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  • python模块详解 XML




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>



    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    tree = ET.parse('xml_test.xml')
    root = tree.getroot()
    print(root) #XML对象
    print(root.tag) #XML最外层标签


    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    tree = ET.parse('xml_test.xml')
    root = tree.getroot()
    for child in root:
        print(child.tag,child.attrib) #to {'name': 'to'} 遍历标签、属性
        for i in child:
            print(i.tag,i.text) #content Jim 遍历标签、文本


    for node in root.iter('content'):
        print(node.tag,node.text) #content Jim #content Jani #content Reminder #content Don't forget me this weekend!


    for node in root.iter('content'):
        content = node.text  #获取内容
        new_content = str('new_content_'+content)
        node.text = new_content  #修改内容
        node.set('update','yes') #添加属性
    tree.write('xml_test.xml') #保存到原文件则覆盖之前内容,保存到新文件则新建


    for node in root.findall('to'): #找到to这个标签
        content = len(node.find('content').text) #继续找到content的标签,并且计算content内容长度
        if content > 2:   
            root.remove(node) #移除这个标签
    tree.write('xml_test3.xml') # 将结果重新写到文件


    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    new_xml = ET.Element("name_list")  #创建节点
    personinfo = ET.SubElement(new_xml,"personinfo",attrib={"enrolled":"yes"}) #创建子节点、子节点名称、属性
    age = ET.SubElement(personinfo,'age',attrib={"checked":"no"})
    age.text = '33' #添加子节点文本内容
    name = ET.SubElement(personinfo,"name")
    name.text = 'jim'
    personinfo2 = ET.SubElement(new_xml,"personinfo",attrib={"enrolled":"no"})
    age = ET.SubElement(personinfo2,'age')
    age.text = '20'
    name = ET.SubElement(personinfo2,'name')
    name.text = 'Lily'
    et =ET.ElementTree(new_xml) #生成文档对象
    et.write('xml_test5.xml',encoding='utf-8',xml_declaration=True) #生成xml文件并指定字符集和
    ET.dump(new_xml) #打印生成格式


    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
        <personinfo enrolled="yes">
            <age checked="no">33</age>
        <personinfo enrolled="no">
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qing-chen/p/7289202.html
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