Dead is inevitable, in outer wilds. It waits beyond the atmosphere, at the bottom of the cliff, in the ghostly aura of a planet.
It’s in your oxygen level, your ship’s reactor.
It’s at the center of the sun.
You can pretend dead doesn’t exist, for a while. That’s what i did in my first go-round. I was exceptionally careful in landing and taking off, i talked to every person, i grimedglean every bit of information, i practice floating and falling, i planed my first space flight. But when i eventually leave the town i was born in and the planet i was born on, i flew my way over to a neighboring world, gently touched down and looked up, and saw the sky exploding.
Your solar system is a ticking time bomb, generations were born, live and die, not knowing that the sun will eventually destroy their world. It doesn’t particularly matter to anyone else.
but this unstoppable super nova does matter to me, the person who achieved hie lifelong dream of becoming an astronaut, minutes before the explosion.
It also matters to the scientists who have spent their whole life trying to unravel the mystery of the universe, and were just inches away before they saw all the things disappear.
It probably matters to the kids who just want to play hide and seek with, the elders who have seen astronauts like me come and go, the explorers who have taken up residence on another planet, it probably matters to them too. Although, they don’t know it.
Dead is inevitable, in outer wilds. And it does not inevitable once. Every time i die, through /. i wake up in the same place. Back home, back next to the camp fire, i ,am stuck in a loop. But in the brain of anyone else, i have even started to take off. I am/ and no one else know it. And no matter what i do, no matter how many planets i visit and kids i play hide and seek with, we are still on tick away before the end of the solar system.
But i explore, anyway. Maybe someone has found a way to stop that super nova, maybe there is a problem that has almost been solved, but just not quite.
But who knows how many times i wake up at the same place.
I can only build my map of the universe in a couple of minutes every time, but i can live in these minutes over and over,learning more every time the sun explodes