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  • jQuery制作鼠标经过显示图片大图,生成图片tips效果


    jQuery经过显示图片大图 图片tips效果
    <script type="text/javascript">   
        // Load this script once the document is ready   
        $(document).ready(function () {   
            // Get all the thumbnail   
            $('div.thumbnail-item').mouseenter(function(e) {   
                // Calculate the position of the image tooltip   
                x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left;   
                y = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top;   
                // Set the z-index of the current item,    
                // make sure it's greater than the rest of thumbnail items   
                // Set the position and display the image tooltip   
                .css({'top': y + 10,'left': x + 20,'display':'block'});  
            }).mousemove(function(e) {  
                // Calculate the position of the image tooltip            
                x = e.pageX - $(this).offset().left;  
                y = e.pageY - $(this).offset().top;  
                // This line causes the tooltip will follow the mouse pointer  
                $(this).children("div.tooltip").css({'top': y + 10,'left': x + 20});  
            }).mouseleave(function() {  
                // Reset the z-index and hide the image tooltip   
                .animate({"opacity": "hide"}, "fast");   


    .thumbnail-item {    
        /* position relative so that we can use position absolute for the tooltip */   
        position: relative;    
        float: left;     
        margin: 0px 5px;    
    .thumbnail-item a {    
        display: block;    
    .thumbnail-item img.thumbnail {   
        border:3px solid #ccc;     
    .tooltip {    
        /* by default, hide it */   
        display: none;    
        /* allow us to move the tooltip */   
        position: absolute;    
        /* align the image properly */   
        padding: 8px 0 0 8px;    
        .tooltip span.overlay {    
            /* the png image, need ie6 hack though */   
            background: url(images/overlay.png) no-repeat;    
            /* put this overlay on the top of the tooltip image */   
            position: absolute;    
            top: 0px;    
            left: 0px;    
            display: block;    
            width: 350px;    
            height: 200px;   


    <div class="thumbnail-item">   
            <a href="#"><img src="images/small1.jpg" class="thumbnail"/></a>   
            <div class="tooltip">   
                <img src="images/big1.jpg" alt="" width="330" height="185" />   
                <span class="overlay"></span>   
        <div class="thumbnail-item">   
            <a href="#"><img src="images/small2.jpg" class="thumbnail"/></a>   
            <div class="tooltip">   
                <img src="images/big2.jpg" alt="" width="330" height="185" />   
                <span class="overlay"></span>   
        <div class="thumbnail-item">   
            <a href="#"><img src="images/small3.jpg" class="thumbnail"/></a>   
            <div class="tooltip">   
                <img src="images/big3.jpg" alt="" width="330" height="185" />   
                <span class="overlay"></span>   
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ranran/p/jquery_pic_tips.html
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