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  • db4o发布7.2,出现.NET 3.5版本,支持LINQ

    Db4Object刚刚发布了db4o的7.2beta,除了以前支持如下的平台:.NET 1.1,.NET 2.0,Mono外,现在还支持.NET 3.5了。当然支持.NET 3.5,最主要的时候要来支持LINQ。

    关于LINQ,我稍后再讲。现在讲讲7.2中最大的新特性——Transparent Activation(透明激活)。关于7.0版本的其他新特性,可以参看我在InfoQ上的文章《Db4Objects发布Db4o 7.0,支持透明激活》。



    We can reuse most of the code from the Deep Graphs chapter and get it to work with Transparent Activation.
    As a first step we should fill up our database with Car, Pilot and SensorReadout objects, so we have some objects to work with.

    // storeCarAndSnapshots
    Pilot pilot = new Pilot("Kimi Raikkonen", 110);
    Car car = new Car("Ferrari");
    car.Pilot = pilot;
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

    If we now rerun the code to traverse all cars and their sensor readings, we are again confronted with the same problem that we had before, we end up with some leaves of our object graph being null.  

    // retrieveSnapshotsSequentially
    IObjectSet result = db.QueryByExample(typeof (Car));
    Car car = (Car) result.Next();
    SensorReadout readout = car.History;
    while (readout != null)
        readout = readout.Next;



    Let's configure db4o to run in Transparent Activation mode and let's try again:

    // configureTransparentActivation
    Db4oFactory.Configure().Add(new TransparentActivationSupport());

    // retrieveSnapshotsSequentially
    IObjectSet result = db.QueryByExample(typeof (Car));
    Car car = (Car) result.Next();
    SensorReadout readout = car.History;
    while (readout != null)
        readout = readout.Next;

    Wow it worked! Is it really that easy? Principally yes. When db4o is run in Transparent Activation mode there are no surprises with null members that have not yet been read from the database.

    好了,透明激活就讲到这里,现在来看看LINQ的支持。Linq在7.0发布之前,在db4o上已经有一个linq to db4o的项目在做前期研究了,现在只是把linq to db4o合并到7.2中一起发布。

    linq to db4o提供了一个额外的程序集:Db4objects.Db4o.Linq

    要使用linq to db4o,只需要在项目中引用这个程序集。然后打开一个db4o数据库,就可以使用linq语法查询数据了:

    Let's prepare some objects in our database to query against:

    // storeObjects
    db.Store(new Car("Ferrari", (new Pilot("Michael Schumacher", 100))));
    db.Store(new Car("BMW", (new Pilot("Rubens Barrichello", 99))));

    The simplest LINQ query will look like this:

    // retrievePilot
    IEnumerable<Pilot> result = from Pilot p in db
                                where p.Name.StartsWith("Michael")
                                select p;

    You can see that we are using db4o object container as a datasource, the rest of the syntax is generic to all LINQ queries.
    Now let's try a bit more complex selection:

    // retrievePilotByCar
    IEnumerable<Pilot> result = from Car c in db
                                where c.Model.StartsWith("F")
                                && (c.Pilot.Points > 99 && c.Pilot.Points <150)
                                select c.Pilot;

    另外这里,也有一个linq to db4o的例子:Linq is here!

    通过linq来查询db4o确实带来了很多方便,不过现在linq to db4o还没有非常成熟,期待其更加完善成熟。

    大家对db4o 7.2有兴趣的,可以到这里下载来试试。

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