另一篇博客,记录jQuery的操作:jQuery Tips;
2. appendChild(newChild),例:oParentNode.appendChild(newElement);
4. 检测jquery是否加载
window.onload = function() {
if (window.jQuery) {
// jQuery is loaded
} else {
// jQuery is not loaded
alert("Doesn't Work");
6. document.forms[""] 得到当前document的某个form,document.forms得到的是当天document中所有form的集合,详见W3school;
7. JS注释
单行: // document.getElementById(""); 多行: /* document.getElementById("myH1").innerHTML="Welcome to my Homepage"; document.getElementById("myP").innerHTML="This is my first paragraph."; */
8. XML中的冒号需要转义,例如,z:row要写成z\:row才能进行查找,例如:
9. 要查看ajax返回的数据,直接使用xml属性即可,例如:alert(xData.responseXML.xml);
11. JavaScript中可以直接将一个函数(function)赋给一个变量;
function retrieveWebsite(resultpanel) { var clientContext; clientContext = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); this.oWebsite = clientContext.get_web(); clientContext.load(this.oWebsite); clientContext.executeQueryAsync( Function.createDelegate(this, successHandler), Function.createDelegate(this, errorHandler) ); function successHandler(sernder, args) { resultpanel.innerHTML = "Web site title: " + this.oWebsite.get_title(); } function errorHandler(sender, args) { resultpanel.innerHTML = "Request failed: " + args.get_message();//arguments[1] } }
//在另外一个JS文件中需要用到这个函数时,可以直接将函数赋给变量, var func = window[funcName];
//然后进行调用 func($("#" + this.parentElement.id + " .result-panel")[0]);
12. 实现类似博客园中的在页面显示代码块的功能:
<a href="#" class="code-link">View code</a><br /> <div class="code-content"></div>
display : none;
font-family : Consolas;
top : -3px;
clear : both;
border-color : #e5e5e5;
border-width : 1px;
border-style : solid;
position : relative;
padding : 5px;
margin : 10px;
$("a.code-link").click(function () { $("#" + this.parentElement.id + " .code-content").toggle(); if ($("#" + this.parentElement.id + " .code-content").is(":visible")) { var funcName; var funcText; funcName = this.parentElement.id.replace("Container", ""); funcText = window[funcName].toString(); funcText = $("<div></div>").text(funcText).html(); alert(funcText); funcText = funcText.replace(/ /g, "<br/>"); funcText = funcText.replace(/ /g, " "); alert(funcText); $("#" + this.parentElement.id + " .code-content").html(funcText) } });
13. 正则表达式中的斜杠标识了表达式的前后位置:
var patt = new RegExp(pattern,modifiers); or more simply: var patt = /pattern/modifiers;
14. 在HTML中,单引号被转义为' 双引号为"
15. appendChild是HTML DOM的方法,append是jQuery方法,append可以确保每次添加的元素都放在末尾;
16. 使用以下代码判断变量是否为null
以下是正确的用法: var exp = null; if (!exp && typeof(exp)!="undefined" && exp!=0) { alert("is null"); } 尽管如此,我们在DOM应用中,一般只需要用 (!exp) 来判断就可以了,因为 DOM 应用中,可能返回 null,可能返回 undefined,如果具体判断 null 还是 undefined 会使程序过于复杂
17. setInterval对应clearInterval,setTimeout对应clearTimeout;
var timer; $('#result').text('waiting…'); var promise = process(); promise.done(function() { $('#result').html('done.'); }); promise.progress(function(parameters) { $('#result').html($('#result').html() + '.'); $("#result2").html($("#result2").html() + parameters + ' '); document.body.style.backgroundColor=document.body.style.backgroundColor=="yellow"?"pink":"yellow"; }); function process() { var deferred = $.Deferred(); timer = setInterval(function(parameters) { deferred.notify(parameters); }, 1000, 'ABC'); setTimeout(function() { clearInterval(timer); deferred.resolve(); }, 10000); return deferred.promise(); }
setInterval(function(){ myFunction() }, 1000); // 正确写法
setInterval(myFunction(), 1000); //错误写法,不会执行此方法
18. Date对象 - 使用以下方法新建一个Date对象:
var selectedDateObj=new Date(dateStr); //此处的dateStr可以是多种格式,比如:2015-05-02,也可以是05/02/2015等
var year=date.getFullYear(); var month=date.getMonth()+1; var day=date.getDate();
//Add months to a date function addMonths(dateObj, num){ var currentMonth = dateObj.getMonth() + dateObj.getFullYear() * 12; dateObj.setMonth(dateObj.getMonth() + num); var diff = dateObj.getMonth() + dateObj.getFullYear() * 12 - currentMonth; // If don't get the right number, set date to // last day of previous month if (diff != num) { dateObj.setDate(0); } return dateObj; }
