There are n trains running between Kanto and Johto region. Assuming the railway is a number line, the i-th train travels from coordinate li to coordinate ri (both inclusive).
One day, m Team Rocket members invaded the railway system successfully. The i-th Team Rocket member was going to destroy the transportation hub with coordinate xi. Once a transportation hub within the driving range of a train is destroyed, the train's itinerary will be canceled immediately.
Giovanni wants to know how many train trips will be firstly canceled after each attack.
After all the attacks finished, for each train Giovanni needs to know that in which attack its itinerary was firstly canceled, or it was unaffected at all.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define pp pair<ll,ll> #define veci vector<int> #define idx(x) (lower_bound(mapp,mapp+mapp_num,x)-mapp) const int MAXN = 300233; const ll MOD = 998244353; class Node{ public: int l,r,lc,rc; veci points; }; Node nodes[MAXN*2]; ll mapp[MAXN]; int mapp_num; int nodes_num; pp orders[MAXN]; int seq[MAXN]; int first_erased[MAXN]; int t,n,m; int cases; int cntt; bool cmp(int a,int b) { return orders[a].second<orders[b].second; } void tree_init(int a,int b) { int now = nodes_num++; nodes[now].l = a; nodes[now].r = b; nodes[now].points.clear(); if(a == b-1)return ; int mid = (a+b)/2; nodes[now].lc = nodes_num; tree_init(a,mid); nodes[now].rc =nodes_num; tree_init(mid,b); } void tree_insert(int now,int pos,int key){ int l = nodes[now].l; int r = nodes[now].r; if(l == r-1){ nodes[now].points.push_back(key); // cout<<"check_tree: "<<now<<" "<<nodes[now].points.size()<<endl; return ; } int mid = (l+r)/2; if(pos < mid)tree_insert(nodes[now].lc,pos,key); else tree_insert(nodes[now].rc,pos,key); } void tree_merge(int now) { int l = nodes[now].l; int r = nodes[now].r; if(l == r-1)return ; tree_merge(nodes[now].lc); tree_merge(nodes[now].rc); int lc = nodes[now].lc; int rc = nodes[now].rc; int pl,pr; pl = pr = 0; int lenl = nodes[lc].points.size(); int lenr = nodes[rc].points.size(); while(pl!= lenl || pr != lenr){ if(pl!= lenl && pr != lenr){ if( cmp(nodes[lc].points[pl],nodes[rc].points[pr]) )nodes[now].points.push_back(nodes[lc].points[pl++]); else nodes[now].points.push_back(nodes[rc].points[pr++]); }else{ while(pl!=lenl)nodes[now].points.push_back(nodes[lc].points[pl++]); while(pr!=lenr)nodes[now].points.push_back(nodes[rc].points[pr++]); } } // cout<<"check_merge: "<<nodes[now].points.size()<<endl; } ll tree_erase(int now,int a,int b,int num,ll key){ int l = nodes[now].l; int r = nodes[now].r; ll ret = 0; if(l == a&&r == b){ int len = nodes[now].points.size(); for(int i=len-1;i>=0;i--){ int tar = nodes[now].points[i]; if(orders[tar].second < key)break; nodes[now].points.pop_back(); if(!first_erased[tar]){ cntt++; first_erased[tar] = num; if(!ret)ret =1 ; ret *= tar; ret %= MOD; } }return ret; } int mid = (l+r)/2; if(a < mid){ ll tmp = tree_erase(nodes[now].lc,a,min(b,mid),num,key); if(tmp)ret = tmp; tmp = 0 ; if(b>mid)tmp = tree_erase(nodes[now].rc,mid,b,num,key); if(tmp && ret)ret *= tmp; if(!ret && tmp)ret = tmp; }else ret = tree_erase(nodes[now].rc,a,b,num,key); return ret%MOD; } void init() { cin>>n>>m; nodes_num = 0; mapp_num = 0; memset(first_erased,0,sizeof(int)*(n+23)); mapp[mapp_num++] = LLONG_MIN; mapp[mapp_num++] = LLONG_MAX; for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ cin>>orders[i].first>>orders[i].second; mapp[mapp_num++] = orders[i].first; seq[i] = i; } tree_init(0,mapp_num); sort(mapp,mapp+mapp_num); sort(seq+1,seq+1+n,cmp); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) { // cout<<"check_seq: "<<idx(orders[seq[i]].first)<<endl; tree_insert(0,idx(orders[seq[i]].first),seq[i]); } tree_merge(0); ll last = 0; printf("Case #%d: ",cases-t); for(int i=1;i<=m;++i){ ll y; cin>>y; y ^= last; cntt = 0; int index = idx(y); if(mapp[index] == y)index++; // cout<<"check_y "<<y<<"index: "<<index<<endl; last = tree_erase(0,0,index,i,y); printf("%d ",cntt); } for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ printf("%d",first_erased[i]); if(i == n)printf(" "); else printf(" "); } } int main() { cin.sync_with_stdio(false); cin>>t;cases = t; while(t--)init(); return 0; }
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define pp pair<ll,ll> #define veci vector<int> #define idx(x) (lower_bound(mapp,mapp+mapp_num,x)-mapp) const int MAXN = 300233; const ll MOD = 998244353; int n,m,t; int cases; pp orders[MAXN]; veci tree[MAXN]; int seq[MAXN]; int first_erased[MAXN]; int cntt; ll mapp[MAXN]; int mapp_num; bool cmp(int a,int b){ return orders[a].second < orders[b].second; } void tree_insert(int pos,int key){ pos += 2; while(pos<mapp_num+2){ tree[pos].push_back(key); pos += pos&(-pos); } } ll tree_erase(int pos,int num,ll key){ pos += 2; ll ret = 0; while(pos){ int len = tree[pos].size(); for(int i=len-1;i>=0;i--){ int tar = tree[pos][i]; if(orders[tar].second < key)break; tree[pos].pop_back(); if(first_erased[tar] == 0){ cntt ++; first_erased[tar] = num; if(ret == 0)ret = 1; ret *= tar; ret %=MOD; } } pos -= pos&(-pos); } return ret; } void init(){ mapp_num = 0; mapp[mapp_num++] = LLONG_MAX; mapp[mapp_num++] = LLONG_MIN; memset(first_erased,0,sizeof(first_erased)); cin>>n>>m; for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ cin>>orders[i].first>>orders[i].second; mapp[mapp_num++] = orders[i].first; seq[i] = i; } for(int i=0;i<=n+23;++i)tree[i].clear(); sort(mapp,mapp+mapp_num); sort(seq+1,seq+1+n,cmp); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ tree_insert(idx(orders[seq[i]].first),seq[i]); } ll last = 0; printf("Case #%d: ",cases-t); for(int i=1;i<=m;++i){ ll y; cin>>y; y ^= last; cntt = 0; int index = idx(y); if(mapp[index] != y)index--; last = tree_erase(index,i,y); printf("%d ",cntt); } for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){ printf("%d",first_erased[i]); if(i == n)printf(" "); else printf(" "); } } int main(){ cin.sync_with_stdio(false); cin>>t; cases = t; while(t--)init(); return 0; }