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  • USB

     1. USB

    1.1 复位

    1.2 Packet Buffer的使用(硬件缓冲区)

     23.5.1 Common registers

    USB control register (USB_CNTR)

    Bit 15 CTRM: Correct transfer interrupt mask
      0: Correct Transfer (CTR) Interrupt disabled.
      1: CTR Interrupt enabled, an interrupt request is generated when the corresponding bit in the USB_ISTR register is set.

    Bit 14 PMAOVRM: Packet memory area over / underrun interrupt mask

    Bit 13 ERRM: Error interrupt mask

    Bit 12 WKUPM: Wakeup interrupt mask

    Bit 11 SUSPM: Suspend mode interrupt mask

    Bit 10 RESETM: USB reset interrupt mask

    Bit 9 SOFM: Start of frame interrupt mask

    Bit 8 ESOFM: Expected start of frame interrupt mask

    Bits 7:5 Reserved.

    Bit 4 RESUME: Resume request 
    The microcontroller can set this bit to send a Resume signal to the host. It must be activated, according to USB specifications, for no less than 1 mS and no more than 15 mS after which the Host PC is ready to drive the resume sequence up to its end. 

    Bit 3 FSUSP: Force suspend
    Software must set this bit when the SUSP interrupt is received, which is issued when no traffic is received by the USB peripheral for 3 mS.
      0: No effect.
      1: Enter suspend mode. Clocks and static power dissipation in the analog transceiver are left unaffected. If suspend power consumption is a requirement (bus-powered device), the application software should set the LP_MODE bit after FSUSP as explained below.

    Bit 2 LP_MODE: Low-power mode
    This mode is used when the suspend-mode power constraints require that all static power dissipation is avoided, except the one required to supply the external pull-up resistor. This condition should be entered when the application is ready to stop all system clocks, or reduce their frequency in order to meet the power consumption requirements of the USB suspend condition. The USB activity during the suspend mode (WKUP event) asynchronously resets this bit (it can also be reset by software).
      0: No Low-power mode.
      1: Enter Low-power mode

    Bit 1 PDWN: Power down
    This bit is used to completely switch off all USB-related analog parts if it is required to completely disable the USB peripheral for any reason. When this bit is set, the USB peripheral is disconnected from the transceivers and it cannot be used.
      0: Exit Power Down.
      1: Enter Power down mode.

    Bit 0 FRES: Force USB Reset
      0: Clear USB reset.
      1: Force a reset of the USB peripheral, exactly like a RESET signalling on the USB. The USB peripheral is held in RESET state until software clears this bit. A “USB-RESET” interrupt is generated, if enabled.

     USB interrupt status register (USB_ISTR)





    void USB_Istr(void)
        wIstr = _GetISTR();
        // 举一个例子    
        if (wIstr & ISTR_SOF & wInterrupt_Mask) {
            SOF_Callback();    // 中断处理函数


    Bit 15 CTR: Correct transfer
      This bit is set by the hardware to indicate that an endpoint has successfully completed a transaction; using DIR and EP_ID bits software can determine which endpoint requested the interrupt. This bit is read-only.

    Bit 14 PMAOVR: Packet memory area over / underrun
    Bit 13 ERR: Error
    This flag is set whenever one of the errors listed below has occurred:
      NANS: 没有回答。主机响应的超时已过期。
      CRC: 循环冗余校验错误。无论是在令牌上还是在数据中,接收到的一个CRCs是错误的。
      BST: Bit Stuffing error.位填充错误。 在PID、数据和/或CRC中的任何位置都检测到位填充错误。
      FVIO: Framing format Violation. 帧格式冲突。接收到一个非标准帧(EOP不在正确的位置,错误的令牌序列等)。

    Bit 12 WKUP: Wakeup
      当在挂起模式下检测到唤醒USB外围设备的活动时,硬件将此位设置为1。此事件异步清除ctlr寄存器中的lp_mode位并激活usb_wakeup line,该行可用于通知设备的其余部分(例如唤醒单元)恢复进程的启动。这个位是读/写的,但是只有‘0’可以写,而写‘1’没有任何效果。

