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  • C++根据.h文件批量生成需要的函数框架

    类似VS中添加类 A的方法 int abc();


    int A::abc() {







      touch abc.cc


      ./prodef.py  abc.h abc.cc


     ./prodef.py  abc.h


    用google 开源的代码做了一个实验,


    // Copyright 2008, Google Inc.

    // All rights reserved.



    #include <iosfwd>

    #include <gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h>

    #include <gtest/internal/gtest-string.h>

    namespace testing {

    // The possible outcomes of a test part (i.e. an assertion or an

    // explicit SUCCEED(), FAIL(), or ADD_FAILURE()).

    enum TestPartResultType {

      TPRT_SUCCESS,           // Succeeded.

      TPRT_NONFATAL_FAILURE,  // Failed but the test can continue.

      TPRT_FATAL_FAILURE      // Failed and the test should be terminated.


    // A copyable object representing the result of a test part (i.e. an

    // assertion or an explicit FAIL(), ADD_FAILURE(), or SUCCESS()).


    // Don't inherit from TestPartResult as its destructor is not virtual.

    class TestPartResult {


      // C'tor.  TestPartResult does NOT have a default constructor.

      // Always use this constructor (with parameters) to create a

      // TestPartResult object.

      TestPartResult(TestPartResultType type,

                     const char* file_name,

                     int line_number,

                     const char* message)

          : type_(type),




            message_(message) {


      // Gets the outcome of the test part.

      TestPartResultType type() const { return type_; }

      // Gets the name of the source file where the test part took place, or

      // NULL if it's unknown.

      const char* file_name() const { return file_name_.c_str(); }

      // Gets the line in the source file where the test part took place,

      // or -1 if it's unknown.

      int line_number() const { return line_number_; }

      // Gets the summary of the failure message.

      const char* summary() const { return summary_.c_str(); }

      // Gets the message associated with the test part.

      const char* message() const { return message_.c_str(); }

      // Returns true iff the test part passed.

      bool passed() const { return type_ == TPRT_SUCCESS; }

      // Returns true iff the test part failed.

      bool failed() const { return type_ != TPRT_SUCCESS; }

      // Returns true iff the test part non-fatally failed.

      bool nonfatally_failed() const { return type_ == TPRT_NONFATAL_FAILURE; }

      // Returns true iff the test part fatally failed.

      bool fatally_failed() const { return type_ == TPRT_FATAL_FAILURE; }


      TestPartResultType type_;

      // Gets the summary of the failure message by omitting the stack

      // trace in it.

      static internal::String ExtractSummary(const char* message);

      // The name of the source file where the test part took place, or

      // NULL if the source file is unknown.

      internal::String file_name_;

      // The line in the source file where the test part took place, or -1

      // if the line number is unknown.

      int line_number_;

      internal::String summary_;  // The test failure summary.

      internal::String message_;  // The test failure message.


    // Prints a TestPartResult object.

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TestPartResult& result);

    // An array of TestPartResult objects.


    // We define this class as we cannot use STL containers when compiling

    // Google Test with MSVC 7.1 and exceptions disabled.


    // Don't inherit from TestPartResultArray as its destructor is not

    // virtual.

    class TestPartResultArray {




      // Appends the given TestPartResult to the array.

      void Append(const TestPartResult& result);

      // Returns the TestPartResult at the given index (0-based).

      const TestPartResult& GetTestPartResult(int index) const;

      // Returns the number of TestPartResult objects in the array.

      int size() const;


      // Internally we use a list to simulate the array.  Yes, this means

      // that random access is O(N) in time, but it's OK for its purpose.

      internal::List<TestPartResult>* const list_;



    // This interface knows how to report a test part result.

    class TestPartResultReporterInterface {


      virtual ~TestPartResultReporterInterface() {}

      virtual void ReportTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result) = 0;


    namespace internal {

    // This helper class is used by {ASSERT|EXPECT}_NO_FATAL_FAILURE to check if a

    // statement generates new fatal failures. To do so it registers itself as the

    // current test part result reporter. Besides checking if fatal failures were

    // reported, it only delegates the reporting to the former result reporter.

