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  • Python爬取腾讯疫情实时数据并存储到mysql数据库





     1 import requests
     2 import json
     3 import time
     4 def get_details():
     5     url = 'https://view.inews.qq.com/g2/getOnsInfo?name=disease_h5&callback=jQuery34102848205531413024_1584924641755&_=1584924641756'
     6     headers ={
     7             'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Safari/537.36 Core/1.70.3741.400 QQBrowser/10.5.3863.400'
     8         }
     9     res = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
    10         #输出全部信息
    11         # print(res.text)
    12     response_data = json.loads(res.text.replace('jQuery34102848205531413024_1584924641755(','')[:-1])
    13     #输出这个字典的键值 dict_keys(['ret', 'data'])ret是响应值,0代表请求成功,data里是我们需要的数据
    14 #     print(response_data.keys()) 
    15     """上面已经转化过一次字典,然后获取里面的data,因为data是字符串,所以需要再次转化字典
    16         print(json.loads(reponse_data['data']).keys())
    17         结果:
    18         dict_keys(['lastUpdateTime', 'chinaTotal', 'chinaAdd', 'isShowAdd', 'showAddSwitch', 
    19         'areaTree', 'chinaDayList', 'chinaDayAddList', 'dailyNewAddHistory', 'dailyHistory',
    20         'wuhanDayList', 'articleList'])
    21         lastUpdateTime是最新更新时间,chinaTotal是全国疫情总数,chinaAdd是全国新增数据,
    22         isShowAdd代表是否展示新增数据,showAddSwitch是显示哪些数据,areaTree中有全国疫情数据
    23     """
    24     areaTree_data = json.loads(response_data['data'])['areaTree']
    25     temp=json.loads(response_data['data'])
    26 #     print(temp.keys())
    27 #     print(areaTree_data[0].keys())
    28     """
    29     获取上一级字典里的areaTree
    30     然后查看里面中国键值
    31     print(areaTree_data[0].keys())
    32     dict_keys(['name', 'today', 'total', 'children'])
    33     name代表国家名称,today代表今日数据,total代表总数,children里有全国各地数据,我们需要获取全国各地数据,查看children数据
    34     print(areaTree_data[0]['children'])
    35     这里面是
    36     name是地区名称,today是今日数据,total是总数,children是市级数据,
    37     我们通过这个接口可以获取每个地区的总数据。我们遍历这个列表,取出name,这个是省级的数据,还需要获取市级数据,
    38     需要取出name,children(市级数据)下的name、total(历史总数)下的confirm、heal、dead,today(今日数据)下的confirm(增加数),
    39     这些就是我们需要的数据
    40     """
    41         # print(areaTree_data[0]['children'])
    42     #     for province_data in areaTree_data[0]['children']:
    43         #     print(province_data)
    45     ds= temp['lastUpdateTime']
    46     details=[]
    47     for pro_infos in areaTree_data[0]['children']:
    48         province_name = pro_infos['name']  # 省名
    49         for city_infos in pro_infos['children']:
    50             city_name = city_infos['name']  # 市名
    51             confirm = city_infos['total']['confirm']#历史总数
    52             confirm_add = city_infos['today']['confirm']#今日增加数
    53             heal = city_infos['total']['heal']#治愈
    54             dead = city_infos['total']['dead']#死亡
    55 #             print(ds,province_name,city_name,confirm,confirm_add,heal,dead)
    56             details.append([ds,province_name,city_name,confirm,confirm_add,heal,dead])        
    57     return details


    1 # d=get_details()
    2 # print(d)


     1 import requests
     2 import json
     3 import time
     4 def get_history():
     5     url = 'https://view.inews.qq.com/g2/getOnsInfo?name=disease_other&callback=jQuery341026745307075030955_1584946267054&_=1584946267055'
     6     headers ={
     7         'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.25 Safari/537.36 Core/1.70.3741.400 QQBrowser/10.5.3863.400'
     8     }
     9     res = requests.get(url,headers=headers)
    10 #     print(res.text)
    11     response_data = json.loads(res.text.replace('jQuery341026745307075030955_1584946267054(','')[:-1])
    12 #     print(response_data)
    13     data = json.loads(response_data['data'])
    14 #     print(data.keys())
    15     chinaDayList = data['chinaDayList']#历史记录
    16     chinaDayAddList = data['chinaDayAddList']#历史新增记录
    17     history = {}
    18     for i in chinaDayList:
    19         ds = '2021.' + i['date']#时间
    20         tup = time.strptime(ds,'%Y.%m.%d')
    21         ds = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',tup)#改变时间格式,插入数据库
    22         confirm = i['confirm']
    23         suspect = i['suspect']
    24         heal = i['heal']
    25         dead = i['dead']
    26         history[ds] = {'confirm':confirm,'suspect':suspect,'heal':heal,'dead':dead}
    27     for i in chinaDayAddList:
    28         ds = '2021.' + i['date']#时间
    29         tup = time.strptime(ds,'%Y.%m.%d')
    30         ds = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',tup)#改变时间格式,插入数据库
    31         confirm_add = i['confirm']
    32         suspect_add = i['suspect']
    33         heal_add = i['heal']
    34         dead_add = i['dead']
    35         history[ds].update({'confirm_add':confirm_add,'suspect_add':suspect_add,'heal_add':heal_add,'dead_add':dead_add})
    36     return history


