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  • 实验一 关系数据库标准语言SQL


    在给定的关系数据库管理系统Microsoft SQL Server环境下,通过实验学生能够:

    1、MS SQL SERVER认识及其环境熟悉,了解T-SQL对标准SQL的扩充。








    create database qixin

    use qixin

    create table s
    sno        char(2),
    sname    varchar(6) not null,
    status    int,
    city    varchar(6),
    primary key (sno)

    create table p
    pno        char(2),
    pname    varchar(6) not null,
    color    char(2),
    weight    int,
    primary key (pno)

    create table j
    jno        char(2),
    jname    varchar(8) not null,
    city    varchar(6),
    primary key (jno)

    create table spj
    sno    char(2),
    pno    char(2),
    jno    char(2),
    qty    int,
    primary key (sno,pno,jno),
    foreign key (sno) references s(sno),
    foreign key (pno) references p(pno),
    foreign key (jno) references j(jno)

    create unique index s_sname on s(sname)
    drop index s.s_sname

    insert into s values('S1','竟仪',20,'天津')
    insert into s values('S2','盛锡',10,'北京')
    insert into s values('S3','东方红',30,'北京')
    insert into s values('S4','丰泰盛',20,'天津')
    insert into s values('S5','为民',30,'上海')
    insert into p values('P1','螺母','红',12)
    insert into p values('P2','螺栓','绿',17)
    insert into p values('P3','螺丝刀','蓝',14)
    insert into p values('P4','螺丝刀','红',14)
    insert into p values('P5','凸轮','蓝',40)
    insert into p values('P6','齿轮','红',30)
    insert into j values('J1','三建','北京')
    insert into j values('J2','一汽','长春')
    insert into j values('J3','弹簧厂','天津')
    insert into j values('J4','造船厂','天津')
    insert into j values('J5','机车厂','唐山')
    insert into j values('J6','无线电厂','常州')
    insert into j values('J7','半导体厂','南京')
    insert into spj values('S1','P1','J1',200)
    insert into spj values('S1','P1','J3',100)
    insert into spj values('S1','P1','J4',700)
    insert into spj values('S1','P2','J2',100)
    insert into spj values('S2','P3','J1',400)
    insert into spj values('S2','P3','J2',200)
    insert into spj values('S2','P3','J4',500)
    insert into spj values('S2','P3','J5',400)
    insert into spj values('S2','P5','J1',400)
    insert into spj values('S2','P5','J2',100)
    insert into spj values('S3','P1','J1',200)
    insert into spj values('S3','P3','J1',200)
    insert into spj values('S4','P5','J1',100)
    insert into spj values('S4','P6','J3',300)
    insert into spj values('S4','P6','J4',200)
    insert into spj values('S5','P2','J4',100)
    insert into spj values('S5','P3','J1',200)
    insert into spj values('S5','P6','J2',200)
    insert into spj values('S5','P6','J4',500)

    create table student
     sno char(9),
     sname varchar(10) not null,
     ssex char(2),
     sage int,
     sdept char(2),
     primary key(sno)

    create table course
     cno char(1),
     cname varchar(20) not null,
     cpno char(1),
     ccredit smallint,
     primary key(cno)

    create table sc
     sno char(9),
     cno char(1),
     grade int,
     primary key(sno,cno)

    drop table student
    drop table course
    drop table sc

    insert into student values('200215121','李勇','男',20,'CS')
    insert into student values('200215122','刘晨','女',19,'CS')
    insert into student values('200215123','王敏','女',18,'MA')
    insert into student values('200215125','张立','男',19,'IS')

    insert into course values('1','数据库','5',4)
    insert into course values('2','数学','',2)
    insert into course values('3','信息系统','1',4)
    insert into course values('4','操作系统','6',3)
    insert into course values('5','数据结构','7',4)
    insert into course values('6','数据处理','',2)
    insert into course values('7','PASCAL语言','6',4)

    insert into sc values('200215121','1',92)
    insert into sc values('200215121','2',85)
    insert into sc values('200215121','3',88)
    insert into sc values('200215122','2',90)
    insert into sc values('200215122','3',80)

    select sname from student where not exists
    (select * from course where not exists
    (select * from sc where sno=student.sno and cno=course.cno))
    select distinct sno from sc scx where not exists
    (select * from sc scy where scy.sno='200215122' and not exists
    (select * from sc scz where scz.sno=scx.sno and scz.cno=scy.cno))

    select * from student where sdept='CS' intersect select * from student where sage<=19
    select * from student where sdept='CS' intersect select * from student where sage<=19
    select * from student where sdept='CS' except select * from student where sage<=19

    create table dept_age (sdept char(15),avg_age smallint)
    insert into dept_age(sdept,avg_age) select sdept,avg(sage) from student group by sdept
    select * from dept_age

    create view IS_S1(sno,sname,grade)
    select student.sno,sname,grade from student,sc
    where sdept='IS' and student.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno='1'