    // The original result reporter is restored in the destructor.


    class HasNewFatalFailureHelper : public TestPartResultReporterInterface {



      virtual ~HasNewFatalFailureHelper();

      virtual void ReportTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result);

      bool has_new_fatal_failure() const { return has_new_fatal_failure_; }


      bool has_new_fatal_failure_;

      TestPartResultReporterInterface* original_reporter_;



    }  // namespace internal

    }  // namespace testing


    运行 ./prodef.py gtest-test-part.h

    生成的 gtest-test-part.cc 函数框架如下

    #include "gtest-test-part.h"

    namespace testing {

    // Gets the summary of the failure message by omitting the stack

    // trace in it.

    internal::String TestPartResult::ExtractSummary(const char* message) {


    // Prints a TestPartResult object.

    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TestPartResult& result) {


    TestPartResultArray::TestPartResultArray() {


    TestPartResultArray::~TestPartResultArray() {


    // Appends the given TestPartResult to the array.

    void TestPartResultArray::Append(const TestPartResult& result) {


    // Returns the TestPartResult at the given index (0-based).

    const TestPartResult& TestPartResultArray::GetTestPartResult(int index) const {


    // Returns the number of TestPartResult objects in the array.

    int TestPartResultArray::size() const {


    void TestPartResultReporterInterface::ReportTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result) {


    namespace internal {

    HasNewFatalFailureHelper::HasNewFatalFailureHelper() {


    HasNewFatalFailureHelper::~HasNewFatalFailureHelper() {


    void HasNewFatalFailureHelper::ReportTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result) {


    }  // namespace internal

    }  // namespace testing




    #automate generate the .cc file according to .h file
    #generate all the functions need to be implemented 
    #defining in .h file

    #autor goldenlock@pku


    #since c++ is complex
    #there may be bugs... 
    #I assume you define class as below
    #class A {
    #I assume you define function as below
    #int abc();
    #int abc(int x,int y
    # int z);
    #Below is not allowed
    #abc (int x,int y,int z);
    #I assume you always use c++ style comment //

    def usage():
            Run the program like this,notice need to touch a empty .cc or .cpp by yourself
    we assume .cc by defualt
    1.touch abc.cc                
            2./prodef.py abc.h abc.cc
              or ./prodef.py abc.h 

    1.touch a.cpp
    2./prodef.py a.h a.cpp

            It will read abc.h and append the fuctions 
            to be implemented to abc.cc

    func_list_exist = []
    def AnalyzeOutputFile(file_handle):
        print('Analze output file right now ,the reslt of existing functions is below\n')
        m = file_handle.readlines()
        i = 0
        while (i < len(m)):
            line = m[i]
            find1 = re.search('[(]',line)
            find2 = re.search('[)]',line)
            if (find1 and (not find2)):
                i += 1
                line += m[i] 
                while (i < len(m) and (not re.search('[)]',line))):
                    i += 1
                    line += m[i]
            match = re.search('^.*\)',line,re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
            if match:
            i += 1
        print('Output file analze done!\n')

    def ConvertDot_h2Dot_CC(input_file,output_file):
            kernal function given a .h file
            convert to a .cc one with
            all the functions properly listed
        print('The file you want to deal with is '+input_file + \
            '\n It is converted to ' + output_file)
        pattern = re.compile(r"""(^[\s]*)             #leading withe space,we will find and delete after
                         ([a-zA-Z~_]            # void int likely the first caracter v or i...
         [)]                   #we find )
         #(?!\s*=\s*0)          #if we find = 0  which means pur virtual we will not match after
         (?!.*{)              # we do not want the case int abc() const { return 1;}
         (;.*)                 #we want to find ; and after for we will replace these later
         """,re.VERBOSE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
        pattern2 = re.compile(r'(virtual\s+|explicit\s+|friend\s+|static\s+)')   
        leading_space_pattern = re.compile('(^[\s]*)[a-zA-Z~]')   
        pattern_func_name = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9~_\-]+\s*|operator.*)[(]') 