    Bit 11 SUSP: Suspend mode request 挂起模式请求

    Bit 10 RESET: USB reset request

    Bit 9 SOF: Start of frame
      此位指示一个新的USB帧的开始,它是在SOF数据包通过USB总线到达时设置的。中断服务例程可以监视SOF事件,使其具有到USB主机的1 ms同步事件,并安全地读取在SOF数据包接收处更新的 USB_FNR 寄存器(这可能对等时应用有用)。

    Bit 8 ESOF: Expected start of frame

    Bit 4 DIR: Direction of transaction

    Bits 3:0 EP_ID[3:0]: Endpoint Identifier

     USB frame number register (USB_FNR)

    Bit 15 RXDP: Receive data + line status
    Bit 14 RXDM: Receive data - line status
    Bit 13 LCK: Locked
    Bits 12:11 LSOF[1:0]: Lost SOF
    Bits 10:0 FN[10:0]: Frame number

    USB device address (USB_DADDR)

    Bits 15:8 Reserved
    Bit 7 EF: Enable function
    Bits 6:0 ADD[6:0]: Device address
      这些位包含在枚举过程中由主机PC分配的USB功能地址。关联的 USB_EPnR 寄存器中的这个字段和端点地址(EA)字段必须与USB令牌中包含的信息相匹配,以便处理到所需端点的事务。

    Buffer table address (USB_BTABLE)

    Bits 15:3 BTABLE[15:3]: Buffer table

     23.5.2 Endpoint-specific registers


    USB endpoint n register (USB_EPnR), n=[0..7]



    Bit 15 CTR_RX: Correct Transfer for reception
    当在此端点上成功完成Out/Setup事务时,硬件将设置此位;软件只能清除此位。如果相应地设置了USB_CNTR寄存器中的CTRM位,则会生成一个通用中断条件以及始终被激活的与端点相关的中断条件。发生的事务的类型,Out或Setup,可以从下面描述的安装位中确定。以NAK或延迟握手结束的事务不会设置此位,因为没有实际传输数据,例如协议错误或数据切换不匹配。This bit is read/write but only ‘0 can be written, writing 1 has no effect.

    Bit 14 DTOG_RX: Data Toggle, for reception transfers
    如果端点不是同步性的,则此位包含要接收的下一个数据包的数据切换位(0=DATA 0,1=data 1)的期望值。当ACK握手发送到USB主机时,硬件切换此位,跟踪具有匹配数据PID值的数据包接收;如果端点被定义为控制端点,则硬件在接收发送到该端点的设置PID时清除此位。
    如果端点是等时的,则此位仅用于支持数据包缓冲区交换,因为此类端点不使用数据切换,只传输DATA 0数据包(参见23.4.4节:等时传输)。硬件在数据包接收结束后切换此位,因为没有用于等时传输的握手。

     Bits 13:12 STAT_RX [1:0]: Status bits, for reception transfers

    Bit 11 SETUP: Setup transaction completed

    Bits 10:9 EP_TYPE[1:0]: Endpoint type
    这些位配置此端点的行为,如表174所述:页面638中的端点类型编码。端点0必须始终是一个控制端点,并且每个USB函数必须至少有一个地址为0的控制端点,但如果需要,可能还有其他的控制端点。只有控件端点处理安装事务,而其他类型的端点则忽略这些事务。安装事务不能用NAK或STACK来回答。如果将控制端点定义为NAK,则当接收到安装事务时,USB外围设备将不会在接收方向上响应,模拟接收错误。如果控制端点被定义为接收方向上的阻塞,那么设置数据包无论如何都会被接受,传输数据和发出CTR中断。Out事务的接收是以正常的方式处理的,即使端点是一个控制端点也是如此。大容量端点和中断端点具有非常相似的行为,它们仅在使用EP_CORT配置位的特殊特性上有所不同。The usage of Isochronous endpoints is explained in Section 23.4.4: Isochronous transfers 