19. JavaScript 数组定义方式有多钟,而且向二维数据中添加数据时,push方法后的括号中添加一个新的数组时,不需要再使用new Array(["A","B"]),直接写push(["A","B"]);
var peopleArray = new Array(); //或者 var peopleNameArray = []; //添加内容时 peopleArray.push("A"); //表明此处为普通数组 peopleNameArray.push(["A", "B"]); //表明此处为2维数组
20. JavaScript中实现类似C#中Format字符串的方法:
String.format = function() { // The string containing the format items (e.g. "{0}") // will and always has to be the first argument. var theString = arguments[0]; // start with the second argument (i = 1) for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { // "gm" = RegEx options for Global search (more than one instance) // and for Multiline search var regEx = new RegExp("\{" + (i - 1) + "\}", "gm"); theString = theString.replace(regEx, arguments[i]); } return theString; }
调用方法: // http://joQuery.com/2012/string-format-for-javascript var url = 'http://joquery.com', year = 2012, titleEncoded = 'string-format-for-javascript', title = 'string.format for Javascript'; var link = String.format('<a href="{0}/{1}/{2}" title="{3}">{3}</a>', url, year, titleEncoded, title);
21. 在HTML控件事件中调用javascript函数时,不能只写方法名,需要加上括号,例如 onclick="doSomething()";
22. location.reload() 重新加载当前页面;
23. replace()函数不仅可以使用字符串来进行匹配,还可以使用正则表达式来进行匹配;
注:两个斜杠(/)之间的部分标识着子字符串或要替换的模式的 RegExp 对象;
<script type="text/javascript"> var str="Visit Microsoft!" document.write(str.replace(/Microsoft/, "W3School"))
var startDateTime = "2015/12/8";
startDateTime = startDate.replace(///g,"-")+"T00:00:00Z";
24. 在 JavaScript中使用 类(Class):
$(document).ready(function () { //define NameSpace window.CustomNameSpaceA = window.CustomNameSpaceA || {}; //define Class CustomNameSpaceA.CalculationClass = function (numberA, numberB) { if (isNumber(numberA)) { this.numberA = numberA; } else { this.numberA = 0; } if (isNumber(numberB)) { this.numberB = numberB; } else { this.numberB = 1; } } //Prototype CustomNameSpaceA.CalculationClass.prototype = { init: function () { if (this.numberA < 10) { this.numberA = 10; } if (this.numberB < 2) { this.numberB = 2; } this.showItems(); }, showItems: function () { var result = this.numberA + this.numberB; $("#displayDiv").text(result); } } //invoke custom class function getCalculationResults() { var calClassInstance = new CustomNameSpaceA.CalculationClass(2, 1); calClassInstance.init(); } }); //run getCalculationResults();
25. decodeURIComponent()方法用于对编码后的URI进行解码,对应的encodeURIComponent()是用于对URI进行编码:
<script type="text/javascript"> var test1="http://www.w3school.com.cn/My first/" document.write(encodeURIComponent(test1)+ "<br />") document.write(decodeURIComponent(test1)) </script>
http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3school.com.cn%2FMy%20first%2F http://www.w3school.com.cn/My first/
26. 对字符串数组进行排序时需要注意两点:(1)是sort()方法默认是大小写敏感的,因此需要自己写一个排序方法(示例如下),(2)是 sort()方法的结果会影响到当前数组,所以无需新建数组来存储排序后的数据;
var arr = new Array(6) arr[0] = "George" arr[1] = "John" arr[2] = "thomas" arr[3] = "james" arr[4] = "Adrew" arr[5] = "Martin" arr.sort (function(a,b){ return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase()); }); document.write(arr + "<br />");
27. Object.keys() 会返回一个由给定对象的所有可枚举自身属性的属性名组成的数组,详情请参考此页面;
var person = { name: "xxx", website: "http://xxx.com", twitter: "@xxx" }; var keys = Object.keys(person); // keys 值为 ['name', 'website', 'twitter']
28. JavaScript中的split方法默认不提供忽略空值的方法,但可以自己添加一个方法实现,参考此页:
Array.prototype.clean = function(deleteValue) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == deleteValue) { this.splice(i, 1); i--; } } return this; }; test = new Array("", "One", "Two", "", "Three", "", "Four").clean(""); test2 = [1, 2,, 3,, 3,,,,,, 4,, 4,, 5,, 6,,,,]; test2.clean(undefined);