible values 322 */ 323 public function hash($string); 324 325 } 326 327 /** 328 * Uses CRC32 to hash a value into a signed 32bit int address space. 329 * Under 32bit PHP this (safely) overflows into negatives ints. 330 * 331 * @author Paul Annesley 332 * @package Flexihash 333 * @licence http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 334 */ 335 class Flexihash_Crc32Hasher 336 implements Flexihash_Hasher 337 { 338 339 /* (non-phpdoc) 340 * @see Flexihash_Hasher::hash() 341 */ 342 public function hash($string) 343 { 344 return crc32($string); 345 } 346 347 } 348 349 /** 350 * Uses CRC32 to hash a value into a 32bit binary string data address space. 351 * 352 * @author Paul Annesley 353 * @package Flexihash 354 * @licence http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 355 */ 356 class Flexihash_Md5Hasher 357 implements Flexihash_Hasher 358 { 359 360 /* (non-phpdoc) 361 * @see Flexihash_Hasher::hash() 362 */ 363 public function hash($string) 364 { 365 return substr(md5($string), 0, 8); // 8 hexits = 32bit 366 367 // 4 bytes of binary md5 data could also be used, but 368 // performance seems to be the same. 369 } 370 371 } 372 373 /** 374 * An exception thrown by Flexihash. 375 * 376 * @author Paul Annesley 377 * @package Flexihash 378 * @licence http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php 379 */ 380 class Flexihash_Exception extends Exception 381 { 382 } 383 384 测试代码 385 $hash = new Flexihash(); 386 $targets=array( 387 "", 388 "", 389 "", 390 "", 391 "", 392 ); 393 $hash->addTargets($targets); 394 for ($i=0; $i < 25; $i++) { 395 $resource = sprintf("format %d",$i); 396 var_dump($resource." --> ".$hash->lookup($resource)); 397 } 398 399 输出 400 401 string(30) "format 0 -->" 402 string(30) "format 1 -->" 403 string(30) "format 2 -->" 404 string(30) "format 3 -->" 405 string(30) "format 4 -->" 406 string(30) "format 5 -->" 407 string(30) "format 6 -->" 408 string(30) "format 7 -->" 409 string(30) "format 8 -->" 410 string(30) "format 9 -->" 411 string(31) "format 10 -->" 412 string(31) "format 11 -->" 413 string(31) "format 12 -->" 414 string(31) "format 13 -->" 415 string(31) "format 14 -->" 416 string(31) "format 15 -->" 417 string(31) "format 16 -->" 418 string(31) "format 17 -->" 419 string(31) "format 18 -->" 420 string(31) "format 19 -->" 421 string(31) "format 20 -->" 422 string(31) "format 21 -->" 423 string(31) "format 22 -->" 424 string(31) "format 23 -->" 425 string(31) "format 24 -->" 426 [Finished in 0.1s] 427 428 redis分布式代码设计 429 430 <?php 431 require_once("Flexihash.php"); 432 $config=array( 433 "", 434 "", 435 "", 436 "", 437 ); 438 class RedisCollect { 439 //redis实例 440 private $_redis = null; 441 //hash实例 442 private $_hash = null; 443 //初始化 444 public function __construct() { 445 global $config; 446 $this->_redis = new Redis(); 447 $this->_hash = new Flexihash(); 448 $this->_hash->addTargets($config); 449 } 450 public function set($key="", $value="") { 451 $m = $this->switchConncetion($key); 452 return $m->set($key, $value); 453 } 454 public function get($key) { 455 $m = $this->switchConncetion($key); 456 return $m->get($key); 457 } 458 private function switchConncetion($key) { 459 $hostinfo = $this->_hash->lookup($key); 460 $m = $this->connect($hostinfo); 461 return $m; 462 } 463 private function connect($hostinfo) { 464 list($host, $port) = explode(":", $hostinfo); 465 //printf("host = %s, port = %s ",$host,$port); 466 if(empty($host) || empty($port)) { 467 return false; 468 } 469 try { 470 $this->_redis->connect($host, $port); 471 return $this->_redis; 472 } catch(Exception $e) { 473 die($e->getMessage()); 474 } 475 } 476 }