        pattern_comment = re.compile(r'^\s*//')
        pattern_template = re.compile(r'(class|typename)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)')
        p1 = re.compile(r'namespace.*{')      
        p2 = re.compile(r'(class|struct)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+).*{')
        p3 = re.compile('{')
        p4 = re.compile('}')
        stack = []
        stack_class = []
        stack_template = []
        f_out = open(output_file,'r+')    
        print('Below functions will be added\n')
        f_out.write('#include "' + input_file + '"\n\n')
        with open(input_file,'r') as f:
            m = f.readlines()
            i = 0
            while i < len(m):
                line = m[i]
                if line == '\n' or re.search('^\s*//',line) :
                    i += 1
                f1 = p1.search(line)
                if f1:                                
                    i += 1
                f2 = p2.search(line)   
                if f2:                 
                    class_name = f2.group(2)   
                    i += 1
                f3 = p3.search(line)
                f4 = p4.search(line)
                if f3:
                if f4:
                    top_status = stack.pop()
                    if top_status == 'namespace_now':
                    elif top_status == 'class_now':
                if f3 or f4:
                    i += 1
                if len(stack) >0 and stack[-1] == 'normal_now':  
                    i += 1
                find1 = re.search('[(]',line)
                find2 = re.search('[)]',line)
                if (find1 and (not find2)):
                    space = leading_space_pattern.search(line).group(1)
                    i += 1
                    line2 = m[i]
                    line2 = re.sub('^'+space,'',line2)     
                    line += line2
                    while (i < len(m) and (not re.search('[)]',line2))):
                        i += 1
                        line2 = m[i]
                        line2 = re.sub('^'+space,'',line2)
                        line += line2
                (line,match) = pattern.subn(r'\2 {\n\n}\n\n',line)  
                if match:
                    friend_match = re.search('friend ',line)
                    line = pattern2.sub('',line)            
                    define_match = re.search(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9~_/-]+)\s*[(]',line)
                    if define_match:
                        if len(stack_class) == 0 or (stack_class[-1] != define_match.group(1) and ('~'+stack_class[-1]) != define_match.group(1)):
                            i += 1
                    func_name = ''
                    if len(stack_class) > 0 and not friend_match :                
                        template_line = ''
                        x = ''
                        if (stack_template[-1] != ''):
                            template_line = re.sub(r'\s*template','template',stack_template[-1])
                            x = re.sub(r'template\s*\<','<',template_line)
                            x = x.rstrip()             
                            x = re.sub(r'(class|typename)\s+','',x)
                        line = pattern_func_name.sub(stack_class[-1] + x + '::' + r'\1(',line)
                        line = re.sub(r'\s*=\s*0','',line)                 
                        func_name = re.search('^.*\)',line).group()
                        line = template_line + line;                       
                        func_name = re.search('^.*\)',line,re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL).group()
                    comment_line = ''                                   
                    for j in range(i-1,0,-1):
                        c_line = m[j]
                        if pattern_comment.search(c_line):
                            c_line = re.sub('\s*//','//',c_line)
                            comment_line = c_line + comment_line
                    line = comment_line + line
                    if not(func_name in func_list_exist):
                i += 1
        print('Sucessfully converted,please see '+output_file)

    def main(argv):                         
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["help"]) 
        except getopt.GetoptError:           

        if len(opts) > 0:
            for o, a in opts: 
                if o in ("-h", "--help"): 
        elif len(args) > 0:
            input_file = args[0]
            if len(args) == 1:
                output_file = re.sub('.h','.cc',input_file)
                output_file = args[1]

    if __name__ == "__main__":

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