cxVerticalGrid can't get values
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; lvName, lvValue: string; begin for i := 0 to cxVerticalGrid1.Rows.Count - 1 do begin if cxVerticalGrid1.Rows.Items[i] is TcxEditorRow then begin lvName := cxVerticalGrid1.Rows.Items[i].Name; if cxVerticalGrid1.Rows.Items[i].Focused then lvValue := VarToStr(cxVerticalGrid1.InplaceEditor.EditValue) else lvValue := VarToStr(TcxEditorRow(cxVerticalGrid1.Rows.Items[i]).Properties.Value); Memo1.Lines.Add(lvName + ':' + lvValue); end; end; end;
How to work with an in-place CheckComboBox in VerticalGrid
function TForm1.GetComboChecks(cxCheckComboBoxProperties: TcxCheckComboBoxProperties; vValues: Variant; sDelim: string = ','): string; Var i: Integer; ACheckStates: TcxCheckStates; begin with cxCheckComboBoxProperties do begin items.BeginUpdate; try CalculateCheckStates(vValues, items, EditValueFormat, ACheckStates); for I := 0 to items.Count - 1 do if ACheckStates[i] = cbsChecked then result := items[i].Description + sDelim + result; if result <> '' then //получаем 101,12,1024, Delete(result, Length(result), 1);//удаляем последнюю запятую finally items.EndUpdate; end;//try end;//with end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; v: variant; begin ShowMessage(GetComboChecks(cxVerticalGrid1EditorRow1.Properties.EditProperties as TcxCheckComboBoxProperties, v)); ShowMessage(VarToStr(v)); end;
Copy text from VerticalGrid row to TcxRichEdit
<cxRichEdit>.EditValue := <cxVerticalGrid>.DataController.Values[<RecordIndex>, <ItemIndex>];
TcxVerticalGrid - Retrieve Values at Runtime
var I: Integer; V: Variant; ... with cxVerticalGrid1.Rows do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items[0] is TcxEditorRow then V := TcxEditorRow(Items[0]).Properties.Value;
cxVerticalGrid Actual value
procedure TForm1.TestEditPropertiesButtonClick(Sender: TObject; AButtonIndex: Integer); begin with TForm2.Create(Self) do try if ShowModal = mrOK then begin (Sender as TcxButtonEdit).EditValue := ID; (Sender as TcxButtonEdit).PostEditValue; end; ...