一般来说,路径是 V 字状的, 递归解的话, 每个点记录它的 左右子树的最大 V 值,并且和其的 V值相比较, 选最大的那个返回。
同时,为了计算它自己的 V 值,需要保留着,它左子树的 最大 path和,右子树的最大 path 和,这个path指的是 直的,没拐弯的。
/** * Definition for binary tree * struct TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode *left; * TreeNode *right; * TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} * }; */ class Solution { public: int maxPathSum(TreeNode *root) { if(root == NULL) return 0; int ans = 0; calcV(root, ans); return ans; } // return data is the biggest path int calcV(TreeNode* root, int ¤t_biggest_v) { if(root == NULL) { current_biggest_v = 0; return 0; } if(root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL) { current_biggest_v = root->val; return root->val; } int left_biggest_v; int right_biggest_v; int left_path = calcV(root->left, left_biggest_v); int right_path = calcV(root->right, right_biggest_v); int ret_val = 0; ret_val = max(left_path, right_path); ret_val = max(ret_val, 0); ret_val = ret_val + root->val; // with ? statements, with should add bracks int current_v = (left_path>0? left_path:0) +( right_path>0? right_path:0) + root->val; if(root->left && root->right == NULL) current_biggest_v = max(left_biggest_v, current_v); else if(root->right && root->left == NULL) current_biggest_v = max(right_biggest_v, current_v); else { current_biggest_v = max(left_biggest_v, right_biggest_v); current_biggest_v = max(current_biggest_v, current_v); } return ret_val; } };