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  • 数据可视化基础专题(三十):Pandas基础(十) 合并(三)merge(二)

    7 Joining key columns on an index

    join() takes an optional on argument which may be a column or multiple column names, which specifies that the passed DataFrame is to be aligned on that column in the DataFrame. These two function calls are completely equivalent:

    left.join(right, on=key_or_keys)
        left, right, left_on=key_or_keys, right_index=True, how="left", sort=False

    Obviously you can choose whichever form you find more convenient. For many-to-one joins (where one of the DataFrame’s is already indexed by the join key), using join may be more convenient. Here is a simple example:

    In [91]: left = pd.DataFrame(
       ....:     {
       ....:         "A": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3"],
       ....:         "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2", "B3"],
       ....:         "key": ["K0", "K1", "K0", "K1"],
       ....:     }
       ....: )
    In [92]: right = pd.DataFrame({"C": ["C0", "C1"], "D": ["D0", "D1"]}, index=["K0", "K1"])
    In [93]: result = left.join(right, on="key")

    In [94]: result = pd.merge(
       ....:     left, right, left_on="key", right_index=True, how="left", sort=False
       ....: )

     To join on multiple keys, the passed DataFrame must have a MultiIndex:

    In [95]: left = pd.DataFrame(
       ....:     {
       ....:         "A": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3"],
       ....:         "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2", "B3"],
       ....:         "key1": ["K0", "K0", "K1", "K2"],
       ....:         "key2": ["K0", "K1", "K0", "K1"],
       ....:     }
       ....: )
    In [96]: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
       ....:     [("K0", "K0"), ("K1", "K0"), ("K2", "K0"), ("K2", "K1")]
       ....: )
    In [97]: right = pd.DataFrame(
       ....:     {"C": ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"], "D": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"]}, index=index
       ....: )

    Now this can be joined by passing the two key column names:

    In [98]: result = left.join(right, on=["key1", "key2"])

    The default for DataFrame.join is to perform a left join (essentially a “VLOOKUP” operation, for Excel users), which uses only the keys found in the calling DataFrame. Other join types, for example inner join, can be just as easily performed:

    In [99]: result = left.join(right, on=["key1", "key2"], how="inner")

     As you can see, this drops any rows where there was no match.

    8 Joining a single Index to a MultiIndex

    You can join a singly-indexed DataFrame with a level of a MultiIndexed DataFrame. The level will match on the name of the index of the singly-indexed frame against a level name of the MultiIndexed frame.

    In [100]: left = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     {"A": ["A0", "A1", "A2"], "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2"]},
       .....:     index=pd.Index(["K0", "K1", "K2"], name="key"),
       .....: )
    In [101]: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
       .....:     [("K0", "Y0"), ("K1", "Y1"), ("K2", "Y2"), ("K2", "Y3")],
       .....:     names=["key", "Y"],
       .....: )
    In [102]: right = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     {"C": ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"], "D": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"]},
       .....:     index=index,
       .....: )
    In [103]: result = left.join(right, how="inner")

     This is equivalent but less verbose and more memory efficient / faster than this.

    In [104]: result = pd.merge(
       .....:     left.reset_index(), right.reset_index(), on=["key"], how="inner"
       .....: ).set_index(["key","Y"])

    9 Joining with two MultiIndexes

    This is supported in a limited way, provided that the index for the right argument is completely used in the join, and is a subset of the indices in the left argument, as in this example:

    In [105]: leftindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
       .....:     [list("abc"), list("xy"), [1, 2]], names=["abc", "xy", "num"]
       .....: )
    In [106]: left = pd.DataFrame({"v1": range(12)}, index=leftindex)
    In [107]: left
    abc xy num    
    a   x  1     0
           2     1
        y  1     2
           2     3
    b   x  1     4
           2     5
        y  1     6
           2     7
    c   x  1     8
           2     9
        y  1    10
           2    11
    In [108]: rightindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
       .....:     [list("abc"), list("xy")], names=["abc", "xy"]
       .....: )
    In [109]: right = pd.DataFrame({"v2": [100 * i for i in range(1, 7)]}, index=rightindex)
    In [110]: right
    abc xy     
    a   x   100
        y   200
    b   x   300
        y   400
    c   x   500
        y   600
    In [111]: left.join(right, on=["abc", "xy"], how="inner")
                v1   v2
    abc xy num         
    a   x  1     0  100
           2     1  100
        y  1     2  200
           2     3  200
    b   x  1     4  300
           2     5  300
        y  1     6  400
           2     7  400
    c   x  1     8  500
           2     9  500
        y  1    10  600
           2    11  600

    If that condition is not satisfied, a join with two multi-indexes can be done using the following code.

