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  • 订单头和行的状态

    Order Header Statuses

    Following is a list of all possible statuses assigned to an order header.
    • Active
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - Incomplete Data
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - On Hold
    • Awaiting Start Date
    • Booked
    • Cancelled
    • Closed
    • Customer Accepted
    • Draft
    • Draft - Customer Rejected
    • Draft - Internal Rejected
    • Draft Submitted
    • Entered
    • Expired
    • Internal Approved
    • Internal Rejected
    • Invoice Interface - Complete
    • Lost
    • Offer Expired
    • Pending Customer Acceptance
    • Pending Internal Approval
    • Submitted
    • Terminated
    • User Working

    Order Line Statuses

    Following is a list of all possible statuses assigned to an order line.
    • Awaiting Export Screening
    • Awaiting Fulfillment
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - Incomplete Data
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - On Hold
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - Partially Interfaced, RFR Item
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - Pending Complete Delivery
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - RFR Item
    • Awaiting Invoice Interface - Unexpected error
    • Awaiting Payment Assurance - On Hold
    • Awaiting Payment Assurance - Receipts Not Assured
    • Awaiting Receipt
    • Awaiting Reprice - Invalid setup
    • Awaiting Reprice - On reprice line hold
    • Awaiting Reprice - Pricing error
    • Awaiting Reprice - Unexpected error
    • Awaiting Return
    • Awaiting Return Disposition
    • Awaiting Shipping
    • Awaiting Supply
    • BOM and Routing Created
    • Booked
    • Cancelled
    • Closed
    • Completed Export Screening
    • Config Item Created
    • Customer Accepted
    • Data Error Export Screening
    • Draft
    • Draft - Customer Rejected
    • Draft - Internal Rejected
    • Draft Submitted
    • Entered
    • Fulfilled
    • Interfaced to Receivables
    • Internal Approved
    • Internal Rejected
    • Inventory Interfaced
    • Invoice Interface - Not Applicable
    • Lost
    • Offer Expired
    • PO-Created
    • PO-Partial
    • PO-Received
    • PO-ReqCreated
    • PO-ReqRequested
    • Partially Interfaced to Receivables
    • Payment Assurance - Complete
    • Payment Assurance - Incorrect Data
    • Pending Customer Acceptance
    • Pending Internal Approval
    • Picked
    • Picked Partial
    • Preprovision
    • Preprovision Failed
    • Preprovision Requested
    • Preprovision Succeeded
    • Production Complete
    • Production Eligible
    • Production Open
    • Production Partial
    • Provisioning Failed to update Transaction Details
    • Provisioning Rejected
    • Provisioning Requested
    • Provisioning Successful
    • Provisioning in Error
    • Released to Warehouse
    • Reprice - Complete
    • Reprice - Not Applicable
    • Returned
    • Scheduled
    • Shipped
    • Supply Eligible
    • Supply Open
    • Supply Partial
    • Third Party Billing Failed
    • Third Party Billing Requested
    • Third Party Billing Succeeded

    From  https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=938454&tstart=-2

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/quanweiru/p/2733675.html
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