    1 # h=get_history()
    2 # print(h)


     1 import time
     2 import pymysql
     3 import traceback
     4 def get_conn():
     5     """
     6     :return: 连接,游标
     7     """
     8     # 创建连接
     9     conn = pymysql.connect(host="",
    10                     user="root",
    11                     password="000429",
    12                     db="mydb",
    13                     charset="utf8")
    14     # 创建游标
    15     cursor = conn.cursor()  # 执行完毕返回的结果集默认以元组显示
    16     return conn, cursor
    17 def close_conn(conn, cursor):
    18     if cursor:
    19         cursor.close()
    20     if conn:
    21         conn.close()


     1 def update_details():
     2     """
     3     更新 details 表
     4     :return:
     5     """
     6     cursor = None
     7     conn = None
     8     try:
     9         li = get_details()
    10         conn, cursor = get_conn()
    11         sql = "insert into details(update_time,province,city,confirm,confirm_add,heal,dead) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    12         sql_query = 'select %s=(select update_time from details order by id desc limit 1)' #对比当前最大时间戳
    13         cursor.execute(sql_query,li[0][0])
    14         if not cursor.fetchone()[0]:
    15             print(f"{time.asctime()}开始更新最新数据")
    16             for item in li:
    17                 cursor.execute(sql, item)
    18             conn.commit()  # 提交事务 update delete insert操作
    19             print(f"{time.asctime()}更新最新数据完毕")
    20         else:
    21             print(f"{time.asctime()}已是最新数据!")
    22     except:
    23         traceback.print_exc()
    24     finally:
    25         close_conn(conn, cursor)


    1 update_details()


     1 def insert_history():
     2     """
     3         插入历史数据
     4     :return:
     5     """
     6     cursor = None
     7     conn = None
     8     try:
     9         dic = get_history()
    10         print(f"{time.asctime()}开始插入历史数据")
    11         conn, cursor = get_conn()
    12         sql = "insert into history values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    13         for k, v in dic.items():
    14             # item 格式 {'2021-01-13': {'confirm': 41, 'suspect': 0, 'heal': 0, 'dead': 1}
    15             cursor.execute(sql, [k, v.get("confirm"), v.get("confirm_add"), v.get("suspect"),
    16                                  v.get("suspect_add"), v.get("heal"), v.get("heal_add"),
    17                                  v.get("dead"), v.get("dead_add")])
    19         conn.commit()  # 提交事务 update delete insert操作
    20         print(f"{time.asctime()}插入历史数据完毕")
    21     except:
    22         traceback.print_exc()
    23     finally:
    24         close_conn(conn, cursor)


    1 # insert_history()


     1 def update_history():
     2     """
     3     更新历史数据
     4     :return:
     5     """
     6     cursor = None
     7     conn = None
     8     try:
     9         dic = get_history()
    10         print(f"{time.asctime()}开始更新历史数据")
    11         conn, cursor = get_conn()
    12         sql = "insert into history values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    13         sql_query = "select confirm from history where ds=%s"
    14         for k, v in dic.items():
    15             # item 格式 {'2020-01-13': {'confirm': 41, 'suspect': 0, 'heal': 0, 'dead': 1}
    16             if not cursor.execute(sql_query, k):
    17                 cursor.execute(sql, [k, v.get("confirm"), v.get("confirm_add"), v.get("suspect"),
    18                                      v.get("suspect_add"), v.get("heal"), v.get("heal_add"),
    19                                      v.get("dead"), v.get("dead_add")])
    20         conn.commit()  # 提交事务 update delete insert操作
    21         print(f"{time.asctime()}历史数据更新完毕")
    22     except:
    23         traceback.print_exc()
    24     finally:
    25         close_conn(conn, cursor)


    1 # update_history()


     1 create table history(
     2     ds datetime not null comment '日期',
     3     confirm int(11) default null comment '累计确诊',
     4     confirm_add int(11) default null comment '当日新增确诊',
     5     suspect int(11) default null comment '剩余疑似',
     6     suspect_add int(11) default null comment '当日新增疑似',
     7     heal int(11) default null comment '累计治愈',
     8     heal_add int(11) default null comment '当日新增治愈',
     9     dead int(11) default null comment '累计死亡',
    10     dead_add int(11) default null comment '当日新增死亡',
    11     primary key(ds) using btree
    12 )engine=InnoDB DEFAULT charset=utf8mb4;
    13 create table details(
    14     id int(11) not null auto_increment,
    15     update_time datetime default null comment '数据最后更新时间',
    16     province varchar(50) default null comment '',
    17     city varchar(50) default null comment '',
    18     confirm int(11) default null comment '累计确诊',
    19     confirm_add int(11) default null comment '新增确诊',
    20     heal int(11) default null comment '累计治愈',
    21     dead int(11) default null comment '累计死亡',
    22     primary key(id)
    23 )engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8mb4;

    Tomorrow the birds will sing.

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