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  • ABAP-container拆分



     1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
     2 *& Report  ZRICO_TEST22
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     7 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
     8 report z_sourav_splitter.
    10 type-pools:cndp.
    11 data:
    12   docking   type ref to cl_gui_docking_container,
    13   splitter  type ref to cl_gui_splitter_container,
    14   splitter1 type ref to cl_gui_splitter_container.
    16 parameters: p type char1.
    17 at selection-screen output.
    19   if docking is not bound.
    20     create object docking
    21       exporting
    22         repid     = sy-repid
    23         dynnr     = sy-dynnr
    24         side      = docking->dock_at_left
    25         extension = 800.
    26     if sy-subrc = 0.
    27       check splitter is not bound.
    28       create object splitter
    29         exporting
    30           link_dynnr = sy-dynnr
    31           link_repid = sy-repid
    32           height     = 50
    33           align      = 15
    34           parent     = docking
    35           rows       = 2
    36           columns    = 1.
    37       if sy-subrc = 0.
    38 *      PERFORM publish using:
    39 *       '1' '1' 'DEMOWORD97SAPLOGO',
    40 *       '2' '1' 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO',
    41 *       '1' '2' 'ENJOYSAP_LOGO',
    42 *       '2' '2' 'DEMOWORD97SAPLOGO'.
    43         check splitter1 is not bound.
    44         create object splitter1
    45           exporting
    46             link_dynnr = sy-dynnr
    47             link_repid = sy-repid
    48             height     = 50
    49             align      = 15
    50             parent     = splitter->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 )
    51             rows       = 1
    52             columns    = 2.
    53       endif.
    54     endif.
    55   endif.
    57 form publish using l_row type any
    58                    l_column type any
    59                    l_logo type w3objid.
    60   data: dock_sub_cont   type ref to cl_gui_container,
    61         url             type cndp_url,
    62         picture_control type ref to cl_gui_picture.
    64   call method splitter->get_container
    65     exporting
    66       row       = l_row
    67       column    = l_column
    68     receiving
    69       container = dock_sub_cont.
    71   create object picture_control
    72     exporting
    73       parent = dock_sub_cont.
    75   call function 'DP_PUBLISH_WWW_URL'
    76     exporting
    77       objid                 = l_logo
    78       lifetime              = cndp_lifetime_transaction
    79     importing
    80       url                   = url
    81     exceptions
    82       dp_invalid_parameters = 1
    83       no_object             = 2
    84       dp_error_publish      = 3
    85       others                = 4.
    86   if sy-subrc = 0.
    87     call method picture_control->load_picture_from_url_async
    88       exporting
    89         url = url.
    90   endif.
    91 endform.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ricoo/p/10184266.html
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