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  • SDWebImage源码探究(二)


    • 常用的类 #import "UIImageView+WebCache.h"
    • /**
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url`.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url The url for the image.
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url;


    • /**
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url` and a placeholder.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url         The url for the image.
       * @param placeholder The image to be set initially, until the image request finishes.
       * @see sd_setImageWithURL:placeholderImage:options:
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder;
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url`, placeholder and custom options.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url         The url for the image.
       * @param placeholder The image to be set initially, until the image request finishes.
       * @param options     The options to use when downloading the image. @see SDWebImageOptions for the possible values.
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url`.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url            The url for the image.
       * @param completedBlock A block called when operation has been completed. This block has no return value
       *                       and takes the requested UIImage as first parameter. In case of error the image parameter
       *                       is nil and the second parameter may contain an NSError. The third parameter is a Boolean
       *                       indicating if the image was retrieved from the local cache or from the network.
       *                       The fourth parameter is the original image url.
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                       completed:(nullable SDExternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock;
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url`, placeholder.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url            The url for the image.
       * @param placeholder    The image to be set initially, until the image request finishes.
       * @param completedBlock A block called when operation has been completed. This block has no return value
       *                       and takes the requested UIImage as first parameter. In case of error the image parameter
       *                       is nil and the second parameter may contain an NSError. The third parameter is a Boolean
       *                       indicating if the image was retrieved from the local cache or from the network.
       *                       The fourth parameter is the original image url.
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
                       completed:(nullable SDExternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock;
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url`, placeholder and custom options.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url            The url for the image.
       * @param placeholder    The image to be set initially, until the image request finishes.
       * @param options        The options to use when downloading the image. @see SDWebImageOptions for the possible values.
       * @param completedBlock A block called when operation has been completed. This block has no return value
       *                       and takes the requested UIImage as first parameter. In case of error the image parameter
       *                       is nil and the second parameter may contain an NSError. The third parameter is a Boolean
       *                       indicating if the image was retrieved from the local cache or from the network.
       *                       The fourth parameter is the original image url.
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
                       completed:(nullable SDExternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock;
       * Set the imageView `image` with an `url`, placeholder and custom options.
       * The download is asynchronous and cached.
       * @param url            The url for the image.
       * @param placeholder    The image to be set initially, until the image request finishes.
       * @param options        The options to use when downloading the image. @see SDWebImageOptions for the possible values.
       * @param progressBlock  A block called while image is downloading
       *                       @note the progress block is executed on a background queue
       * @param completedBlock A block called when operation has been completed. This block has no return value
       *                       and takes the requested UIImage as first parameter. In case of error the image parameter
       *                       is nil and the second parameter may contain an NSError. The third parameter is a Boolean
       *                       indicating if the image was retrieved from the local cache or from the network.
       *                       The fourth parameter is the original image url.
      - (void)sd_setImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
                placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
                        progress:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
                       completed:(nullable SDExternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock;



    • 入口 setImageWithURL:placeholderImage:options:会先把 placeholderImage 显示,然后 SDWebImageManager 根据 URL 开始处理图片。
    • 进入SDWebImageManagerdownloadWithURL:delegate:options:userInfo:,交给 SDImageCache 从缓存查找图片是否已经下载 queryDiskCacheForKey:delegate:userInfo:
    • 先从内存图片缓存查找是否有图片,如果内存中已经有图片缓存,SDImageCacheDelegate 回调imageCache:didFindImage:forKey:userInfo: 到 SDWebImageManager。
    • SDWebImageManagerDelegate 回调webImageManager:didFinishWithImage:到 UIImageView+WebCache 等前端展示图片。
    • 如果内存缓存中没有,生成 NSInvocationOperation ,添加到队列开始从硬盘查找图片是否已经缓存。
    • 根据 URLKey 在硬盘缓存目录下尝试读取图片文件。这一步是在 NSOperation 进行的操作,所以回主线程进行结果回调 notifyDelegate:。
    • 如果上一操作从硬盘读取到了图片,将图片添加到内存缓存中
      (如果空闲内存过小,会先清空内存缓存)。 SDImageCacheDelegate 回调 imageCache:didFindImage:forKey:userInfo:。进而回调展示图片。

    • 如果从硬盘缓存目录读取不到图片,说明所有缓存都不存在该图片,需要下载图片,回调 imageCache:didNotFindImageForKey:userInfo:。
    • 共享或重新生成一个下载器 SDWebImageDownloader 开始下载图片。
    • 图片下载由NSURLSession(NSURLConnection已经被剔除了) 来做,实现相关 delegate 来判断图片下载中、下载完成和下载失败。
    • session:didReceiveData: 中利用 ImageIO做了按图片下载进度加载效果。
    • sessionDidFinishLoading:数据下载完成后交给SDWebImageDecoder 做图片解码处理。
    • 图片解码处理在一个NSOperationQueue完成,不会拖慢主线程 UI。如果有需要对下载的图片进行二次处理,最好也在这里完成,效率会好很多。
    • 在主线程 notifyDelegateOnMainThreadWithInfo: 宣告解码完成,imageDecoder:didFinishDecodingImage:userInfo:回调给 SDWebImageDownloader。
    • imageDownloader:didFinishWithImage:回调给 SDWebImageManager 告知图片下载完成。
    • 通知所有的 downloadDelegates下载完成,回调给需要的地方展示图片
    • 将图片保存到 SDImageCache 中,内存缓存和硬盘缓存同时保存。
    • 写文件到硬盘也在以单独 NSInvocationOperation 完成,

    • SDImageCache 在初始化的时候会注册一些消息通知,在内存警告或退到后台的时候清理内存图片缓存,应用结束的时候清理过期图片。
    • DWI 也提供了 UIButton+WebCache 和 MKAnnotationView+WebCache,方便使用。
    • SDWebImagePrefetcher 可以预先下载图片,方便后续使用。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiyiyifan/p/10315537.html
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