这个主要用于爬虫技术: 把爬取的html页面保存为一个字符串,再从字符串中进行提取URL 比如把一个字符串保存在文件中 Now a days you can learn almost anything by just visiting http://www.google.com. But if you are completely new to computers or internet then first you need to leanr those fundamentals. Next you can visit a good e-learning site like - https://www.codingdict.com to learn further on a variety of subjects. 然后使用findall()函数进行查找和正则表达式有关的实例。 import re with open("pathurl_example.txt") as file: for line in file: urls = re.findall('https?://(?:[-w.]|(?:%[da-fA-F]{2}))+', line) print(urls)