    In [112]: leftindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
       .....:     [("K0", "X0"), ("K0", "X1"), ("K1", "X2")], names=["key", "X"]
       .....: )
    In [113]: left = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     {"A": ["A0", "A1", "A2"], "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2"]}, index=leftindex
       .....: )
    In [114]: rightindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
       .....:     [("K0", "Y0"), ("K1", "Y1"), ("K2", "Y2"), ("K2", "Y3")], names=["key", "Y"]
       .....: )
    In [115]: right = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     {"C": ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"], "D": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"]}, index=rightindex
       .....: )
    In [116]: result = pd.merge(
       .....:     left.reset_index(), right.reset_index(), on=["key"], how="inner"
       .....: ).set_index(["key", "X", "Y"])

    10 Merging on a combination of columns and index levels

    Strings passed as the onleft_on, and right_on parameters may refer to either column names or index level names. This enables merging DataFrame instances on a combination of index levels and columns without resetting indexes.

    In [117]: left_index = pd.Index(["K0", "K0", "K1", "K2"], name="key1")
    In [118]: left = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     {
       .....:         "A": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3"],
       .....:         "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2", "B3"],
       .....:         "key2": ["K0", "K1", "K0", "K1"],
       .....:     },
       .....:     index=left_index,
       .....: )
    In [119]: right_index = pd.Index(["K0", "K1", "K2", "K2"], name="key1")
    In [120]: right = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     {
       .....:         "C": ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"],
       .....:         "D": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"],
       .....:         "key2": ["K0", "K0", "K0", "K1"],
       .....:     },
       .....:     index=right_index,
       .....: )
    In [121]: result = left.merge(right, on=["key1", "key2"])

    11 Overlapping value columns

    The merge suffixes argument takes a tuple of list of strings to append to overlapping column names in the input DataFrames to disambiguate the result columns:

    In [122]: left = pd.DataFrame({"k": ["K0", "K1", "K2"], "v": [1, 2, 3]})
    In [123]: right = pd.DataFrame({"k": ["K0", "K0", "K3"], "v": [4, 5, 6]})
    In [124]: result = pd.merge(left, right, on="k")

    In [125]: result = pd.merge(left, right, on="k", suffixes=("_l", "_r"))

     DataFrame.join() has lsuffix and rsuffix arguments which behave similarly.

    In [126]: left = left.set_index("k")
    In [127]: right = right.set_index("k")
    In [128]: result = left.join(right, lsuffix="_l", rsuffix="_r")

    12 Joining multiple DataFrames

    A list or tuple of DataFrames can also be passed to join() to join them together on their indexes.

    In [129]: right2 = pd.DataFrame({"v": [7, 8, 9]}, index=["K1", "K1", "K2"])
    In [130]: result = left.join([right, right2])

    13 Merging together values within Series or DataFrame columns

    Another fairly common situation is to have two like-indexed (or similarly indexed) Series or DataFrame objects and wanting to “patch” values in one object from values for matching indices in the other. Here is an example:

    In [131]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(
       .....:     [[np.nan, 3.0, 5.0], [-4.6, np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, 7.0, np.nan]]
       .....: )
    In [132]: df2 = pd.DataFrame([[-42.6, np.nan, -8.2], [-5.0, 1.6, 4]], index=[1, 2])

    For this, use the combine_first() method:

    In [133]: result = df1.combine_first(df2)

     Note that this method only takes values from the right DataFrame if they are missing in the left DataFrame. A related method, update(), alters non-NA values in place:

    In [134]: df1.update(df2)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiu-hua/p/14873415.html
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