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  • http状态码

    // Summary:
    //     Contains the values of status codes defined for HTTP.
    public enum HttpStatusCode
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 100. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Continue indicates
        //     that the client can continue with its request.
        Continue = 100,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 101. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols
        //     indicates that the protocol version or protocol is being changed.
        SwitchingProtocols = 101,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 200. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK indicates that
        //     the request succeeded and that the requested information is in the response.
        //     This is the most common status code to receive.
        OK = 200,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 201. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Created indicates
        //     that the request resulted in a new resource created before the response was
        //     sent.
        Created = 201,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 202. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted indicates
        //     that the request has been accepted for further processing.
        Accepted = 202,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 203. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NonAuthoritativeInformation
        //     indicates that the returned metainformation is from a cached copy instead
        //     of the origin server and therefore may be incorrect.
        NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 204. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NoContent indicates
        //     that the request has been successfully processed and that the response is
        //     intentionally blank.
        NoContent = 204,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 205. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.ResetContent indicates
        //     that the client should reset (not reload) the current resource.
        ResetContent = 205,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 206. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PartialContent indicates
        //     that the response is a partial response as requested by a GET request that
        //     includes a byte range.
        PartialContent = 206,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 300. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.MultipleChoices
        //     indicates that the requested information has multiple representations. The
        //     default action is to treat this status as a redirect and follow the contents
        //     of the Location header associated with this response.
        MultipleChoices = 300,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 300. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Ambiguous indicates
        //     that the requested information has multiple representations. The default
        //     action is to treat this status as a redirect and follow the contents of the
        //     Location header associated with this response.
        Ambiguous = 300,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 301. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently
        //     indicates that the requested information has been moved to the URI specified
        //     in the Location header. The default action when this status is received is
        //     to follow the Location header associated with the response.
        MovedPermanently = 301,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 301. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Moved indicates
        //     that the requested information has been moved to the URI specified in the
        //     Location header. The default action when this status is received is to follow
        //     the Location header associated with the response. When the original request
        //     method was POST, the redirected request will use the GET method.
        Moved = 301,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 302. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Found indicates
        //     that the requested information is located at the URI specified in the Location
        //     header. The default action when this status is received is to follow the
        //     Location header associated with the response. When the original request method
        //     was POST, the redirected request will use the GET method.
        Found = 302,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 302. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Redirect indicates
        //     that the requested information is located at the URI specified in the Location
        //     header. The default action when this status is received is to follow the
        //     Location header associated with the response. When the original request method
        //     was POST, the redirected request will use the GET method.
        Redirect = 302,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 303. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.SeeOther automatically
        //     redirects the client to the URI specified in the Location header as the result
        //     of a POST. The request to the resource specified by the Location header will
        //     be made with a GET.
        SeeOther = 303,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 303. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RedirectMethod automatically
        //     redirects the client to the URI specified in the Location header as the result
        //     of a POST. The request to the resource specified by the Location header will
        //     be made with a GET.
        RedirectMethod = 303,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 304. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotModified indicates
        //     that the client's cached copy is up to date. The contents of the resource
        //     are not transferred.
        NotModified = 304,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 305. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.UseProxy indicates
        //     that the request should use the proxy server at the URI specified in the
        //     Location header.
        UseProxy = 305,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 306. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unused is a proposed
        //     extension to the HTTP/1.1 specification that is not fully specified.
        Unused = 306,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 307. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.TemporaryRedirect
        //     indicates that the request information is located at the URI specified in
        //     the Location header. The default action when this status is received is to
        //     follow the Location header associated with the response. When the original
        //     request method was POST, the redirected request will also use the POST method.
        TemporaryRedirect = 307,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 307. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RedirectKeepVerb
        //     indicates that the request information is located at the URI specified in
        //     the Location header. The default action when this status is received is to
        //     follow the Location header associated with the response. When the original
        //     request method was POST, the redirected request will also use the POST method.
        RedirectKeepVerb = 307,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 400. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest indicates
        //     that the request could not be understood by the server. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest
        //     is sent when no other error is applicable, or if the exact error is unknown
        //     or does not have its own error code.
        BadRequest = 400,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 401. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized indicates
        //     that the requested resource requires authentication. The WWW-Authenticate
        //     header contains the details of how to perform the authentication.
        Unauthorized = 401,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 402. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PaymentRequired
        //     is reserved for future use.
        PaymentRequired = 402,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 403. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden indicates
        //     that the server refuses to fulfill the request.
        Forbidden = 403,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 404. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound indicates
        //     that the requested resource does not exist on the server.
        NotFound = 404,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 405. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed
        //     indicates that the request method (POST or GET) is not allowed on the requested
        //     resource.
        MethodNotAllowed = 405,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 406. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable indicates
        //     that the client has indicated with Accept headers that it will not accept
        //     any of the available representations of the resource.
        NotAcceptable = 406,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 407. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired
        //     indicates that the requested proxy requires authentication. The Proxy-authenticate
        //     header contains the details of how to perform the authentication.
        ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 408. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout indicates
        //     that the client did not send a request within the time the server was expecting
        //     the request.
        RequestTimeout = 408,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 409. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict indicates
        //     that the request could not be carried out because of a conflict on the server.
        Conflict = 409,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 410. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Gone indicates that
        //     the requested resource is no longer available.
        Gone = 410,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 411. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.LengthRequired indicates
        //     that the required Content-length header is missing.
        LengthRequired = 411,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 412. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed
        //     indicates that a condition set for this request failed, and the request cannot
        //     be carried out. Conditions are set with conditional request headers like
        //     If-Match, If-None-Match, or If-Unmodified-Since.
        PreconditionFailed = 412,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 413. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RequestEntityTooLarge
        //     indicates that the request is too large for the server to process.
        RequestEntityTooLarge = 413,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 414. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RequestUriTooLong
        //     indicates that the URI is too long.
        RequestUriTooLong = 414,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 415. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType
        //     indicates that the request is an unsupported type.
        UnsupportedMediaType = 415,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 416. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
        //     indicates that the range of data requested from the resource cannot be returned,
        //     either because the beginning of the range is before the beginning of the
        //     resource, or the end of the range is after the end of the resource.
        RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 417. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed
        //     indicates that an expectation given in an Expect header could not be met
        //     by the server.
        ExpectationFailed = 417,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 500. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
        //     indicates that a generic error has occurred on the server.
        InternalServerError = 500,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 501. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented indicates
        //     that the server does not support the requested function.
        NotImplemented = 501,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 502. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadGateway indicates
        //     that an intermediate proxy server received a bad response from another proxy
        //     or the origin server.
        BadGateway = 502,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 503. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable
        //     indicates that the server is temporarily unavailable, usually due to high
        //     load or maintenance.
        ServiceUnavailable = 503,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 504. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout indicates
        //     that an intermediate proxy server timed out while waiting for a response
        //     from another proxy or the origin server.
        GatewayTimeout = 504,
        // Summary:
        //     Equivalent to HTTP status 505. System.Net.HttpStatusCode.HttpVersionNotSupported
        //     indicates that the requested HTTP version is not supported by the server.
        HttpVersionNotSupported = 505,
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qingliuyu/p/4313558.html
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