always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) if(!rst_n) begin ...... ...... end else begin ........... ........... end
上述得异步复位结构,正常情况下,寄存器的更新会伴随clk的上升沿进行更新,但是rst_n何时结束就不一定了,若是在寄存器的 建立时间 + 保持时间之外,那么输出是稳定的,但是若是在这之内,那么会导致输出的数据不一定正确。
module rstn_ (clk,rstn,rstn_out); input clk ; input rstn; output rstn_out; //所要输出的复位信号 reg rst_out1,rst_out2; always@(posedge clk or negedge rstn) begin if(!rstn) begin rst_out1 <= 1'b0; rst_out2 <= 1'b0; end else begin rst_out1 <= 1'b1; rst_out2 <= rst_out1; end assign rstn_out = rst_out2; endmodule
Verilog 代码
/********************************************************* //description : this module will complete function of system init delay when power on //author : raymon //address : GDUT university of technology //e-mail : 770811496@qq.com //contact : 770811496 //time : 2015-1-31 **********************************************************/ `timescale 1ns/1ns module system_init_delay #( parameter SYS_DELAY_TOP = 24'd2500000 //50ms system init delay ) ( //------------------------------------------- //global clock input clk, //50MHz input rst_n, //system interface output delay_done ); //------------------------------------------ //Delay 50ms for steady state when power on reg [23:0] delay_cnt = 24'd0; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) delay_cnt <= 0; else if(delay_cnt < SYS_DELAY_TOP - 1'b1) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1; else delay_cnt <= SYS_DELAY_TOP - 1'b1; end assign delay_done = (delay_cnt == SYS_DELAY_TOP - 1'b1)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; endmodule
此模块是正常的利用quartus II生成的IP核PLL,这里不再讲解。
/********************************************************* //description : this module will complete function of system init delay when power on //author : raymon //address : GDUT university of technology //e-mail : 770811496@qq.com //contact : 770811496 //time : 2015-1-31 **********************************************************/ `timescale 1ns/1ns module sys_control(clk, rst_n, clk_ref, sys_rst_n); //---------------------------------------------- //globol clock input clk; //50MHz input rst_n; //reset //---------------------------------------------- //synced signal output clk_ref; //clock output output sys_rst_n; //system reset //---------------------------------- //component instantiation for system_delay wire delay_done; //system init delay has done system_init_delay #( .SYS_DELAY_TOP (24'd2500000) ) u_system_init_delay ( //global clock .clk (clk), .rst_n (1'b1), //It don't depend on rst_n when power up //system interface .delay_done (delay_done) ); //注意这里因为PLL的areset复位信号是高电平复位,和平常使用的rst_n信号正好相反
wire pll_reset = ~delay_done; //pll of ip needs high level to reset //---------------------------------- //using IP wire locked; sys_pll U1( .areset(pll_reset), .inclk0(clk), .c0(clk_ref), //output 100MHz .locked(locked) ); //---------------------------------------------- //rst_n sync, only controlled by the main clk reg rst_nr1, rst_nr2; always @(posedge clk_ref) begin if(!rst_n) begin rst_nr1 <= 1'b0; rst_nr2 <= 1'b0; end else begin rst_nr1 <= 1'b1; rst_nr2 <= rst_nr1; end end assign sys_rst_n = rst_nr2 & locked; //active low endmodule
Verilog 代码
/********************************************************* //description : this module will complete function of system init delay when power on //author : raymon //address : GDUT university of technology //e-mail : 770811496@qq.com //contact : 770811496 //time : 2015-1-31 **********************************************************/ `timescale 1ns/1ns module system_init_delay #( parameter SYS_DELAY_TOP = 24'd2500000 //50ms system init delay ) ( //------------------------------------------- //global clock input clk, //50MHz input rst_n, //system interface output delay_done ); //------------------------------------------ //Delay 50ms for steady state when power on reg [23:0] delay_cnt = 24'd0; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) delay_cnt <= 0; else if(delay_cnt < SYS_DELAY_TOP - 1'b1) delay_cnt <= delay_cnt + 1'b1; else delay_cnt <= SYS_DELAY_TOP - 1'b1; end assign delay_done = (delay_cnt == SYS_DELAY_TOP - 1'b1)? 1'b1 : 1'b0; endmodule
/********************************************************* //description :this module will complete function of system init delay when power on //author : raymon //address : GDUT university of technology //e-mail : 770811496@qq.com //contact : 770811496 //time : 2015-1-31 **********************************************************/ `timescale 1ns/1ns module system_ctrl(clk, rst_n, clk_ref, sys_rst_n); //---------------------------------------------- //globol clock input clk; input rst_n; //---------------------------------------------- //synced signal output clk_ref; //clock output output sys_rst_n; //system reset //---------------------------------------------- //rst_n sync, only controlled by the main clk reg rst_nr1, rst_nr2; always @(posedge clk) begin if(!rst_n) begin rst_nr1 <= 1'b0; rst_nr2 <= 1'b0; end else begin rst_nr1 <= 1'b1; rst_nr2 <= rst_nr1; end end //---------------------------------- //component instantiation for system_delay wire delay_done; //system init delay has done system_init_delay #( .SYS_DELAY_TOP (24'd2500000) ) u_system_init_delay ( //global clock .clk (clk), .rst_n (1'b1), //It don't depend on rst_n when power up //system interface .delay_done (delay_done) ); assign clk_ref = clk; assign sys_rst_n = rst_nr2 & delay_done; //active High endmodule