    create view IS_S2
    select sno,sname,grade
    from IS_S1
    where grade>=90

    select distinct sno from spj where jno='j1'
    select distinct sno from spj where jno='j1' and pno='p1'
    select distinct sno from spj,p where spj.pno=p.pno and  jno='j1' and color='红'
    select distinct sno from spj where jno='j1' and pno in (select pno from p where color='红')
    select distinct sno from spj join p on spj.pno=p.pno where jno='j1' and color='红'
    select distinct jno from spj where jno not in
    (select jno from spj,p,s where spj.pno=p.pno and spj.sno=s.sno and city='天津' and color='红')
    select distinct jno from spj where jno not in
    (select spj.jno from s join spj on s.sno=spj.sno join p on p.pno=spj.pno where s.city='天津' and p.color='红')
    select distinct jno from spj where jno not in
    (select jno from spj where sno in (select sno from s where city='天津') and pno in (select pno from p where color='红'))
    select distinct jno from p join spj on spj.pno=p.pno join s on spj.sno=s.sno where color='红' and s.city!='天津'
    select distinct jno from spj spjx
      where not exists (
            select * from spj spjy where sno = 'S1' and not exists(
            select * from spj spjz where spjx.jno = spjz.jno and spjz.pno = spjy.pno))
    select distinct jno from spj spjx
      where not exists (
            select * from spj where sno = 'S1' and pno not in(
            select pno from spj spjz where spjz.jno = spjx.jno ))

    select sname,city from s
    select pname,color,weight from p
    select jno from spj where sno='s1'
    select pname,sum(qty) as sumqty from p join spj on p.pno=spj.pno where jno='j2' group by pname
    select pname,sum(qty) as sumqty from spj,p where spj.pno = p.pno and jno = 'J2' group by pname
    select pname,sumqty from p,
    (select pno,sum(qty) as sumqty  from spj where jno = 'J2' group by pno) j2sumqty
    where p.pno = j2sumqty.pno
    select distinct pno from spj where sno in (select sno from s where city='上海')
    select distinct pno from s,spj where s.sno=spj.sno and city='上海'
    select distinct pno from s join spj on s.sno=spj.sno where city='上海'
    select distinct pno from spj where exists (select * from s where sno=spj.sno and city='上海')
    select jname from j where jno in (select jno from spj where sno in (select sno from s where city='上海'))
    select distinct jname from s,j,spj where s.sno=spj.sno and j.jno=spj.jno and s.city='上海'
    select jno from spj where jno not in (select jno from spj where sno in (select sno from s where city='天津'))
    select jno from spj spjx where not exists
    (select * from s,spj where s.sno=spj.sno and s.city='天津' and spj.jno=spjx.jno  )
    select jno from spj spjx where not exists
    (select * from spj spjy where spjy.jno=spjx.jno and sno in (select sno from s where city='天津'))
    --错误:select distinct jno from spj where sno not in (select sno from s where city = '天津')
    update p set color='蓝' where color='红'
    update spj set sno='S3' where sno='S5' and pno='P6' and jno='J4'
    delete from spj where sno='S2'
    delete from s where sno='s2'
    insert into spj values('S2','P4','J6',200)

    create view v_sj as
    select sno,pno,sum(qty) as qty from spj where jno in (select jno from j where  jname = '三建') group by sno,pno
    select pno,sum(qty) as qtynum from v_spj group by pno
    select * from v_spj where sno='S1'

    --1 查询每项工程使用量最大的零件号,名称和使用量。
    select jno , pno , sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno , pno
    select jno , max(sumqty) as maxsumqty from (
         select jno , pno , sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno , pno) spjsumqty2
         group by jno
    select jno , p.pno , pname , maxsumqty from p,
      (select spjsumqty1.jno , pno , maxsumqty from (
          select jno , pno , sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno , pno) spjsumqty1 ,
      (select jno , max(sumqty) as maxsumqty from (
         select jno , pno , sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno , pno) spjsumqty2
         group by jno ) spjmaxsumqty
      where spjsumqty1.jno = spjmaxsumqty.jno and spjsumqty1.sumqty = spjmaxsumqty.maxsumqty) spjpnomaxsumqty
    where p.pno = spjpnomaxsumqty.pno
    order by jno , p.pno
    --2 查询使用了两种以上不同零件的工程的名称。
    select distinct jname from j where jno in (
           select jno from spj group by jno having count(distinct pno) >= 2 )
    select distinct jname from j,
        ( select jno from spj group by jno having count(distinct pno) >= 2 )spjcount
        where j.jno = spjcount.jno
    --3 查询使用零件总量最大的工程号
    select jno,sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno
    select max(sumqty) from (select jno,sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno)
    select distinct jno from (
        select jno,sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno ) spjqty1
            where sumqty = (
                select max(sumqty) from (
                    select jno,sum(qty) as sumqty from spj group by jno ) spjqty2)
    --4 查询使用零件种类最多的工程号
    select jno , count(distinct pno) as countpno from spj group by jno
    select max(countpno) from (select jno,count(distinct pno) as countpno from spj group by jno
    select distinct jno from (
        select jno,count(distinct pno) as countpno from spj group by jno ) spjcount1
        where countpno = (
           select max(countpno) from (
              select jno,count(distinct pno) as countpno from spj group by jno ) spjcount2)

  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qixin622/p/958004.html
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