    Bit 8 EP_KIND: Endpoint kind
    The meaning of this bit depends on the endpoint type configured by the EP_TYPE bits.
    Table 175 summarizes the different meanings.
    DBL_BUF: This bit is set by the software to enable the double-buffering feature for this bulk
    endpoint. The usage of double-buffered bulk endpoints is explained in Section 23.4.3:
    Double-buffered endpoints.
    STATUS_OUT: This bit is set by the software to indicate that a status out transaction is
    expected: in this case all OUT transactions containing more than zero data bytes are
    answered ‘STALL’ instead of ‘ACK’. This bit may be used to improve the robustness of the
    application to protocol errors during control transfers and its usage is intended for control
    endpoints only. When STATUS_OUT is reset, OUT transactions can have any number of
    bytes, as required.
    Bit 7 CTR_TX: Correct Transfer for transmission
    This bit is set by the hardware when an IN transaction is successfully completed on this
    endpoint; the software can only clear this bit. If the CTRM bit in the USB_CNTR register is
    set accordingly, a generic interrupt condition is generated together with the endpoint related
    interrupt condition, which is always activated.
    A transaction ended with a NAK or STALL handshake does not set this bit, since no data is
    actually transferred, as in the case of protocol errors or data toggle mismatches.
    This bit is read/write but only ‘0 can be written.

    Bit 6 DTOG_TX: Data Toggle, for transmission transfers
    If the endpoint is non-isochronous, this bit contains the required value of the data toggle bit
    (0=DATA0, 1=DATA1) for the next data packet to be transmitted. Hardware toggles this bit
    when the ACK handshake is received from the USB host, following a data packet
    transmission. If the endpoint is defined as a control one, hardware sets this bit to 1 at the
    reception of a SETUP PID addressed to this endpoint.
    If the endpoint is using the double buffer feature, this bit is used to support packet buffer
    swapping too (Refer to Section 23.4.3: Double-buffered endpoints)
    If the endpoint is Isochronous, this bit is used to support packet buffer swapping since no
    data toggling is used for this sort of endpoints and only DATA0 packet are transmitted (Refer
    to Section 23.4.4: Isochronous transfers). Hardware toggles this bit just after the end of data
    packet transmission, since no handshake is used for Isochronous transfers.
    This bit can also be toggled by the software to initialize its value (mandatory when the
    endpoint is not a control one) or to force a specific data toggle/packet buffer usage. When
    the application software writes ‘0, the value of DTOG_TX remains unchanged, while writing
    ‘1 makes the bit value toggle. This bit is read/write but it can only be toggled by writing 1.
    Bits 5:4 STAT_TX [1:0]: Status bits, for transmission transfers
    These bits contain the information about the endpoint status, listed in Table 176. These bits
    can be toggled by the software to initialize their value. When the application software writes
    ‘0, the value remains unchanged, while writing ‘1 makes the bit value toggle. Hardware sets
    the STAT_TX bits to NAK, when a correct transfer has occurred (CTR_TX=1) corresponding
    to a IN or SETUP (control only) transaction addressed to this endpoint. It then waits for the
    software to prepare the next set of data to be transmitted.
    Double-buffered bulk endpoints implement a special transaction flow control, which controls
    the status based on buffer availability condition (Refer to Section 23.4.3: Double-buffered
    If the endpoint is defined as Isochronous, its status can only be “VALID” or “DISABLED”.
    Therefore, the hardware cannot change the status of the endpoint after a successful
    transaction. If the software sets the STAT_TX bits to ‘STALL’ or ‘NAK’ for an Isochronous
    endpoint, the USB peripheral behavior is not defined. These bits are read/write but they can
    be only toggled by writing ‘1.
    Bits 3:0 EA[3:0]: Endpoint address
    Software must write in this field the 4-bit address used to identify the transactions directed to
    this endpoint. A value must be written before enabling the corresponding endpoint.





     23.5.4 USB register map

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